Choosing our animal pens in Bahamarama

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by shetaz71, Nov 6, 2017.

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  1. shetaz71

    shetaz71 Active Author

    I wish the game developers would allow us (in Bahamarama) to be able to pick and choose which animal pens we want. I don't want the anaconda pen but before I can get the camel, I have to waste 18 hard earned GB's on it.

    We have come along way here, no more weeds to worry about for one. Why cant we decide on what pens we'd like to have instead on having to purchase them in order and wasting our GB's??
    FrootloopGrove, Jazac and Lilaclady like this.
  2. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    I too like the idea of choosing what to open in Baha... i know its not wasting as we have to have it all opened but at same time... we are useing bananas that we don't need to use at that current time in the game....that goes for everything... pens, crops and the trees...let us choose what to open please... thanks.
    FrootloopGrove likes this.
  3. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    I have thought the same thing when it comes to crops and needing to make food for my animals
    SandyInJeansOR and Jazac like this.