Breeding quest starts on 6-13-24

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by codyj, Jun 10, 2024.

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  1. codyj

    codyj Active Author

    has anyone heard anything on what will be required in the breeding quest starting in a couple of days? which animals/how many??? wondering if I have enough in my barn. codyj #44475068
  2. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Padavan

    You might have what you need in your barn, BUT (and I did capitalize that) the quest will likely require some item that we can ONLY get by breeding.

    So hopefully, you filled your breeding hut the last discount day and it is ready to harvest when the quest goes live. That will save you a little PF.

    If you aren't already, every minute you aren't milling animal feed, be milling PF. I generally can mill around 6 PF a day (with mill subscription). There are also many crates and cloud rows which give PF. I save the crates up and generally open them right before an event requiring PF starts.
  3. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    The fact that there's a new breeding update on the 13th means that we'll see new animal breedings (1, 2, 3 new animals?? Who knows??!). Maybe a new baha breeding to use up all those golden bananas (hummingbird, pengouin or crab maybe)? Or one of the newest main land animal (secretary bird or blue jay)? Crossing evertything that can be not to get a new MM breeding critter (anyone remebers if the zombie sheep was ntroduced while MM was close or not?

    Having only 3 days to prepare is not much for the average players, maybe checking your market could give you a hint as to what will be asked? Some other forums may have annouced it...
  4. acia66

    acia66 Forum Apprentice

    Tiger breeding it is then :) The market is empty of tigers and tiger food :( Tiger food takes 18 minutes with the mill subscription so unless someones got a lot of tigers or tiger food, this is going to be a bit tricky
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Money here I come, I got Tigers, I got tiger food.
    There is no event though ? Just quests?
  6. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Padavan

    I've got tigers, too! The graphic also shows lions? Is it going to be both or just tigers?

    Honestly, I've been expecting tigers to be the next "new" animal for breeding for a loooong time. I think my farms are ready!
  7. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    One of the mods posted in that the breeding event is called catmania, so I'm guessing we'll be breeding felines! :inlove:

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    so im confused for all the events what all fields do we need?:p
    BellaMary69 and Jarrow like this.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Hopefully this will clarify things for you, Marlymar.

    Main field: Catch Me (Drops from Main and Magical Glade).

    Baha Plantation and Green Meadow for Catmania (no drops), Cassettes come from Tiger breeding.

    Please correct me if I am wrong. :music:

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    ok thank you that helps alot :)
    Jarrow likes this.
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