Butterfly house needs upgrade

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by 100keltic, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst


    As I sit here redoing my farm layout once again, after new items become 1st in :inlove: so get perm areas and old fav. get kicked to the curb with 2 weeks severance pay. I look at not loved but so needed on the 24 hour run.

    The butterfly house, it's big, it's hard to place as it covers the behind squares real nice like, and you need more than one.
    Quest call for 75+, people with that workshop that takes 3 butterfly's in one feeding, one farmer said they had 3 so need to tie up 36 squares just for them, it would be nice if a player could fuse them, still pay, but like that juryep giver, be able to pile them, make it give another butterfly per addition. New workshop why not a new upgrade?

    I know you all love that it will cost, so make it optional, to get this new toy it will cost 5 yellow stalls or don't do it and live with the loss of squares.

    Just a random thought, they happen to me.:music:
    FrootloopGrove, SillyGuy and d5aisy like this.
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi Keltic :) Even though it looks big, it only takes up 4 squares like any other stable, you can still place things behind it :) or did I misunderstand you? :oops:
  3. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst

    I have to articulate myself better, I think it but I don't always get all the thought out. :oops:
    The other stables you can turn them, place others behind, along the side/in front and still see the rectangle, but with that dome you have to place in the background, seeing the rectangle is not always easy with that thing. I got trees in back and on some of those angles it gets hard.
    I don't do the harvester, busy in other areas<see the flower set-.-> so right now I click.
    Thought is:

    The perfumery takes three butterfly's to feed, it's a lot, and if a farmer goes and gets more one stall + three stalls for food then one for the barn I would think 4 of them is needed for one perfumery and to extra for sale/quests.

    I just think since it is not a crop but a stall that needs 3 stalls to run/feed it it would be nice to get a bonus of less room taken, just thinking of running 3-6 of them things 9 - 18 butterfly stalls needed that is a lot of stalls.o_O almost a field to run 6? not all that cost effective.
    Like I said, random thought
    FrootloopGrove, d5aisy and CaliChrome like this.
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thank you, now I understand :)
    d5aisy likes this.
  5. d5aisy

    d5aisy Forum Inhabitant

    I really like the idea of combining workshops or pens. I would much rather have the same amount of land and combine 'like' items then have endless areas that have to be farmed. other games have tons of land and they take forever to harvest.
    It would be way nicer to have stackable pens/workshops/trees. 10 xl apples trees on a 1x1, 5 raccoon stalls on a 2x2. I don't think this feature should cost anymore... it should just be a easier to implement way to 'make the game bigger' without taking more time for us to play.
  6. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran


    If your intent is to be butterfly colored animal, I agree with your thoughts. Then we may build a pink stable (butterfly house) / a pink workshop (perfumery) to produce 3 butterflies / 2 shimmery powders.
    It is quite reasonable because we needed 3 squares (of 2x2's) for breeding/growing 3 butterflies in order to produce 1 shimmery powder. And also introduced a new permanent quest for shimmery powder.
    We have limited space !!

    Dear Game designers, please be considered.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015
    FrootloopGrove and Arielh like this.
  7. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    If they redesign my butterfly house I will lead the revolution >:(. But I like the idea of stacking.
  8. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I think the butterfly house is one of the prettiest pens in the game. So I wouldn't want to see it re-designed. I so miss the old paint factory.
    But I do understand Keltic's problem....they are bulky and if you don't use the harvester I can see where it would be hard planting around them. It's easy for that empty plot of land to hide behind them.
    Stacking would be a great alternative :)
  9. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    Or moving them completely to the edge where they cannot hide anything! Kind of like placing the elderberry trees behind everything because they are all so big.
    TCRooster and -Mir85- like this.
  10. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    I love the Butterfly house! It is by far the prettiest animal housing in the game. Big and awkward - maybe yes - but its prettiness more than makes up for it. I'm with you TC, don't they ever try and redesign it again!

    This was the abomination that was brought out a few years ago:

    http://_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_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 [​IMG]

    It resulted in such an outcry of dislike that after about two weeks they changed it back to its original design.

    DBAYES, Cassie101, farmerumf and 6 others like this.
  11. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    You really don't like your butterflies out of the dome?? and other agree cool.BUT Hummmm.... I much like my beautiful butterflies hanging around just because they want to not because they have too. I couldn't tell you how many times I wanted to take the dome off. Not so much for the reasons 100keltic wants, which I do understand. I just want my Beautiful Flying Color Palettes =Butterflies floating around free and willingly... not trapped and bumping into the dome top trying to... ... well, you get it. hahaha what are you thinking now??? :wuerg:here's a real nut job ;)xD
    PS: TCRooster "FREE THE BUTTERFLIES" hahahahah :p just goofing off
    BUT I really like the ""abomination""
    o_Oooops, LOL, I know this is old but I was looking for something and the title caught my eye I didn't even notice the date, just started reading and typing...:music:
    Arielh, TCRooster, TCbaby and 2 others like this.
  12. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    I'm with frootloopgroove on this. Let the butterflies breathe ;)

    They look much prettier without the translucent dome
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
  13. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I miss it too:oops:
    Look how beautiful my farm was with all the old pens

    I wouldn't want the butterfly house to be changed! I :inlove: it as it is.
    But I would like if perfumery needed less than 3 butterflies. The cheese factory needs 3 mice but we at least can get a pink mouse.
    I am with you:DxDxD
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  14. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    Even though it is big and bulky....I L:inlove:ve the butterfly house;) but I really...with deep passion...dislike the red butterfly upgrade YUCK.:(-.-
    baw815 and FrootloopGrove like this.
  15. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    Oh no the picture did not show up when I clicked the spoiler button. I would love to see the old paint factory.
    Arielh likes this.
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Maybe now can you see it?
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
  17. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    Oh yes, I can see now and WOW has things changed!!! That IS a nice looking paint factory, in deed. Also that is a really cute farm you had there. Thanks for sharing.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 6, 2017
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Thank you FrootloopGrove:) Actually with this picture I had won in the beauty competition in Farmerama many years ago.
    There were many winners every day, it wasn't an actual competition. There were also two lists with the players who had the most EP and most CC.
  19. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Looking at a field of Butterfly houses makes me Dizzy. :wuerg:
    Now that they are a Regular Animal house, please re-consider changing the appearance and animation.
    My butterfly's want to be free to stretch their wings. Theirs is the only habitat that suggests they do not want to be on my farm. :(
    Maybe if you remove the Dome they would settle down a bit and just Flit and Flutter instead of the current constant Swirling as if trying to escape! :eek:
    Go ahead... place a field of Butterflies and see what I mean. Please! :)
    PeepsCA likes this.
  20. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    It was tried years ago, but the communities (not so much the English) protested so much that they had to put the dome back on.
    farmerumf and joanc123 like this.