Check official Translation of Newsletter II

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by jennifersiegel, Dec 1, 2014.

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  1. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    The information of the producers newsletter gets sent from BP to the different language forums in their according language.
    The translation of the latest newsletter should be quickly checked and adjusted.
    As for the German version, crucial information is missing. And more over the feeling of the letter gets lost in translation.
  2. Mr_Grumpy

    Mr_Grumpy Someday Author

    if you have a problem with the German newsletter, why not complain on the German forum rather than here?
    bygo_cris likes this.
  3. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Because the newsletter is translated very incorrectly.
    The information that there will be a wishlist for players to speak up and that the dev team is listening to them is not mentioned at all!
    Not even the excuse for the problems at the Chili-Festival is mentioned in the German translation.
    They need a new official translation of that newsletter to post the correct letter.
    Or so it was last time I checked. Maybe half an hour ago.
    And I am hoping that at some point someone will relate this fact to Varun the Producer, who wrote that letter.
    I believe that he would like to be understood or he wouldn't write that letter at all.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  4. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Ok but that's the answer to a different question. You answered why you're complaining. But the question was why are you complaining on the EN forum? If the problem is on the German forum, they are the ones who need to be notified.
    bygo_cris likes this.
  5. Mr_Grumpy

    Mr_Grumpy Someday Author

    Obviously it wasn't written in German, so they have the problem not us
  6. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Yes Mr. Grumpy it was translated from english into german.
    I am quite tired right now...

    To the Mods here, I would like to say that I was asked by the Mods of the German to try to let him know that this is a very big problem:
    Their community in the forum, has 70.000 people compared to our 6000 and a lot of Farmeramafarmers are very upset right now. That's a lot of people... So please Mods leave this thread open for people to reply to. Or if there is way that you could reach the producer somehow even better. This issue needs to be adressed.

    Of course. Right now though I am waiting for the advent calendar same as a lot other people same for in the german forum. Everybody is curious as to if there will be free, paid, or no socks.

    The advent calendar led me through a quite strange odyssee through the german forum. And as things go sometimes one thing led to another... tired now. Go sleep.

    I just wish there would be a couple of the people from the german forum here, to help me out for a while. They could post even more informed letters here than me. Now the grapevine just ask me why I didn't translate all the german... I did some.

    By the way.
    How about just running the old script from last year. Was free then, is pretty much free now for you to just rerun.
    Most people seemed to like the presents.
  7. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello jennifersiegel :(

    I have double checked with the lovely DE admin team and they confirmed the translation is appropriate, the issue was forwarded, and also that you brought it up in their community as well.

    Either way, I am really sorry, but this is none of our concerns so you can discuss it further with your language Team - it's not something to be discussed in the EN community, so the thread will now be closed.
    Best regards,
    bygo_cris likes this.
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