
Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by browndoggies97, Dec 9, 2018.

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  1. browndoggies97

    browndoggies97 Active Author

    we need to be told a week before event what animals we are breeding so we can prepare.o_O
    FrootloopGrove and Cassie101 like this.
  2. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    There is usually something about upcoming breeding events posted in the Grapevine telling which animals will be needed.

    It is not always 100% accurate --
    Anacondas were rumored to be bred according to the Grapevine but they were replaced during the last breeding event.
    Also, sometimes it says you need certain animals and when the event comes around it is not a particular animal but the category of animal (mammals, birds, etc.) that is required.
    Cassie101 and Erridge like this.
  3. browndoggies97

    browndoggies97 Active Author

    I need to know and not rumors.