Cloud Row - missing items to complete rows

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by MisterMustard, Feb 8, 2024.

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  1. MisterMustard

    MisterMustard Someday Author

    Why not have a SALE of items to help farmers complete rows on Cloud ?
    I need Sakura Hot Tub to complete Hot Tub Magic Stalk row but can`t buy it in Market; not allowed in Gift & Trade; have tried to get it by Party wheel but despite being gifted and also buying spins Sakura Hot Tub seldom comes up and when it does - gues what ? - no chance of getting it.
    I would suggest farmers could list those items they need to complete Cloud rows and then a selection offered for sale - BBs or buy - either individually or in packs.
    What do other farmers think ??
    tlcsquared, upa70, Nala777 and 4 others like this.
  2. Jarrow

    Jarrow Forum Apprentice

    I would agree. Despite being quite diligent to complete the 'seasons', I seem to have two missing souvenirs for two different cloud rows. Plus there is that elusive Chestnut Farmer that I would enjoy adding to its friends. I would appreciate an opportunity to purchase these at some future point.
    Raelyn, tlcsquared, upa70 and 4 others like this.
  3. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Some givers are sold in the Farm Coin shop (for a quite high amount tho), there's also some offers from BP to buy givers either alone or in packages for BBs from time to time (there was a sale a few weeks back). My baby farm got the Bird Cage givers for the 10% faster production of flowers in the first few weeks after I started playing for BBs (we could get the bird cages, pogo sticks for the +1 veggie cloud row, etc).

    The sakura hot tub will be around for a few months still. If you want to raise your chances of getting one, you have to wait for first few days where BP launches a new giver. Usually they take down pink upgrades and the top prize becomes a giver on almost all the spins.

    I'm missing the pheonix bird from that particular type of cloud row (givers from the spinning wheels) and it's been like this for 6 years...
    Raelyn, tlcsquared, upa70 and 4 others like this.
  4. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    You must have missed Farmwheel Jackpot Sale. They were for sale at least once or maybe more. I think I bought one more phoenix to Shipwreck bay to give green spins.
  5. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    i think it would make sense to have a regular event where you can buy any missing items from the cloudrows, if you got the cloudrow.

    the other sales are so random,when they are and whether you're missing the ones that are on sale.
    tlcsquared, Jarrow, Nala777 and 3 others like this.
  6. Aiyanah

    Aiyanah Forum Greenhorn

    I totally agree with you guys.

    Plus, I would even add the possibility to buy missing cloudrows. There's many events that "repeat" years after years, and some offer a chance to get deco items you missed, but personnally, when I missed something, it's usually the cloud row to put them in since it's usually the last reward you get...
    tlcsquared, upa70, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  7. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice