Comic# 5 the storm strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    okay then you answer my last question;)
    Hope the time we have is enough:eek::)
  2. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Thank you all for your advice.
    Some of those I read already some where. But it is always good to get reminders. Especially since I miss some things, not read carefully or misunderstand.
    I just found out that the cup cakes take 12 hours to mature if you put an icing tube on it. (But I got only 4 icings so far).
    Now comfort fields make sense, at least for the balloon blooms, if you are out all day. They should take about 12 hours with water. (Tomorrow of course. Today is for getting enough plants to plant on all fields.)
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have 7 frosting and 56 comic books
    The frosting are difficult to get... at least we can get them from gifts...
  4. SylvanasW

    SylvanasW Someday Author

    Frostings are not **compulsory** for finishing the event, while Comic books are. I would not waste my daily gifts on frosting, but request books instead. Just my opinion :)
    julie1013 and Arielh like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I can understand your point.
    I also believe that later we will understand what we need most. If we are to the task with the cupcake points we will need the frostings to finish it earlier but the Comic books are first to a task.
  6. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    I also used white innocence to reduce my super-grow time more. I didn't use fruitcake this time as I have my other Gold buff filled already with ZAB (Zucchini Apple Bread ~ it gives +60% EP on crops). :D

    Here is semi-finished chart to help those who want to plan event growing times with super-grow and white innocence. I have the Tree of Wisdom rune for making super-grow even more effective, so if you do not have that, my chart will be off for you!


    As for which drop to request from neighbors, I think it depends on if you usually get plenty of drops for events or not. If you have full trophies (and the Living Legend rune), so I don't usually don't need drops as gifts*. At not quite 2 hours into the event, I had 8 frosting and 105 comics so far from 3 fields of begonia, a field of bromeliad (and some sunflowers planted in 1x1s as I waited for event crops to mature).

    *One note to those newer to using their farm trophies ... make sure when you move them from field to field, that you let them set for 9 seconds before harvesting, or change fields before harvesting (so the game registers them).
    I haven't taken time to see what the daily drop requirement is so that will factor into what gifts I send neighbors...

    I had a neighbor asking if I had my 30 cupcakes from Fuzzles... I finally found them in my left-pop out game inventory. Maybe they are also in the Barn now, but mine were in the decorations menu. (Near the tree menu / animal stable menu).

    I will have to sit down (sometime) and do the math for the cupcakes... I (or someone with more time and brain-power) needs to figure out how much time frosting really cuts off them. For some reason 25% of 16 hours seems like it should be 5 hours, so 12 hours to grow an XL cupcake?? Is my math right??

    (Thank you sglick for pointing out the math of needing only 175 of the XL cupcakes! [​IMG] <--- Did you notice the cupcakes are especially yummy looking?? (It's not just the LP that has tempting snacks wherever you look lol!)

    I hope everyone enjoys their day! Don't eat too many cupcakes... this is a classic case of delayed-gratification being good for us lol! ;)

    {{hugs to all}} CJ
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  7. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I planted my 30 cupcakes and put my 8 icings on. That reduced the time to 12 hours so CJAT your math is correct. I plan to plant my cupcakes as soon as the day restarts so that they will fully mature to 100 points by the time I do my mourning harvesting. This way I will not need icing.

    In the past when we have had events like this - usually with beer kegs. I have found that I did not need whatever the special speed up stuff was that is equivalent to the icing. The trick is to plant the cupcakes as soon as you get them.

    For me the hardest part about the cupcakes is that I will have uneven fields. I like my field to finish growing all at the same time. It really really bugs me to have uneven fields, but I will have to get over this for this event. xDxDxD

    PS - CJAT - I see you found the new chart maker in the posts. When I originally saw that we could now make charts. I thought of you.
    Arielh likes this.
  8. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Just wondering, does anyone know if we get EP's from the cup cakes?
    Well, in about an hour I can harvest my test cup cake and see.

    Edit: it seems like there no EP's for the cup cakes. Hopefully it will not work out in a negative way for the drops. Meaning not getting enough. 175 fields occupied with them for 16 hours is a lot of "unused" space and time.o_O
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  9. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    As I recall we did not get EP from barrels, don't expect any from cupcakes. Nor drops.

    My numbers...
    17,500 /6= 2917 balloon blooms average per day
    I thought that was a really big number then I realized it was 4h crops.
    7,000 /6= 1167 giant rhubarb average per day
    950 /6= 157 minimum average comic book drops per day. That is a med/high number. Impossible for lower level players. Difficult for middle levels.
    As mentioned we need 175 XL cupcakes total. That doesn't leave much room for error. Better than the barrels were but...

    Yesterday I planted carnations for maximum drops once I got started on the event. I knew I wouldn't have time to send gifts in the morning so I send gifts the night before the event started. I missed the first 12h due to time zone and doctor appt, etc. I finally got started around 3p. My first harvest I got 133 comic books from 2.5 fields of carnations, about 3 dozen pens and the rest trees. I forgot the White Innocence but did remember to consume 6 each CAC and ZAB before starting. Yay! (I forgot last time... ) I started with 2x2s for the starter seeds with everything on top! Yum! For the second round I maxed out one field with 2x2 plots, 40ish. And put everything on top except Suzy's magic dust. Since I can't afford to buy the builder I only do one field. I had time for one more round I think. Or maybe a third, lol. Kept getting interrupted by RL, bother. For this event I cleared three fields, mostly. Just switched everything to 1x1s and planted all of my 8h crop and the rest 4h crop. That will cost me drops but I want to get the crops done. Going to bed soon...

    I agree that level determines which gift is better. For me... I'm on pace to have all the comic books on day 5. So sending me those would be a waste of a gift. I expect to have problems with the cupcakes and will save all my icing for the last day when I need to get the last bunch done. I'm on pace to have about 50 icings by the last day.

    According to the FAQ you can move thru Level 4 without ALL the cupcake points. Good idea for lower level players.
    -poppyseed- likes this.
  10. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Do cupcakes give any EPs on harvesting???
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
  11. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    They give cup cake points
    (and make me hungry for them;) )
  12. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    @Dienstag ~ I agree about the lack of EP from the cupcakes... also the lack of drops during that time is a good point too! Like I said, drops are rarely a problem for me, but I will be using as much frosting as possible for the EP reason! Maybe I'll even not eat ZAB during that time... :eek: (You could always add a suggestion in the official discussion thread and ask for EP and drops on harvested cupcakes). With a new community manager/head honcho person, who knows what might happen... :)

    Thanks for doing the math Suzee! I really appreciate you doing that! For me that translates into a minimum of needing two 4 hour harvests and one 8 hour harvest at a minimum per day... I might need to recalculate though, as I should probably not count the first day as it took me all that time just to get my starter seeds high enough to plant the 3 fields I use! (The island gets regular crops or tiki sweet potatoes (3 hr 12 min) as event crops end up robs me of BEP, especially compared to other island crops) :oops: :( So if I divide by 5 instead of 6... ;)

    I so wish I could gift you a harvester coupon or two of mine! I especially love the 3 hours ones for using the builder to start events! (I used two yesterday... one before work and one after!)

    @Bhodho ~ I think the cupcakes are "free"... They are free from Fuzzles, calorie free (!), but also unfortunately "EP free" :p
    I did?? o_O Umm, I just used the screenshot method... I took a picture of my google doc, cut extra off the edges, saved it as a .jpeg, uploaded it to PhotoBucket, got the direct link, and used the link button above to post the direct link so you could see the image.

    Are you saying there is an easier way??? :eek:
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  13. jenjen39

    jenjen39 Forum Greenhorn

    Please could someone tell me what do we do with the cupcakes after we let them grow for 16 hours?? I harvested mine to make room for the 30 new ones today but what do i do with the other ones? Do they just stay in your inventory or ?? have i missed something?
    Thanks in advance
    Jenny x
  14. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    With CAC , trees and cup cakes out, my harvest was about 2300, including the island. So that is doable.
    Hopefully the drops keep dropping. Since the "snowed in" I'm always nervous.
    Thanks for the chart.
  15. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    You donate them towards the Quest...( their value..based on length of maturing)in Level 4 I think...and if you are not doing the Quest, then they will be exchanged after the Event for CC's and/or EP's..( according to you'r maturing time)...if memory serves me right...:oops:
  16. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    From the FAQ:
    That is why we need a minimum of 175 cupcakes to complete the WHOLE event.

    CJ, that is why I'm glad you're willing to do all that work. I'm not. Thx!

  17. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    I'll save the cupcakes for when I have all (or near to all) the needed event crops, or for a day before the event's deadline. By that time, I'll have a clear picture of how many frostings I'll have available for cutting the cupcakes maturation time. Then, I'll plant them in two shifts: frosted and non-frosted (perhaps, simultaneously, or shifted 4 hours).

    I'll do it this way, precisely, because these bothersome things don't yield any drops, of any kind.

    I therefore prefer to maximize the chance of getting frostings as drops before planting them. It's not that I expect a huge difference but even a tiny difference will be appreciated (my available time these days is even more limited than usual).

    Comic books seem to have decent drops.

    By the way, as regards crops, as in all the last events -for many months now-, event crops can be produced without any problems with just PJ, if 1x1s are used.
  18. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    CJAT - I am referring to the new feature when posting a reply. Look at the menu on top of the reply, at the very end is a chart when you click on it it will give a menu to build your own chart. I have no idea if this method is easier or not. I also like that we now have undo & redo buttons.

    Since you'all know that I am not a math person. I plant 1 field of 8 hr crops on my meadow and all the other fields the 4 hour crop. Also I plant the 8 hr crop on all fields at night. Hopefully, when I get close to the numbers needed. I will use Suzze's formula that she taught me. Figure out how many crops I need and divide by 3 and plant that many seed.

    To any of my neighbors reading this, I would prefer the comic book as a gift instead of icing. I think I will be OK with the cupcakes, but the comic books are ify right now since I had only animal pens out on all my fields. I only got about 50 drops the 1st day.
  19. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Everyone wants the Comic Books. Those who are sending me Frosting, I'm silently asking, 'What is <insert your name here> smoking?"...
  20. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Hi all!

    Didn’t think I would have the time to take part in this event, just been on holidays and needed to catch up on work, but you just never know what’s going to happen do you? Did some damage to my right hand again :mad:(2nd time in 6 months ) which can take up to 6 weeks to heal :(:cry:.

    So now I’ve thrown myself into the event with “mucho gusto”! Thanks Dienstag, CJAT, Suzee, Aluntino and everybody else for strategy advice! I’ve decided to follow sglicks strategy when it comes to the Cupcakes; as soon as they’re in my inventory – plonk them down and nuke with whatever frosting I have (a measly total of 26 thus far). The event crops I think I’m on target with. More than half way with the Rhubarbs, long waiting times in hospitals yesterday and today had this unexpected perk :)and about 3500 Balloons. The Comic book drops seems to be quite good, don’t they? I have 286 already without any special pre-event preparation.

    Best of luck everyone!

    Bhodho - I much rather have Frosting than a Comic book that I don't find funny. I even trade you a Frosting for a Tool-box ;)
    Arielh likes this.
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