Connection issues and „DDoS“ attacks

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by wiley_wiggins, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. Howdy Farmers,

    During the last few months we have been plagued by intermittent disruptions of our services which have been causing a number of players to be unable to login or for them to lose their connection.

    These incidents were caused by sudden peaks in internet traffic, which led to an overload of our network architecture and servers.

    Such incidents are called “Denial of Service Attacks” and are a common threat to every company offering online services. According to press reports, several global online gaming companies have been suffering from such attacks.

    Here at Bigpoint we have investigated this thoroughly and have prepared all counter-measures possible against these known attacks. The main reason for our users still being affected is that such attacks are not generally uniform or identical. As you can see from this Wikipedia article there are several attack methods that can be used and many of these require a different counter-measure. Also, such attacks do not always start in one big wave but build slowly. Please be assured, that our system administrators are aware of the probems that these incidents cause for our players and they react immediately as soon as the nature of an attack is identified. Furthermore, we are improving our response types to certain attacks continuously.

    Please note that Denial of Service Attacks do not endanger user data of any kind.

    All the best.

    Your Farmerama Team
    vlady and abubadi66 like this.
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