Carnival Extravaganza

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by PrairieMaiden23, Feb 26, 2025.

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  1. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    What should I even do here?

    DROPS won't be coming out for a long time (a week !?!?) , you can grow a plant, judging by the comments:

    I put all the "instructions" in the translator and they said that deliveries are impossible if you're not up to speed and I didn't understand whether I should deliver to certain "types" or to someone else and even getting CR from deliveries doesn't make any progress...

    The candies are a total fake, they don't do anything and while before you could take the candies and collect boosts and energy feeds and other things, now they say you can't really get them from the Queen either.

    I'm completely confused - the designers have outdone themselves here - at least for those who don't fully understand English!

    edit: if anyone wants to help me in Finnish, the nickname GAME PM is the same as here, Nuubi-Joonas2210 and Anki74 will be helped as well, I'm their "older generation" like IRL
    Nala777, marymac50, Jarrow and 4 others like this.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you for sharing your strategy and making it look possible to complete this event. My thoughts are that we lose an entire day because we only get 10 starter seeds and it will take multiple harvests in order to fill the field so I don't see how we can fill Customer 2 orders 3 times a day for 6 days. With your plan outlined above, delivering Customer 2 orders for 5 days shows it is still feasible but everything will have to be perfectly aligned.

    I don't want to be negative or discouraged and certainly do not want to influence anyone else. I'm just not sure how to fill orders 3 times a day. If we expect drops to not be an issue, that still leaves crops and a farm day that is a minimum of 14 hours. Hopefully the few orders I can do with the Proper Peas growing now will help buffer what happens in a few days when more content become available.
  3. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    I want our old Carnival back!
    Nala777, rivak, marymac50 and 7 others like this.
  4. Chamomile*

    Chamomile* Forum Apprentice

    for myself,

    6 March -
    14:00 Lolli Poppy planting

    Field layout:
    20x 2x2 plot
    5x 2x1 plot
    9x 1x1 plot

    18:30 50 x Lolli Poppies
    23:00 net 99 + 16 = 115 Lolli Poppies

    7 March -
    03:30 115+99 = 216 Lolli Poppies 1st delivery, 2nd zone activated.
    remaining 32 + 5 (system) (37 Lolli Poppies planted in 2x2 plots)

    Field layout:
    38x 2x2 plots
    6x 2x1 plots
    16x 1x1 plots

    08:00 net 148 Lolli Poppies
    13:00 net 180 Lolli Poppies 2nd delivery
    17:30 net 180 Lolli Poppies
    20:00 3rd delivery

    8 march -
    03:00 4th delivery
    10:00 5th delivery
    17:00 6th delivery
    24:00 7th delivery

    9 march 08:00 - 15:00 - 22:00
    10 march 08:00 - 15:00 - 22:00
    11 march 08:00 - 15:00 - 22:00
    12 march 08:00 - 15:00

    customer 2 completed 18 deliveries x 12 = (216)
    customer 1 fish candy 18 x 4 = 72
    Nala777, ç.çiftçi, Jarrow and 2 others like this.
  5. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you for the detailed breakdown of fields and harvest times. I do appreciate it.

    For is not possible to do the 3 AM delivery. I can deliver first harvest of morning, 7 hours later (midday) and then final 7 hours later (evening/before bed) making a 14 hour farm day. I think that makes me short on points. I am growing the peas now but it is slow going and the order I can fill is just 1 point.

    I would agree with the plot layout unless the drop rate is low and we have to convert to more smaller plots to try to increase the drops we get per harvest.

    I can meet the time table on 6 March, but beginning 7 March, I can't sustain getting up at 3:30. March 8, you have a 21 hour farm day.

    Is there any other way to complete this? I need to see how many points I can get between now and the 6th when the 2nd crop is available with the 2nd customer to try to offset a shorter farm day.

    Edit: I have 2 points as of this last harvest xD

    Edit 2: I have figured it out! I neglected to count the points we can get from 2 March to 6 March when the drops from the mainland are available. I was counting them starting the 6th but we have 4 days to collect them and so those points will offset missing harvests/customer orders in the middle of the night.
    March 2 will have only 2 resets due to my time zone - 8 points from fish candy
    March 3-11 - 3 resets- 12 points x 9 days = 108 points fish candy
    March 12 - 2 resets- 8 points fish candy

    That leaves just 126 points needed to come from Customer 2
    March 6 - 2 resets - 8 points artist's palettes
    March 7-11 - 3 resets - 12 points x 5 days = 60 points artist palette's
    March 12 - 2 resets - 8 points artist's palettes

    That leaves just 50 points needed from Crop orders which I think is doable.

    My strategy will rely on the drop rate being sufficient.

    My farm day starts around 13:00 (7 AM for me) so the 2 days when new content is added at 14:00 will mean only 2 resets.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025
  6. Chamomile*

    Chamomile* Forum Apprentice

    Candy fish, which will be active on 2nd March , gives 12 progress points with 3 deliveries per day.
  7. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    I'm completely confused, as are Anki74 and sapeli, this doesn't make any sense to those who don't understand English, this must be the most difficult task/event in about 13 years!

    Zero points... let's just grow that plant that exists, we don't need it yet and we can't deliver it anywhere...

    Nala777, Tarsis63, marymac50 and 3 others like this.
  8. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 you can deliver them by the car with candy right from the mill. There you deserve the points and rainbows to play the mini-game
  9. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    When you enter the event field, you will see a cart right beside the windmill. Click on it and there you will find the customer to deliver the event plant. The cart is positioned to the left of #1.

  10. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Exceptional Talent

    Thanks to all the farmers who gave the calculations and ideas, you did a good job. My plan is to do my best without tiring myself. There is a lot of clutter at this event and I will continue planting to use the event space.
    Nala777, Jarrow, marymac50 and 2 others like this.
  11. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    We've been busy, and I haven't had time to properly read and try to figure out FAQs. o_O How do we open the second part of the field?
  12. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The second field needs a Trident to open it, something that can be done by filling the 4 orders (Lolli Poppies & Artist's Palette drops) from customer #2 starting March 6th.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2025
  13. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    With all the calculations, it feels as if Peony has rejoined the chat! It's all too much for my brain and I'm making no effort beyond planting and harvesting crops when I have time. I played the free mini game, but never was good at catching things - really is like a Mardi Gras parade now that I made the connection.

    I do wonder if a March 6 start up with only 10 event plants will multiply sufficiently to give the results mentioned by Chamomile. I get tired trying to read the chats with calculation strategies and English is my first language, so I feel the pain of those trying to sort it out with a different language!

    Good luck everyone. If there are ever drops to give as daily gifts, I'll send, but again, please don't send any to me. :D
  14. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    THANKS, because WE needed that info. I tell this In Real Life to Nuubi and Anki :)

    E-D-I-T :
    Don't forget to put the longest possible (Amaranth) plant in the MAIN area to get as many DROPS as possible tomorrow, 14:00 CET! There's still time, because 19h 27mins is its growth time when you use Water and Manure! (now 19h 35mins left :)if calculating right )
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2025
    Nala777, BlackCaviar, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  15. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    We are wondering if it is still entirely possible to complete the "290 delivery points" section of the event by delivering?

    When did we not realize that we should deliver there as soon as there are enough plants, and now TWICE 2 deliveries, or 4 points, have just been completed?

    So, off to the Wheelbarrow, I mean!
    Nala777, Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  16. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Yes its still doableé The first few days of the event were just a warmup, now that event drops are coming, there's more points to be had.
    Nala777, Jarrow and PrairieMaiden23 like this.
  17. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    You'll start to deliver after 14CET when you harvest amaranths from you main field. Sure you do have long crops there? First customer will have 4 slots open. If you can deliver all of them, you'll get 6 points and get 3 rainbows to collect candies and a lot of event points and some farm stuff.
    Nala777, Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I had a bit of a light-bulb moment this morning, only two days too late! Maybe somebody has already mentioned it here but I haven't seen it. I have been delivering after each harvest but only really managing to supply to one customer most times. I should wait till I have enough for both to get the points! :wuerg:

    I don't think I will get very far but I am not going to let it defeat me (much), I will do what I can and collect as many prizes as possible. I refuse to extend my gaming day as I feel I already spend too long sitting in front of a screen (my choice, not complaining!) but there has to be a cut off point somewhere. :p
    Good luck all those muddling on through and kudos to those who have the willpower to sit it out! :music:
    Nala777, Brookeham, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  19. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    It does not matter do you get one or more deliveries at once in this point. There is no extra doing both. Today after we get drops from main field, you'll get just two extra rainbows, if you can do all 4 slots during that 7 hours the customer 1 wants them.
    Customer 2 will give more progress points from each delivery, but we must wait till we get Lolli poppy.
    I would say everything we get, is something extra :) It is on Event field, it does not disturb normal farming, only main field gives drops for this event later today.
    Nala777, Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  20. What I understand is that we should not spend the products we collect until March 6th. am ı right
    Nala777, Jarrow and Nordais like this.