Bulk buying in the market

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by neily35, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    I hate the delay and I see a lot of players put things in there at Ten 1's or Twenty 1's. Can you make an option to bulk buy the slots? and the ones that people already bought it just says you got 8 of 10 items or something.
    Cassie101 likes this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This has come up before. Some of the problems are technical... the market can be so dynamic at times that by the time you click to buy xyz, it can be gone. This would be even more true for bulk purchases. The bigger issue, however, is that this would lead too much to bots and such, some people with really quick computers, fast hands or auto-programs (bots) would be able to scoop up bargains and effectively keep out others. I have seen this impact in other BP sites, even, never mind other company games.

    It is a bit of a pain to click through all the singles and doubles, but I don't think changing the system would be beneficial for all. Sometimes, when I am in a hurry and flush with CCs, I just opt to skip over and head toward the large quantities, but earlier on, I waited for the absolute cheapest at all times. (still do generally, but it depends).

    Keep up with the suggestions, though. I know I have been critical of your past 2 suggestions, but that doesn't mean your ideas are bad. Even aside from the fact that my opinion is just that.. MY opinion, no more valid than anyone else's, your suggestions show that you are thinking. Keep it up. I would suggest that you visit the strategy forum and maybe peruse some old suggestions, though. Not only could it save you time, it can give you even better ideas.
  3. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    in my opinion, having a minimum quantity when listing items for sale would be nice to see, tied to list price.
    for example;
    minimum 50 items/0.01-20cc each item
    40 items/20.01-40cc each
    30 items/40.01-60cc each
    all the way down to 1 item listed for anything worth 200cc or more.
    these numbers are just examples (BP would have to figure out appropriate amounts) but i think it would solve a lot of clicking and time for people wanting to buy multiple times.

    nothing more aggravating than to see lettuce listed in quantities of 5 going for 1.9cc by the same person taking up the first 10 listings.
    spotsbox and farmerlily22 like this.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Having a minimum would hamper newbies from making money they need early on. It would even hamper older players at times when we goof and need some quick cash to make other sales.

    And yes, though I have not made multiple lettuce sales, I have definitely posted 1 or a few lettuce when I goofed and ran out of money before I had put up all my items for sale.
  5. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    couple hours ago i saw someone selling lettuce, 5 trades of 1 each for 1.97cc, how is a noob making money on that?
    another person ( i forget what crop) had 20 trades of 1 each for some cheap cc's, over 3 pages.
    i just see it as spamming and bp takes it seriously when someone does it in the forums, they should do something about it in the market also. am i being too mean? i just dont know whether to laugh or cry when i see things like that.
    spotsbox and solotime like this.
  6. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    No your not but if a million people is playing this game that can be 20 buyers. not one?
    spotsbox likes this.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    You have to have 10% of the CC you put up to sell anything, so if you only have 1-2 CC, then that is what you can sell. Similarly, I can remember more than a few times starting out when I had used all my seeds, had little cash and had already bought my 100 each from the basket. I bought 1-2 lettuce, sold them, bought more and so forth.

    Further, more expensive items very often are sold for small quantities both because the seller may only have that amount and because small sales sometimes go more quickly. Any rule change would alter a lot more than you are anticipating.

    Just page past the small sales.
    spotsbox likes this.
  8. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Another thing to consider is that when you are doing events/quests/farm orders, you may only need a few items to fulfill the task. I don't want to buy a large lot of something I only need a few of. I don't mind buying small lots if they are the cheaper price.

    A trick to make market shopping a little easier for less mouse clicking. When you click on an item you wish to buy, then press the 'Enter' key. It automatically buys the item without the confirmation popup screen requiring a 2nd click.
    austg, TCRooster, wolfeyesone and 3 others like this.
  9. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    thats very good to know, thnx pnp
    spotsbox likes this.
  10. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Thanks pnp!!!!:D Genius!!! That's what you are!!!:music:
    puppiesnponies and spotsbox like this.
  11. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I agree, pnp, you're mega-mind is going to save me hours of time! Well, maybe not hours...just feeling a bit goofy, don't mind me.

    You'll probably notice I liked everything in this thread. It's not just because I have a natural inclination to hit like (which I do:p), but because everything said here has given me something to think about. I too find it super frustrating to have page after page of 1 quantity offers on items that should by all rights be sold in bulk. It's annoying to have to click, click, click, click. But, as pnp pointed out, it's equally frustrating when I only need 5 of something and the first 10 pages are offers of 100. Mind's too confuzzled to think of a solution that would satisfy all needs, if such a creature exists xD, but definitely have something to think on now.;)
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    It's not too hard spots ;) There could be an option to only show quantities between - and - where you could put a lower and/or upper limit.

    I think the whole market needs a serious upgrade 8)
    spotsbox likes this.
  13. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Day 7 of being nasty sick, Mir, remembering my own name is hard.;):p:cry:xD
    -Mir85- likes this.
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Sorry, I should have phrased it a bit differently, didn't mean to be mean or rude :oops: or anything else bad :p

    Hope you get well very soon spots :)
    spotsbox likes this.
  15. saltypixel

    saltypixel Regular

    o_O Such a simple little thing, yet makes such a difference! Thank you so much PnP, I never even thought about trying that in the game even though I do it all the time in other settings.
  16. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I too find it frustrating when I see 1 poop for sale, especially during non-events - c'mon guys I can stock pile now! If I could search by amount and then by price it would be easier or as Mir pointed out just omit amounts below say 100 in my search I would be very :D
    -Mir85- likes this.
  17. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    No offense taken, Mir, no worriesxD. You phrased it fine.
    -Mir85- likes this.
  18. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    i tried this, it is still an extra step. be it clicking the confirmation popup or taking my hand off the mouse to press the enter key. or am i missing something?
  19. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    One hand on the mouse and one finger
    on the enter key ;)
    wolfeyesone and puppiesnponies like this.
  20. austg

    austg Someday Author

    As a newbie I have gotten burned in the market by putting up something and then it does not sell.
    It would be nice to see a market trend - like last 10 items sold at this price on this day/time.
    So farmers selling at market would know ok there are purchases of 10 or 100 or whatever are more popular.

    I agree that I like to have only 1 of an item b/c that may be what I need and I don't think someone should have to sell at a higher price or a buyer to pay more just because they only wanted 1 of something instead of 100.

    Click on the sorter arrows to shuffle between qty or sales price to help get through the pages.