FAQ Comic Library

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 23, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    * From what level can I access the Comic Library?
    From level 5.

    * How can I access the Comic Library?
    The Comic Library can be accessed from the Farmer's Society:

    * What can I do in the Comic Library?
    In the Comic Library you will be able to access comic events "transformed" into permanent quests that can be played over and over again.​
    In the Comic Library window you will be able to choose the Comic you want from the shelves, then you have the option to start playing the comic by pressing the 'Start comic' button in the bottom right. After successfully completing the comic chores once, the option to 'Read' that comic will be enabled as well.

    After starting a comic, you will have a certain amount of time to finish the chores. For the first comic, the only one available at first, you will have 72 hours for completing all the steps. You can choose at any time to cancel it by clicking on the 'End comic' button:​
    Please note that if you end a comic, the goods you have delivered to the step in progress will be returned to your inventory.
    Clicking on the "Play comic" button, will open the comic window, where you can browse through the pages, exactly like in the Comic events:​
    After completing a comic, your best result will be displayed in the Comic Library:​
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Requirements and Rewards

    The requirements for the Comics are determined based on your farm level. Also, the permanent Comic will calculate the rewards depending on the value of the sum of all requirements within one layer. Therefore, each player will have tailored requirements and rewards. Please note that the requirements, and with them, the rewards (EP and CC amounts) will change every time you play a Comic.

    At the end of each Comic completed successfully, you will receive a Mystery Box. The Mystery Box will let you select ONE of the 3 different rewards that are randomly chosen from the Mystery Box prize pools.


    Here is what the Mystery Box could offer:

    • 300 units of Water and Manure (farm levels 1 to 20 - if you have full tank or manure pile you will not qualify for this reward)
    • 5 units of Super grow
    • 2 units of Suzy's super grow
    • 2 Pheromones (farm levels 20 to 40)

    • 3 hour of all Harvester machinery functions

    Charged givers:
    • Haywatch
    • Sea horse
    • Sand castle
    • Santa's helper

    Crafting items:
    • 5 units of Preserving sugar, Salt, Mandrake, Herbal Elixir or Florist wire (from level 40)
    • 1 random crafting product
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    First Comic

    The First Comic has a run time of 72 hours, this means that you have 72 hours to donate the required goods for all 5 chores after starting the event.

    Here are the requirements and rewards of the first Comic:

  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Second Comic


    The film rolls will be used in the Mill, for producing Photos, which can then be donated to the quest.

    Each Photo needs 2 Film rolls, and is milled in 3 minutes.​
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 21, 2015
  5. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Comic 3

    The 3rd permanent comic also needs 72 hours to be completed.

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