Comic# 5 the storm strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. FelicityFox

    FelicityFox Someday Author

    I will be done with the Giant Rhubarb tonight. Should be done with the balloon crop tomorrow. Only need about 100 more comic books and 50 more cupcakes to mature.

    This seemed overwhelming to me at the start but really didn't turn out that badly.

    good luck everyone!
  2. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Arielh - We will all finish the cupcakes about the same time since we all - all around the World - get the cupcakes at the same time. Some will finish a little quicker than others depending on what time it is in their time zone and their style of growing the cupcakes. We just have to be patient.

    I have finished all the crops on this farm. My little farm is growing the last of the Rud-a-whatever's now. I am still low on comic books. 292 this farm and 229 on the little farm. I know I will get the need comic books on both farms now that I can go back to regular farming. I am restocking corn right now. Then I will start growing some long term crops till I get the need comic books and then I will switch back to my normal animal farming.
    Arielh and steph2014 like this.
  3. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    I, too, am just waiting until I can get more cupcakes and comic books. My crops are all done, I have 125 XL cupcakes in my barn and 10 cupcakes currently maturing on my field. Once those are fully grown I'll need 40 more XL cupcakes to be done with that part, so I guess it'll be another 2 days before I get enough cupcakes from Fuzzles. Still need 307 comic books. I'm replenishing my stocks of carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes, and will then start on some long-term crops so that I can improve my drops. Good luck everyone!!
    Arielh likes this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Banjoman, steph2014 and sglick
    I hadn't notice the 10 cupcakes reward from that task:oops:

    When are we all going to finish that task then? How many completly ready cupcakes we need to grow?
    (I am confused about cupcakes points...)
  5. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I probably only really missed about 12 hours of planting/harvesting, however I seem to only have half of what I need to finish room 3, balloon blooms and about 3500 giant rhubarb. So why do I feel so behind from everyone? I do have about 400 comic books, already donated for room three and 70 frostings. I am really trying to decide if I'm on track or not. It seems everyone is done with crops except for those that started late. To be honest, I need reassurance I am on track and not so far behind.

  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    baw815 I don't know why you don't have finished with the crops but you have time to get what you need until Tuesday
  7. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Baw I think you're doing just fine. The rhubarb aren't due until the last step, and none of us can get to that last step until we get more cupcakes from Fuzzles. So if I were you, I'd concentrate on growing the rest of the balloons over the weekend. Don't worry right now about the rhubarb, we can't do anything with it yet anyway!! By the way, I love your siggy! :)

    Arielh have you looked at the FAQ for the event? It explains the 4 different stages and values of the cupcakes. We need 17500 cupcake points in order to finish Step 4. So if you can grow your cupcakes until they are XL, they are worth 100 points each. So you would need 175 XL cupcakes in order to completely finish Step 4.:)
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  8. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I think you are right CJAT :) If we get 225 cupcakes, then 159 XL cupcakes and 66 S cupcakes will give 159*100 + 66*25 = 17550 points.

    Now this leaves no room for error, which is not so good since the last cupcakes are given out only 14 hours before the event ends. I might go for Aluntinos numbers and turn in 169 XL and 26 S just to be on the safe side ;) and finish the event a day early :p
    Arielh likes this.
  9. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    The house was really hot last night and I was tired so I planted hazelnuts as my overnight crop. I got more than 100 comic books from my morning harvest that included trees and about a dozen pens on Baha. I'm only going to do two rounds of GiantRs, lol, today, hazelnuts again tonight and finish off the crops tomorrow. I currently have 600+ comic books.

    arielh, I won't have all the cupcake points until Monday. Most of us won't except for the ones that purchased baskets. You need a total of 175 XL cupcakes, the simple math, or some combination of other sizes as mentioned in earlier posts.

    1000 cupcake pts = 20 * 50 Med after 8h or 6h OR 40 * 25 small after immediate harvest.
    The refinements and 1x1s if you have time, are a good way to go for drops if need be. 2x2s with refinement and SG if you can afford it.
    Water pitchers can be vicious. Esp the glass ones. :D Glad it didn't hit you on the head. ;) Or did it...?

    Yes. Carnations if you have them otherwise... whatever you have. Don't forget the water to speed things along. You have time.

    baw, it does sound like you are behind. The event is more than half over. I don't feel like doing your math right now. And my laptop batt is getting really low. If you are using 3 full fields and CAC and 1x1s you can probably still finish. And plant 8h event crops overnight or while away. Your comic book count isn't too bad since half of the drops would be 425.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  10. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    now I understand thank you..
    the reset time for me is at 01:00 and because it is late I get the cupcakes in the morning so I harvest them the next day
    Tommorow I will have 130 the next day 160 and Tuesday 190 but I am not sure If I wil harvest them on Tuesday because I don't know if I will be home before 3 ο clock in the afternoon...:oops:
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Arielh: Save 30 frostings until Monday. If you plant the cupcakes you get Monday morning with frosting, they should be ready in the evening. Then you should have 195 cupcakes ready Monday evening :)
    Arielh and steph2014 like this.
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    okay Mir but how long a cupcake do with frosting? around 11 hours I think
  13. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Thank you for your reply. Longest crop would be spinach for me. Maybe I'll ship some off to Popeye!!xDxDxD
  14. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    16 hrs for XL. With the frosting it's 12 hrs. The frosting reduces the time by 25%. Good luck!!
    Arielh likes this.
  15. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    If only I could blame my mouse...I'm afraid this was all me, Ugh. I have gone click-happy with lags before and planted something I had no idea I was planting. Multiple times. When will I learn to be patient?? :p

    BUT, I am thankfully done with the event crops and just waiting now on today's cupcake delivery. 95 XL cupcakes for the moment. 288 more comic books to go - should be fine, especially now that I will plant longer crops overnight.

    Good luck to all still working away! 8)
  16. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Oh dear... Olive Oyl is going to be jealous... :D

    To be more specific...
    Anyone worried about DROPS...
    In addition to trophy level and placement, or Living Legend rune...
    The most is important issue for drops is farm activity. If one's highest crop is less than 8h then the best crop to grow for DROPS is the 8h event crop. Even if one already has all they need of the event crops. But the most important part of ACTIVITY is that the farm not sit idle. If one is really worried about drops that could mean setting an alarm for the "1... 2... 3a feeding". If the spinach is going to be ready to harvest at midnight but you are going to bed at 10p, then plant a crop that will be ready to harvest before you go to bed. The crop you plant at bedtime is determined by your schedule the next day. Plant something you can harvest and plant before leaving, etc. Don't let the ripe crop sit idle in the field.
    Anyone REALLY worried about DROPS...
    Then check into the refinements and SuperGrow or invest in buying a basket or just the drops.
    I don't like the drop rate from pens. It's trees or amended/buff-ed crops for me.
    julie1013 likes this.
  17. porkchop2

    porkchop2 Padavan

    does anyone know if you hit the continue button on cupcakes and get to last page can you go back and finish donating cupcakes?
  18. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Porkchop2: You can NOT go back and complete it later. I almost did that and then found out it wouldn't work. Once you partially complete Step 4 and go to Step 5, you can't go back to 4.

    Suzee: Thank you for your information about drops and long-term crops! I have a question: do we absolutely HAVE to use our longest crop? Mine is cotton, and it takes 17.5 hours to grow! Even with water, that's a really long time, and if I don't get enough drops from it I run the risk of running out of time before I'm able to harvest another batch. Would something like onions do the trick, even though they're a shorter crop?
  19. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I am growing onions overnight don't HAVE to use your longest crop but the longer the maturation time, the better the drops. For those who are close to meeting their goals and just need a little boost for drops, you can post in the SOS thread that illy1996 creates for each event.

    One more field of rhubarb and I'll be done with the crops and then just waiting on drops and cupcakes like everyone else.
    steph2014 likes this.
  20. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Thank you, Pnp :) I'll hold off on using Illy's SOS thread...for now. I'll see if I can do it on my own first! It looks like we'll both be onion farmers tonight! :p
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