Cloud row harvester!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Sep 24, 2015.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I have tried to find out how to use the cloud row harvester in a way that suits me best. So far I've come up with this plan:

    I'll harvest three of the categories with the harvester:
    • Favorite rows
    • Progression rows
    • Items rows
    The three other categories I'll harvest by hand since I have some rows there I want to activate at certain times. But these categories also have some rows I don't need to harvest strategically, like the valentines cloud row for instance. These I'll therefore mark as favorites (to be harvested with harvester) and sort to the end of their respective categories. So after using the harvester I can check those rows that are to be harvested manually to see if I want to harvest them :)

    In the buff categories I'll try to find a convenient order for the rows, but for the three categories where I use the harvester the order doesn't really matter. Will just put three of the nicest rows first :inlove:

    Any thoughts on the cloud row harvester? :p
    meba091 and mingling like this.
  2. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Still trying to figure it out.
    New look, new way....-.-may take a bit. So far only been able to activate all at once so not likein that option.
    meba091 likes this.
  3. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    I love love love it! :inlove: I've not set any favorites yet but then I only have 18 rows at this point. For the buffs rows I just pulled up that icon and then harvested manually what I wanted from the screen. I do only have a few of those rows though so I can see once I have more the need to tag those I might use more often.
  4. farmerswives

    farmerswives Forum Apprentice

    Too complicated and too expensive.
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I don't have cloud rows yet... but Sewinglady LUVS LUVS LUVS it! (PS she sure wishes she could post that herself, cough cough).
    pepsishot, baw815, LDCrow and 4 others like this.
  6. Drace

    Drace Junior Expert

    I love it! Now we see at a glance how many cloud rows are ready to harvest

    Well, I use harvester for two of the categories: Progression Rows and Item Rows.

    Plant Buff Rows, Animal Buff Rows and Other Buff Rows, I harvest them by hand when I need their effects

    I don´t mark some rows as favorites because it doesn´t exclude the rows for the other categories, so I cannot see the point.​
  7. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    I too wish they would move out of the other categories they are in once they are favorited. However, I like that they are quicker to find when I need them so I've marked a few that I don't want to search for.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 28, 2015
    Drace and meba091 like this.
  8. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    I really wish they'd just move completely to the favorites list, too. I was surprised (and disappointed) that they didn't.
    Honestly, I found the CR harvester a bit confusing at first. So, I spent a little time playing around with it, and reading the suggestions here. For now, what works best for me is using a combination of Mir's ideas (above) and T_rixy's. I marked all my regular cloud rows (the everyday ones) as favorites. Then I moved my special use cloud rows (like the flower and chestnut rows) to the top of their category lists. Now I can use the harvester in the Favorites section to harvest all my regular rows at once. And when I need to activate my special rows, I can easily find them, ready to be manually activated, at the top of their category lists. It took a while to get everything marked and moved, but it's been completely worth the effort. It's so organized, and now the chore I used to completely dread only takes seconds to accomplish.:inlove:
    JJenks, pepsishot, baw815 and 4 others like this.
  9. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I haven't really found the need for the favorites list yet. I can pretty much harvest all my dailies using the progression and gift rows. I harvest the buff rows manually as needed. The only thing I'm not happy with at the moment is that the "midnight" magic CR shows up under "?" and not animal buffs. This is the CR from the Guess Who FSQ and gives a buff to wonder stables so I can't figure out why it's in the mystery category.

    All in all though I think it's great. :D
    Drace likes this.
  10. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Categorization -combined with the real time displaying of CRs yet to be harvested- does the trick for me, and this means a huge improvement that allows to harvest in no time almost every CR.

    My favourites change and, thus, I don't -and I doubt I will- use this feature. I just go category by category. B-EP/EP-yielding CRs and the ones that give some kind of gift can now (and are, in my case) harvested with no second thoughts. The ones I must be careful about are already classified in the corresponding sections -and they're not so many in each of them- and I check them each time I go to the beanstalk.

    The only misleading thing -or significant flaw for me- I found so far is that one of the EP-yielding CRs, the Donkey Breeding one, is categorized as All Rows instead of Progression Rows. Therefore, it can only be harvested if already placed in favourites or from the All Rows general category (either with the harvester or manually when you get to it). I spotted this case because of the yet to be harvested CRs counter (there was always a mismatch of 1). I bet many have been losing those EPs since the change.
    JJenks, meba091 and Drace like this.
  11. Drace

    Drace Junior Expert

    Yes, you are right pepsishot in that, but the problem here is not when you want to harvest a specific favorited row but when you don't.
    Most of the cloud rows belong to Progression Rows or Item Rows category and for those I use the harvester.
    The others categories have few rows and it is easy to check and harvest them manually.
    There is one row that doen't belong to any category. It is Donkey Breeding Magic Stalk Row (I marked it as favorites)
    baw815 likes this.
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