Comic# 5 the storm strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    I don't have ZIP and I'm not paying for it... what did I miss?
    A dot to dot comic ?
  2. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Am going to put in a blind post here really quick. (I apologize in advance if I am cutting into the middle of a conversation ~ am short on time!) :oops::eek:

    Just wanted to share that I finished! I planted 169 of my 195 cupcakes last night and frosted however many I could (it ended up being 100 even). Then this morning, I harvested the "frosted" ones first and planted some shorter crops until the other "non frosted" ones were ready to harvest at XL also. Then it was easy-peasy to plant the 26 remaining cupcakes and harvest them right away (as S cupcakes) to get the 600 cupcake points I still needed. I ended up donating them before then the XL, otherwise I would have had a S cupcake left over. I highly recommend growing the XL first just in case of a mis-harvest as Banjo mentioned before.

    I hope everyone is doing well on the event... with just 22 hours to go, now is a good time to be aware that cupcakes take 16 or 12 hours to mature to XL. Also be sure to recheck your drops (need 700 for the last level) and either go crazy with super-grow/refinements and/or request help in illy1996's SOS thread. :) Good luck! ~CJ
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Yagki: That looks just :inlove::inlove::inlove:

    JJenks, Bhodho, Banjo & CJAT: Congratulations on finishing :D
    And yes Banjo, that is what you missed ;)
    Banjoman likes this.
  4. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    finished all but last chore, need 2000 giant rhubarb, probably have in about 7 hrs, and still need close to 400 comic books
  5. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Hatzeva - Why didn't you jump through my monitor and slap my hand. I just used about 400 SG on Spelt and Rye on my Little Farm, farmermeg. I totally forgot about Esca's comfy field Rose cure. I even have the needed refinements activated. I still need over 200 comic Books. It will be close. I still have 400 SG so in 6 hours. I will try the Rose refinement solution. You'all know that I can't stand a greyed out cloud row so I will do what I have to do to get those last 200+ Comic books that make me cry instead of laugh.
    julie1013 likes this.
  6. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Done and dusted with the Event on my Main Farm...this Little Farm still has 100 Comic Books to go..I believe I have enough time to get that amount...I have 30 Cupcakes which will be ready in 3hrs, then I'll plant some long crops there..I've got a field of Oyster Mushrooms which will be ready in about 5hrs and a Field of Donkeys, they will be ready in 6hrs...all and all, with 20hrs to go, I'll just make it...thankfully no more planting of Rhubarb and Cupcakes...

    With my Daily Log-In I'll still get 30 cupcakes..(6hrs from now-reset)..are any of you "planting" them or not bothering..
  7. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Wish I could give my leftover comic books to those who needed them...

    My secret stables were: mole, mouse, dove

    Good luck to those still working on the event...

    belinda - I am not going to bother with 'planting' the cupcakes we get from Fuzzles tonight. I have put my farm back in trees and pens. Not going to fool with something that gives no EP nor drops...
    Banjoman likes this.
  8. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    Dancing on the razor's edge, I've just planted 120 frosted cupcakes and, earlier, 39 non-frosted ones. CJAT was right: 225 is the achievable total; therefore, 159 100%complete + 66 to be harvested right away after having planted them yield 17550 cupck pts.

    I definitely hate these cupcake (or beer keg or... or...) things. I find pretty non-sensical that they yield neither any drops of any kind (not even event's) nor any EPs. This complaint has been raised every single time these cumbersome space wasters have been required for completing an event, since those gloomy beer kegs of 2012's Oktoberfest.

    Is it so hard to add some code to make them less painful or, at least, a bit less useless? I've even seen in the Grapevine it seems we are posed to be threatened with more similar useless things in coming Oktoberfest, to start the day after tomorrow. It's disappointing they don't hear this: they'be kept themselves stubbornly deaf for 2 years now on this specific subject. Disappointing.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  9. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Ditto on PnP's sentiments.
    My secret stable results were: Dovecote, Stork Pen and a Crow Hoard
  10. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    Thanks...I also thought they were useless but figured I must have read the FQA incorrectly and somehow missed seeing the info on the Cupcakes as I couldn't believe they would still be "useless"..-.-
  11. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    My secret stables turned out to be....2 Hamsters and a Fox -.-

    Thanks Aluntino for pointing out the next event starts so soon. I'm not going to bother putting the whole farm back together now.

    I too wish I could pass on my extra comic books....Good Luck to those still trying :)
  12. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Congrats to everyone finished and good luck to those still going. I just harvested the last of my cupcakes now and then donated the remaining comic books and rhubarb to finish:). I'd forgotten that they'd put Oktoberfest so close, which will be interesting with a somewhat depleted farm:oops:.
  13. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Yeah!!! I finished with 18 hours to go!!! Since I missed the 1st two days of event...I had to buy a basket. Thanks to all my FAB neighbors that gifted me I could harvest my XL cupcakes this morning before going to work....whew! I haven't come this close or down to the wire in quite a long time!

    Good luck to those still going for it!!! And Congratulations to those who finished!
    baw815 and TCRooster like this.
  14. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand


    cupcakes... barrels... UGH!!! Not happy to hear there may be more.
    Altho I do LOVE Yagki's Island. I'm going to find out where it is and take off my clothes and roll around in that little slice of heaven. :D

    sglick, I'm confused why you are having so much trouble with the drops. You usually don't, do you? If I had logged in more often and not had trouble with login the other night and bothered with another harvest tonight... I'd probably have about 200-300 left over.

    GOOD LUCK! to everyone trying to finish.

    I won't be logging in again today, so I won't get any more cupcakes. I had more than enough to finish. that's all that counts. 180 XL cupcakes, just in case. 15 regular cupcakes left over.

    Between the heat and too much online time... My arm is swollen and sore. Need to get back to RL. Next event Thursday. I haven't had time to read the grapevine. Will there be drops? If so... In preparation I will plant my longest crop, carnations for me, TIMED to be harvested AFTER the event starts. That usually yields more than 100 drops from the initial harvest. My Baha will remain trees and pens. Thursday is infusion day for me. Right now I'm tired and don't feel like bothering with trying to start the seeds before I leave in the morning. So I will be starting about 12h late again.
    Chevrefeuille likes this.
  15. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    Done! Thank you all for your advises.
    The left over cup cakes bring between 3 EP/CC and 10 EP/CC depending on the size, after the event. Not really worth of growing them now. Blackberrys bring 10 EP with less than 2 hour growing time.
    snobunny333 likes this.
  16. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Suzy - My confession! I have been lazy and several times planted the 4 hour crops at night. It is my own fault that I am so behind. Even on this farm, I still need 82 books that I know I will get today with out using SG. When will I ever learn. :oops:

    Congrats to all who have finished and gotten their animals.

    I will be watching the clock this time and calculate when I need to plant Carnations or one of the long grains.
  17. HazelUK1

    HazelUK1 Forum Greenhorn

    buh buh buh o_O.....Freud is now heavily associated with that comment (exam studying at the mo!)....Cheers Suzee xDxDxD
    Aluntino likes this.
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I finished page 5! but I can't finish page 6.... maybe I will never learn how this comic ends:(

    but I am really happy getting there! In the previous comic events I didn't even read the third pagexD:D

    I like a lot these threads of strategy! They helped me a lot:)
  19. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    LOL! Suzy, please leave room for me to do the same on the other side of Yagki's island. The pink ones look so delicious, I apparently have been uttering loud sighs of cupcake longing whilst harvesting them. My husband brought me home 2 frosted mini-cupcakes from our co-op the other night, just to stop my sighing. Ha ha! :p

    Finished this morning, thankfully, after waiting on the final batch of cupcakes to mature. Got great drops from growing roses, hazelnuts, and onions overnight and during a long day I was AFK.
    Thank you to Aluntino for the reminder of the next event so soon! o_OEgad, my farm is a bit bare and I was hoping to restock...
    farmlily3 likes this.
  20. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Yahoo, doing the happy dance – I finished the event! :):)
    Still have 204 Comics in the inventory which is proof I went a bit over board with the “refined rose” strategy. Probably wasted about 250 SG, as I would have gotten them drops anyway, but it was fun raking in the drops every 31st minute. Hope you’re all on track to finish and best of luck!

    @ lovely - Great to see you’re posting again, I’ve really missed you. Also delighted to see your feisty kitten avatar over here! I call them stupid cupcakes because they are absolutely useless space-wasters, although they might be pretty.

    @ yagki – that is one tasty screen shot! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    @ sglick – I tried to tell you telepathically but as per normal you didn’t listened xD:)! I hope you’ll gather the last drops which I’m 100% sure you will.

    @ Everyone – thanks for the heads up about the “refined” method about getting drops. I just forwarded what clever escalonilla wrote so please direct any thanks to him.
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