Comic# 5 the storm strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Dienstag, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Okay, remind me not to post when I'm in a hurry :p. Despite my previous concerns that I would be unable to finish this event, I have in fact done so without buying anything. Seems when I was bemoaning my dramatic decrease in drop rates, I forgot to take into account the 250 comic books I'd already donated ;)xD. Color me "doh!"

    @hatzeva, congrats! We can happy dance together!
  2. yagki2000

    yagki2000 Forum Apprentice

    It all started with those crappy crapolpa trees :wuerg: At least now you have to admit they sure are getting prettier xDxDxD
    and easier to harvest and plant :p
    Brookeham likes this.
  3. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    yagki - Yes...the cuppycakes are so very cute!!! I want to visit a RL island like in your pic....and just roll around and take nibbles of all the different flavors of cupcakes!!!
    They were easier(using machinery) to plant and harvest! Thank goodness we couldn't automatically harvest them before being fully matured....or does a cupcake ripen???? LOL
  4. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    Are my eyes deceiving me ... is that HazelUK? I must have had one too many cupcakes - sugar overload. :music: Good to see you and good luck with the exams! ;)

    Very disappointed in my Secret Stables: 2 Cats and an Orange Goat Pen on this farm and one each of Orange Rabbit Pen, a Paint Factory and a Raccoon (not so bad) on Illy1996.-.-

    This farm is sooo behind, think the last level is out of my reach unless every lettuce/wheat/carrot (desperate strategy now) yields a Comic Book. I need 140 but I am not giving up ... uh uh, not me! Countdown: 97!

    Edit: Not too bad but that's all for now. Nothing else to harvest. Still at least main farm finished (much to my surprise!). Just 8 Comic Books over.

    Illy is doing a little better and only needs 15 and I have loads of trees that will be harvested soon so that should be in the bag ... famous last words! xD Countdown: 0! Yay! Finished! Cloud filled, EP collected. Phew! :inlove:

    Good luck everyone. ;)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
    Arielh and Banjoman like this.
  5. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    You're right, the very first occasion in which they punished us with these useless things was the one with the catalpas. From then onwards, they've been periodically relapsing...

    In my opinion, they are so painful and cumbersome that the relative easiness is the least they could do to, at least, somewhat relieve the pain of such a poor idea. Not enough, though, because it's not so hard to make them less useless.

    However, cupcakes did yield drops this time: Comic Books. It was not shown in the bar, not even announced -as far as I know-, but they did yield Comic Books, at a rate of 1 CB every 5-10 cupcakes harvested, either fully matured or harvested right away after having planted them. I confirmed it minutes ago, in 2 different farms. Maybe it was some kind of glitch. But, if it wasn't, then it would have been kind if they had announced it: for such an improvement they cannot claim the browser refresh excuse (which, by the way, does not work in Chrome, no matter what's officially said, as I could confirm time and again, a poor and incorrect answer given to me to justify the "surprise" of the past unannounced Baby Boom). If they had announced it, many of us could have taken that into consideration and get less stressed. I expect they correct this for the next punishment: Oktoberfest. Let's see.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
    julie1013 likes this.
  6. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    Aluntino, I agree with you 100%! I just harvested my last 30 cupcakes and received 4 comic books. They did show up this last time in my bar but hadn't before bc when I mysteriously had more comic books than I should have (not complaining) I couldn't figure out where they came from. Now I know. I completed the event with 55 comics left. I realized after reading many posts that I wasn't the only one struggling to get comic books for this event. How many missed completion by a few comics that could have been earned planting the cupcakes that supposedly gave us nothing but points? Not 8)
  7. snobunny333

    snobunny333 Junior Expert

    I Finished!!! YAY!

    Off to plant my stables... :D
  8. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    Yay - doing happy dance with you Snobunny! xD
  9. lottidah

    lottidah Forum Great Master

    couldn't finish the last part. not enough CB. darn, now I have these ep givers with nowhere to put them. I also missed the happy harvester event so I will not be harvesting much till the next one! UGH! Congrads to all that finished.
  10. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    Important Discovery: Apologies to anyone who has already posted about it but I just wanted to say that all those still working on those FSQs and who, like me, managed to grow all that Giant Rhubarb but didn't get the Comic Books, you can donate those extra event plants to the Country Fair. It is only valued at 4EP and 4CC, the Balloon Flowers are only 2EP and 3CC so my 7 leftovers were thrown in the pot too! :D
    desi20 and steph2014 like this.
  11. aisyahsaad

    aisyahsaad Someday Author

    I also finished the event last night (my time). Congrats to all who have finished the event! :)
  12. desi20

    desi20 Forum Pro

    Thank you very much for the info as I donated all mine to the Country Fair and made it to Level 11 ;) Makes up for not getting the comic books.
  13. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I finished last night too late to post. In fact, I had to stay awake an extra hour to do my last bit of harvesting. I keep forgetting to plant my stables. On my little farm, I did finish, but I had to buy 26 Comic books @ 2 ccs per book that was awfully expensive for a cloud row. Luckily, I had the BB's. I did plant the stables an got another fox and bear and my 1st Stork on that farm. I was so tired when I put out some animals last night that I forgot to feed them. LOL!

    I want thank everyone who helped me out on both farms. Your support is most appreciated. Congrats to all who completed this event and my condolences to those who came up short. I hope every one has good luck with Septemberfest.


    Yagki - I love love loved your farm Pix. What a sugar rush. It made my blood sugar rise just looking at it.

    Hazel - Good to see that you have not given up farming or us completely.
  14. lovelyfarm1

    lovelyfarm1 Active Author

    Congrats to all who have finished the event!! I finished this event 4 hours later after my mum's.:)

    Arielh, aisyahsaad and Banjoman like this.
  15. aisyahsaad

    aisyahsaad Someday Author

    I'm so sorry to hear about your hand. Hope you feel better soon.
  16. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Since the event ended and a new one is around the corner, this thread can now be closed :)

    Good luck with the next event!
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