Costs too much in product..

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by shetaz71, Dec 11, 2018.

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  1. shetaz71

    shetaz71 Active Author

    I've played the game for a few years and it just seems that its getting harder to accomplish anything. For instance.. certain quests on the Island cannot be completed because u don't have a certain tree. And u cant buy the tree because its a 'special' one. Or trying to complete a task with certain animals that u cant buy because u win the pens and might get that animal. U aren't allowed to buy animals u dont have pens to either. Trying to get the manufactory, menagerie or arboretum will wipe u out of product. U have 3 tasks and each one requires 3 steps. Just the first step alone costs u 10,150,000.. 10 million in product! U need 13, 320,000 and that's just in the baha menagerie alone. Anyone think that's excessive? This is done 6 times! U will have nothing left on ur farm. And then there is trying to get Crystal Falls open and shipwreck Bay I and II... I thought we would get blank space to use, not a shack that only fits 6 items..

    And why do we have do we have to buy the trees, plants and animals in order? There are certain animals I don't want.. anaconda is one. Even if I could get all the pens on the island, I don't have room and couldn't put them there. C'mon BP.. make it a little bit easier to reach these goals and let us choose what we want to purchase instead of forcing us to waste hard earned GB's on animals we'll never use.

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