Bird and bird houses building event

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by BeingStella, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    It would be nice to see birds added to the Farm. We could build Bird houses and use our supplies. Introduce millet as seed, use our sunflower for seeds. It is nice having crow and the kingfisher, and Doves, Cuckoos and the Kiwi. Can't forget our friend the Parrot. Even having the owl as a pet.
    It would be nice to have more birds that fly like the owl on our farm. Making a bird house to hang into the pear tree and it is for a partridge. Even something as crazy as a Road runner! Perhaps have a migrating bird visiting event or something? Only available for two weeks while they are passing thru as a reward.
    So as to not have the Bird house take up space, allow us to attach that newly built bird house to one of a number of our existing trees on the farm. it can attach to the Apple tree.
    Hummingbirds would be extremely entertaining and perhaps we could use our flowers to feed them, donating crops for feed. Pelicans migrate, the purple martin, swallows, nightingales even simple finches. So many choices. It would be nice to have song birds that sing when a curser passes over them.
    The bird house could increase our powerfeed to a stronger blend, or it could make our cats produce faster.
    Elva7, Aetheria14 and SillyGuy like this.