FAQ Buddies (Friends)

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Nov 8, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    * What is the first step to adding a new friend to my friend list?
    First, you need to go to the Post office in the city, as that is where you'll find your list of Friends.


    When you are inside the post office, you'll see this pop-up:


    * OK, so i'm in the post-office what do I need to do?
    The first step to add a new friend is to send that person a message,
    click on the Messages tab, and the Write Message button,

    you must now write a message to your future buddy.
    Just a brief message will do.


    Click on "Send", you'll get a confirmation message that your message has been sent

    * Message sent, now how do I make this friend appear on my friend list?
    Now, click on the "Outbox" button:


    Select the message you have just sent, by clicking the checkmark on the left, it will become yellow once selected, as shown below


    Click on "Add as friend"

    This player has now been added to your Friends List.

    * Where can I find my Friend's list?
    You can check this by clicking on the "Friends " tab, at the top:


    Once you have selected that friend, by clicking the "checkmark" on the left, you can then choose to:
    • Write a message
    • Send a gift
    • Delete from friends list
    * What other interaction is possible with friends?
    discover more options and interaction with your Farmerama Friends here:
    {FAQ} Post Office
    Discorium and peerlessdreams like this.
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