
Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by pepsi52, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. pepsi52

    pepsi52 Forum Apprentice

    The cinema should be removed from the game as for nearly 2 weeks it gives no reward. This is false advertising.
  2. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Sometimes I have problems with the cinema and I realize in some countries videos aren't available. I wish this problem could be remedied so all could benefit from the cinema but I don't think it would be fair to take it away from those who can benefit. I for one can not afford to spend RL money so this is the only way for me to earn bb's other than quests.
    Michael1877 likes this.
  3. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    I agree that taking it completely away would be a drastic step, so far I was only able to watch movies accidentally......most of them in German..(I currently live in Bulgaria), so there was probably an IP address glitch....But still I'm hoping to see the advantages of it after moving back to the US. Even if it only gives a little extra, it still makes a difference to people who play the "free" game.
    I hope at some point BigPoint is showing interest in it again, I'm sure there's a financial benefit in letting companies place their video's, enough benefit in maybe showing more support and not to leave it abandoned.

    farmerumf likes this.
  4. pepsi52

    pepsi52 Forum Apprentice

    Big Point is getting financial benifit from companies they are just not passing it on to the players. I have watched films with no reward time and time again. If they told you there would be no payment that would be ok. I have been playing this game since it was 2 months old without paying a lot of real money. The cinema has been abandoned by BigPoint.
    farmerumf and Michael1877 like this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am somewhat puzzled by the above comments, because I have found the cinema to be particularly active recently. Then again, I live in the US and it is definitely regionally varied.

    That said, I, too, have had issues with filling what the companies claim are the "full" fulfillment, only to get nothing. The worst are those that refer you to another site for a "questionaire", then to another site, then another....`Unfortunately, these are not directly controlled by BigPoint. When I experience such, I complain here in the forum, and whether coincidental or not, those particular surveys seem short-lived.

    I wish that more people could participate more equally, I did post a suggestion that BigPoint at least put out a couple of public service "movies" to those areas not generally able to participate, but its likely that many countries have only a few players represented. If you had the choice would you spend your limited time and efforts for a couple dozen or several thousand people? A lot of the people here are volunteer, too.
  6. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Yes Woody, I remember the post. I think it is time to re-address the movie theater.
    Offering educational videos, concerning for example diseases, would be a great idea.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Among other issues, it would likely require volunteers to do it. There may be legal issues in some countries as well.
  8. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    So how about something completely new?
    We don't get movies? Okay.
    But we could have some sort of other features that generate BB's when we check in.
    Now that the game is asking for more and more BB's, it becomes more and more unfair not to have a cinema.
  9. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Maybe ask admin what would be required to have movies in your country? They might not answer immediately, but at least you would know if there is something you can possibly do.
  10. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    So here is what I think:
    BP is getting money from companies to play their ads.
    But in some countries the amount of people playing farmerama is too small to be "profitable" to bigger companies.
  11. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    That might be true, or it could be more of a regulatory issue. Some countries are more restrictive on the rules for advertising, particularly if it possible that not yet fully adults might be targeted. Hard to say, that is why I suggested just asking.
    Sweet_Cassiopeia likes this.
  12. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Oh yes, of course. Woody, I am not very much of a law whizz myself and would really like to hear more about that.

    How about the players in countries that do not get to collect BB's through the cinema get a BB-tree instead?
    Like this we all could collect some daily BB's?
  13. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    lol -- I think ALL of us would like a BB tree.
    I agree its not particularly fair that some people are excluded, but don't over-estimate the awards, either. Only rarely do I get a BB a day.

    I just suggested asking about the reasons because if its mostly a time/energy issue maybe volunteers from those areas would step up. Or, if its a "companies don't want to bother paying" issue, maybe you could research yourself. If that sounds like too much effort.... well...then you can see why Big Point might not put it as a high priority.
  14. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    Yes I understand that and I don't usually have a problem with having no cinema.
    Unfortunately I have noticed that some people are possibly starting to be excluded by Events, due to missing BB's.
    So if BP is introducing events that might require BB's to finish, they should just not forget to consider the players that can not use the cinema.
  15. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    This is not at all false advertising. BP has made it quite plain on the forum (through mods both in messages passed on from BP and in replies to questions) that the system no longer functions in a way that means every clip gives points. They have told us that not every film will reward us, so whether or not you are aware of this is irrelevant in terms of false advertising - the information is out there, easily accessible. Whilst it is certainly very odd that you have received no points in two weeks, the advertising on their part is entirely correct.
    abubadi66 and Michael1877 like this.