Cloud Rows Auto-harvest...

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Bhodho, Oct 20, 2014.

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  1. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    I am a proud owner of Farm Machinery and 17 pages of cloud rows. I hate having to 'open' and click on each and every row to harvest it.
    I suggest introducing a 'Cloud Row Auto-harvest' similar to the Trees one in the Premium Villa. Maybe introduce it for Premium players initially.
    As the Rows increase it sure as Arsenal failing to win the EPL title this year, going to be tedious to harvest these rows...

    desi20, steph2014, heidels and 5 others like this.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I would like to be able to harvest them with farm machinery too but would not want it to be limited to premium players. It would be nice if anyone who has machinery could automatically harvest the clouds whether with the monthly subscription, purchased with BB during 1/2 priced sales, coupons, or event/quest rewards.

    (I have 14 pages)
    TERRIE, desi20, steph2014 and 5 others like this.
  3. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I agree whole heartedly. I tend to put off harvesting the clouds since it is such a pain.
    farmerumf likes this.
  4. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I agree too, very frustrating all the pages and I only have 14 - another 3 pages must be painful!
    farmerumf likes this.
  5. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I would support any way to auto-harvest the clouds. It becomes very tedious clicking each page with different timed rows.
    farmerumf likes this.
  6. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I support this whole heartily!!!! :DAnother aspect I would like is to group all the same time rows together. I have one of my shorter time rows all the way back on page's a total pain to harvest it!
    The other thing I asked for ages ago, was to add a minute timer onto the cloud rows. We have this on the farm orders, but Not for the cloud rows. If its 1 hour away from could be 1:58 away actually..........I've wasted so much time checking & re-checking to see if they are ready!:wuerg:-.-
    farmerumf, desi20, steph2014 and 6 others like this.
  7. solo1978

    solo1978 Forum Apprentice

    Like Bhodho I also have 17 pages of cloud rows. It will already be a big help if we can at least have one button per page, instead of three.
    Brookeham, I love your idea of a minute timer.
    heidels, farmerumf and Brookeham like this.
  8. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    If only I could "like" these comments more than once. I would like them a hundred times or more! Lol! I wholeheartedly agree with this suggestion. The cloud harvesting is presently quite a sad production. Brookeham's suggestion to add minutes to the cloud rows is also brilliant. I am always cursing the vague timer indicators, so much that I often just say "forget it" and go about my day. Probably missing out on thousands of collective EP over time because of it.

    If we could also re-order the clouds, that would also be grand. That way rows we check to plan farm tasks (like reducing the time of animal stalls) could be first, while others we didn't finish weren't clogging up the works. we could just put them at the end where they aren't in the way.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    farmerumf, JJenks and steph2014 like this.
  9. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    I like and definitely support all and any idea/s that is improving the Cloud Row harvesting (I'm also blessed/cursed with 17 pages).
    The minimum change would be a halo on the beanstalk to indicate clouds ready for harvest, similar to the halo that indicates new offers in the Pirate Cove or the one on the event button on the game screen.
  10. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    What chances do we have of this being implemented?
    It's a probable as me getting a Crap Metal today...

    farmerumf likes this.
  11. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I agree with the idea for an auto harvest for the cloud rows. I have 16 and they are a pain to harvest. :( The idea of a halo on the map showing that there are rows ready would be very useful as would be the ability to re-arrange the rows. I don't think these ideas should be for premium players only - perhaps a rune on the tree to gain the facility ? :)
    farmerumf likes this.
  12. ortrud_oc

    ortrud_oc Padavan

    Brilliant idea, Bhodho!!!! I am so bored by these cloud rows that I sometimes don't harvest them. Have you read my message about going to S.A. and to the cinema that it is offered there. On "mini-events"?