Banner Corner Gemstone

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Gemstone, Aug 29, 2014.

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  1. Gemstone

    Gemstone Forum Greenhorn

    Hello everyone,
    I would very much like it to make your banner requests.
    I have 3 years of experience, on the Dutch forum.
    Ask away, you can expect something like my banner, of course in your style.

    Greetings, Gemstone. :)
  2. epicamazing101

    epicamazing101 Forum Apprentice

    Hi Gemstone, welcome to the English forum!!! I love your banner, especially the cat :) I'm not looking for a banner (I got mine from Toekie next door) but I leave some fish in the hope your cat will enjoy it. Have fun making banners!

    ~ epicamazing101
  3. Gemstone

    Gemstone Forum Greenhorn

    How sweet, My cat found him delicious!
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Hi Gemstone!
    Can you make one banner for me with this picture [​IMG] my name and anything you can come up with?
  5. Gemstone

    Gemstone Forum Greenhorn

    Hello Ariel,
    Do you wanna have all the princesses or only Ariel?
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    with all the princesses and if you can I want the colors to match with my profile picture:)
  7. Gemstone

    Gemstone Forum Greenhorn

  8. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Great idea puting the half princesses in the one corner and the others in the other corner!!!
    in the same banner I just want two changes
    1.Can you put the yellow fish in another form?
    2. Can you change the letters not to seem like it is blood?
  9. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Hello Gemstone , your banners are so fantastic . Could you please make one banner for me with this picture [​IMG] with my name , and my id . if you want i will send you message for to tell you this, if prohibited there!
    Thank you very much!!
  10. Farmer96

    Farmer96 Forum Apprentice

    Hello Gemstone! Your job is so awesome!!
    I whould like a banner with farming photo and with my name Farmer96
    Have a nice day!!
  11. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    You should show off some work to give people idea's @Gemstone
    farmlily3 likes this.
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