Cloud Row Strategies

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Mooboy, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Hi Fellow Farmers, We seem to be Getting New Cloud Row with Nearly Every Event. I have so Far got 67 Cloud Rows unlocked.

    11 of These Clouds Need to use BB to unlock these Clouds, They only Give Farm EP and CC. Since I am a Level 94 Farmer...It is not worth me unlocking these cloud rows, using BB. As it helps to have 11 cloud rows that is does not needing to be clicked to activate Cloud Row Bonus

    I have all Un-Themed Cloud Row unlocked as I have Plenty of Surplus EP Givers sitting in my Barn. As you can get Decorations and Consumables Ones too to put into Un-Themed Cloud Rows.

    The Most beneficial Cloud Rows to Me and to Many of You is the Bahm EP Giving Cloud Row, as I try to unlock and Use as Many as I can.... at the moment I have 8 Cloud Rows that Gives Bahm EP

    Flower Cloud Row

    This Cloud Row Gives 30% EP or Bahm EP on all Flower Crops for 24 Hours. Plus 10% Reduce Growing Time on all flowers for 24 Hours.

    There is only two Flowers of Bromeliad and Hisbisus on the island, that benefit better from this cloud row to help level up the island quicker to be able to gain these Highly Valuable Golden Bananas This can be used in conjunction with Buffs and Pets to Boost Baha EP

    There is No refinement on Island Crops, but we can get Refinements on

    • Sunflowers
    • Orchids
    • Cornflowers
    • Violets
    • Gerbera
    • Lilac
    • Lily of The Valley
    • Tulips
    • Peony
    • Lavender
    • Lillies
    • Daffodils
    • Roses
    • Iris
    • Carnations
    • Snowdrop
    • Winter Jasmin
    • Dantallaria
    • Begonia
    • Aubretia
    • Oranje Tulip
    • Lotus Flower
    • Chamomlie
    • Meadowsweet
    • Persian Buttercup
    Which Help Reduces the growing time of all these flowers. Without using Water. But with Certain Refinements can Enhanced the Growing Time very Effectively using Water, manure or even using Supergrow.

    There are some Cloud Rows that I only used part of the time, such as Reduce growing time of Spooky Crops, Reduce Animal Pens Growing Time. Enhanced the Effects using SuperGrow

    Some Cloud Rows have no use to me like 3 Hour Harvester as I already got Harvest Running, More EP on Spooky Crops as Farm EP no longer appeals to me at my Level

    It would be nice that we have new Feature that we can click to activate all cloud rows to give us less clicking. But like the Tree Auto Harvest Feature is not help to have Auto Harvest Feature on some of these cloud rows as we need to work certain cloud rows to be used in conjunction with Buffs and Pets

    I would love to hear from your cloud row Strategies, which ones you benefit the most from your style of game play or Farming Methods By all Means you can add other useful into on cloud row to this Thread as it is for all to share lol ;)
    d5aisy, penguilnz, hatzeva and 2 others like this.
  2. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    Hi, I have exactly the same 67 cloud rows, and other 3 on the way, 1 that I am waiting to level up to purchase it with BB, I can get it now but considering the number of rows I decided that every time I level up I buy 1 and that is the last 1 there available on the stalk itself, the other 2 are from FSQ that are almost done just need a little more work, 1 from a clean for spell (MM quests) the other is from down under wonder, and there is a 4th raw from picky pirate that is delayed for now until I have the black thorn tree, the sad thing it is required in step 1 and I do not have any, but I do have all the rest and for all the step. It is really a burden to go now harvest 67 rows, it is time consuming, and when there is lag in the net it is a killer, that's way I decided to go harvest once every day, I don't have the time to go harvest the 8, 9, and 12 hours rows twice, so once is enough and by this things are balanced for me, I am able to level up the Island every 5 or 6 days, and I think it is getting longer now since I hit level 189, any way all in good time I am not in a harry anymore. Back to the rows, beside the island ep-givers rows, my favorite is the last 5 rows which gives me daily 5 phormons, 10 sugar, 10 salt, a brown pig and albino bat, I really like those, and the cc rows which gives me around 25000cc every day even more, some other rows are nice but they are good on occasions other wise they are useless most of the time, and finally I am anxious to see the promised cloud harvester and to see if it is 1 button harvest or a smart one with some creative options (like letting you choose which rows to be auto harvested and so), I believe that every player can utilize the stalk according to his needs and to the style you choose to play, and to the players who do not have the stalk hurry up and open it, you don't know what are you missing.
    penguilnz, Mooboy and TERRIE like this.
  3. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    This is a great thread, Mooboy! :)
    It's great that the newest cloud rows give so many advantages to the game instead of feeble EP but at the same time it's difficult to keep up with them.
    I'm not one of those who are afraid to keep the clouds grey. Since the kiwi's food requirement were out, I've been trying like mad to level up to 95 (24.2 Million to go) and that means keeping some of the precious EP-items in the park instead of filling the cloud rows.
    Regardless, the newest cloud rows are better to keep them grey. The cool-down time for some are so long that we take the risk of not being able to use it when it matters on account of that cool-down time. Just imagine starting Moonlight mania without the cloud row readily available to start at the right time, too! o_O

    As for the BB cloud rows, I have some but not all.
    However, I'm also one of those who use the non-themed cloud rows to put my favorite and pretty EP-items arranged and have fun with it.:inlove::music:

    Since it's so difficult to keep up with the CR bonuses these days (especially because when they are active we don't have any information of what they do), how about using this thread to amass the information of every cloud row? ;)
  4. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I wasn't aware that there was a 'promised cloud harvester' ! :music:It is something I have been wanting for ages as it takes way too long to harvest even the 57 cloud rows I have now. I only harvest once a day because of this - the exception to this is the new flower row, which I want to keep running as much as possible. Those that give enhanced BEP/EP/faster breeding etc are great but it is too time consuming to keep a log of when these need to be harvested, so they are wasted very often because I only harvest once a day.
    I have not bought with BB those rows giving a few EP or cc - really not worth it at all.
    I no longer feel that I must get every event cloud row - I only do it, if it gives something worthwhile like significant BEP.
    On the whole I think the cloud rows are very good but please bring on the 'cloud harvester' and make it part of the harvester package not just for premium players. :D
  5. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    that flower row was from the Adventscalender, right? I missed that. Was in a hurry with visitors and all and forgot to click on the big present. :cry: I am used to only 24 doors, sacks or what ever the calender is themed.

    Just remember to use the chestnut one only for the event start that needs super grow. It takes days to recover.
    penguilnz and Mooboy like this.
  6. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    The flower row was not from the advent calendar, BP just added it there so everyone can have it suppose you have the flowers, the advent calendar raw was non-themed raw that gives 3 x farm level EP.
    penguilnz, Mooboy and BlackCaviar like this.
  7. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    ohhhhh, the flowers from the farm wheel. Well, I wasn't lucky enough there.
    penguilnz likes this.
  8. fifitrixiebell

    fifitrixiebell Forum Veteran

    Hi, I only just unlocked the magical stalk yesterday so any rows or decorations to go on a row that I might have won already, will I still have them anywhere or do you lose them if you haven't opened the stalk beforehand?
    penguilnz likes this.
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    You will have them :) Congratulations :D
  10. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Mooboy, funny and very good of you to bring this up. The Cloud is also a new interest of mine.

    I have had very little interest in the Cloud Rows for a long time; far too many clicks! But lately I've had to reconsider - there are many Rows that are brilliant and well worth the trip. I made a spreadsheet of my Rows and their rewards, if anyone is interested:

    Last edited by moderator: Feb 4, 2015
  11. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    Thank you for the CR spreadsheet, hatzeva, especially for the cooldown times. I hadn't bothered to add (yet another) worksheet to my farm workbook, it's so beyond ridiculous at this point, and I dearly wish they would just include this info on the CR itself :sleepy:.

    But, per usual, thank you to fellow farmers like yourself who do a lot of heavy lifting for BP. Copied and much appreciated. 8)

    I had read somewhere that direct links to google linked docs weren't aloud, but I don't think it was a mod. Just another player stating that, so I guess we'll find out.
  12. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely ones :)

    I've removed the link temporarily, but we are brainstorming at the moment, trying to find a way to make sure you can all safely share the spreadsheets you've put so much effort into. Thank you for your patience and understanding in the mean time - it won't take us too long, promise.
    Best regards,
  13. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Maybe if we whisper? :p (allowed)
    marymac50, penguilnz, hatzeva and 2 others like this.
  14. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    LOL xDxDxD ahhh, I am sick, so it is all aloud and a then whisper, what can I say? xDxDxD

    Apparently my brain has fallen out along with my sinus passages and my lungs. :cry:
  15. -eieio-

    -eieio- Forum Apprentice

    Recent cloud rows have been more diverse and interesting than the earlier ones that just give EP. However, when the cloud row opened I just got into the habit of clicking on the cloud rows after all the rest of the harvesting and planting was completed. Now I just need a foolproof way to remember to click on the cloud rows first - so I don't miss the ones with harvesting timelines attached.
    Should be simple - but the old brain needs to learn a new strategy....
  16. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Thanks for your Input farmers Specially Hatzeva. Sorry Spreadsheet Links are not allowed as it has to be be Typed in this Forum. We got another Event called Cry Babies giving yet another cloud row....This Cloud Row is just as unattractive as Albino Bat and Brown Pig Cloud Row.

    Worse Cloud Row

    The Worse Cloud Row would happens to be the one that gives 1 Star every 168 Hours

    Best Cloud Row

    Is The Teleporter Cloud Row giving 25% More Bahm EP Every 10 Hours, Plus 25% more Bahm EP Crops for Two Hours

    Spooky Crop Booster Cloud Row:)

    Once a month this cloud row helps to reduce spooky crops growing time by 10%, which can be used in conjunction with Terror Bouquet Buff and using Water, Manure and Supergrow. As I am combining the use of Supergrow reduce timer of 5% using it with White Innocents Buff which greatly helps Reaping more spooky crops within 24 Moonlight Mania Window
  17. -poppyseed-

    -poppyseed- Forum Connoisseur

    I love the flower cloud row for growing lavender, and using sage macaroons and ZAB for even more EP. I thought it would also work for sage + lavender jam, but sage is in the 'other' category. :( My only complaint about any of the cloud rows is the same as everyone, having to go through so many rows to find the one I'm looking for.:oops:
  18. kingros

    kingros Forum Apprentice

    Mooboy, I would love that star cloud row - i am saving up for my living legends rune at the moment.

    Also, at first I thought the pigs, bats etc were kind of useless, but then I realised that it gives you a huge leg up when you are trying to breed the highest level animals, yeah? So if I wanted to breed a piggy bank I can basically start from the brown pigs, which means I only have to breed through 5 levels instead of 10. So that seems quite useful.
  19. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    One of the things I did to keep track of the special cloud rows (dealing with multiple farms here) was to make a chart on a large index card. What the rows do down the left, farm names on the top and indicated position with page #and position (ex: 14b) in the grid. It saves me a whole lot of headaches. I also laminated it before I put in the positions. I can then put them in with a fine line permanent marker and change them when the positions shift. (dry erase markers remove permanent marker on plastic).
    farmerlily22 and penguilnz like this.
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    It does help a bit :) but not that much unfortunately :(

    There are 8 levels if breeding animals, piggy bank is level 8, brown pig is level 1, so it saves you one level, compared to starting with regular pigs.
    penguilnz likes this.
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