Crystal Falls 2, timed Quest.

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by davidb1yth007, Aug 18, 2017.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Ariel asked Julie what level she was ... she has a lot of GBs! xD

    I have finished four of the plots - managed to get nearly 700 Farm Coins from the Recyclomat! :inlove: I opened the first one with the FSQ and the second with GBs. I am starting the next FSQ but I don't have Plumeria either. I would prefer to use my GBs to open up those trees I haven't got so it may take a while - I only need 95 more GBs! :wuerg:

    I hope the Recyclomat comes round again soon so I can go for the 50 GBs at the cost of 1,200 Farm Coins! :music:
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Oh I am so sorry:oops:Yes I asked you and thank you for answering:) I totally forgot it haha, I feel embarrassed now...
    338 level is big! that's way you have so many bananas, now it makes sense:)
    tlcmom and MARLYMAR like this.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    But also you like to hoard them, Julie! I wish I had the same willpower. I only have 43 at the moment! :cry:
    tlcmom, MARLYMAR and sanddollar15 like this.
  4. Nellie_Noodles

    Nellie_Noodles Commander of the Forum

    Have got 54 gold bananas :cry: and have got 295 farm coins and cannot make
    anymore the machines gone :cry:
    Time for Lunch me thinks
    Have 1,811 Lychees in my barn...why can't I just donate 160 of them :sleepy:
    This game is becoming more silly by the day for wasting time MY time
    Wont tell you what I think of the mill ....Would be quicker with my Mortar and pestle:wuerg: we used to be able to use them as they were made

    Have got 6,289 bananas in my barn..why can't we use these instead of gold ones ?...why do we grow all these crops ?...because as yet haven't found anything to use them in the game.... or any other thing that we have spent time growing.
    They were once used in events:( now they aren't used for anything which is sad ...for the amount time spent growing them

    And I am NOT spending my 9 BB's in pick a tool ...because we are getting ONE movie a day .. which isn't adequate for a supposedly free game ...when we used to get 4

    Any way I have hundreds of these tools already ...and have nine power drills IF I ever want to make more room in the arboretums
    Moan Over
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    tlcmom, sanddollar15 and kibsnfebs like this.
  5. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Well, this farm hasn't even contemplated the timed quest for the falls...but Sewinglady's farm is three parts down. I got lucky on that farm and got farm wheel bonuses so that made quick work of those. Now at the next part - only 18 hours for the snakes and plumeria. That one might be a bit trickier.

    Trees are the issue for this farm - going to have to suck it (buttercup) and buy more...I think I have plenty of stables.
    tlcmom and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. pocahontas-1

    pocahontas-1 Someday Author

    lol dumbunny that is the easy part. The hard part is where oh where will the Golden Bananas be to get to the tree?
    tlcmom and sanddollar15 like this.
  7. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    That is exactly the reason I always send tools when there is no event drop to be sent as a daily gift. I have plenty but never know when I will need more.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    ive been having ppl send me tool boxes but I'm not getting hardly any hammers :(
    kibsnfebs and tlcmom like this.
  9. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    For those short on trees: Buy or make Pineapple Cake to increase your tree harvest by +1 for 12 hours. Before starting, plant trees to anticipate a harvest of half what is needed. When they are ready to harvest (don't forget to have stables/workshops out for half needed as well) start your timer, start a PAC, harvest and use Turbo Mulch on all trees to get them done before time runs out. If you use SSG, you can cut down the number of trees accordingly. Good luck!

    For those that need tools to build workshops, don't forget the "boxes" in your deco consumables. Some of them give tools.

    Also, don't forget monkey stables to "feed" your workshops.

    Brookeham, tlcmom and MARLYMAR like this.
  10. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    If you mean those 'peanut smasher' mallets that are so very rare, um yes, getting one from a gifted toolbox is indeed rare. They also don't drop from anything more often than once in a blue moon.

    But today must be a 'blue moon' for this farm as I had one drop this morning from my harvest of my main bahamarama field. Almost fell outta my chair. I have to say that this farm has been incredibly lucky of late - pink stables from mystery stables and now a mallet for no reason at all.

    MARLYMAR Forum Ambassador

    no I'm talking about regular hammers :( they seem to be rare too
  12. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    Oh my poor brain! Can some calculating genius please help me out! :p

    If I have 4 XXL Lychee trees, isn't it enough to get 8 additional regular Lychee trees? I'll use Vials of Growth and Pineapple Cake :) I would like to get the task done by just doing 2 harvests of the regular trees - I'll harvest the XXLs 3 times.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
    tlcmom likes this.
  13. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    4 XXL s x three harvests with pineapple cake = 60 plus 40 plus 40 = 140.... not quite enough...
    you are two trees short of a forest......xD
    (or you could make up the extra 20 with ten suzy's supergrow...)
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  14. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    Ah, yes I forgot about Suzy's Supergrow. I would rather spend 30.000 CCs on 2 more trees. Thank you so much for your help! :D
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 2, 2017
    tlcmom and davidb1yth007 like this.
  15. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    The new island is now open and growing island crop plus a few stables.
    I used the new plot of land itself for all the growing duties.
    Early on it dawned on me that I could plant the next steps trees after I harvested the first harvest of the step I was working on. This saved a ton of waiting time.
    I used 20 trees and 10 stables per step.
    Mulch and pineapple cake were the buffs.
    sanddollar15, dumbunny and joanc123 like this.
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    My initial thought for the first step of the timed quest was to do it in 3 harvests. But this required waking up early two days in a row and I couldn't do it:p One day I woke up at 10 and started the quest but the next day I didn't and I couldn't harvest the lychees.
    So I decided I would buy more trees to finish the step with two harvests using turbo mulch to reduce the time of the trees and eating one pineapple cake.
    I am at the second step now and we need to get 160 Coca beans and 20 elephants, oh it gets harder and harder.
    Should I get 16 trees and harvest twice (with pineapple cake) and have 10 elephant habitats out?
    Is there a cheaper way so I will buy less stables?
    geckofeet666 and joanc123 like this.
  17. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    @Arielh you should be able to get at least 3 harvests of elephants (more if you have any "classic" elephant stables) or even more with Valentine/Eggnog or Cheeseball buffs. So do you want to do these timed quests with just 2 harvests in the day OR can you harvest more often thus needing fewer animal stables? :)
    Even with PAC & TM you'll need to use a Pinkie Pie Pie or a 2nd PAC to get the 5 fruit from your 16 trees (the 20 hour base trees). ;) Good Luck!

    EDIT: As an alternative you could set it up to start the timer with a harvest of trees & stables just before going to bed, harvest stables in AM & harvest trees & stables again in evening (avoiding needing TM) BUT be careful about PAC - don't want the buff to run out before you can harvest! :oops: Hope this helps ;)

    2nd EDIT: Guess who forgot to check PAC buff before harvesting trees for 2nd time? :wuerg: 15 Plumeria short to finish :cry: OH WELL! Will try again tomorrow! ;) & maybe remember to use PPP to extend PAC buff :music:
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
    tlcmom likes this.
  18. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Yeah, this farm doesn't have enough GBs to open plumeria. I forgot about that, Pocahontas-1. That carnival queen helped a lot, but I didn't get the last 4 trees open. Heavy sigh. So here I sit with only 4 parts of the CF island open. I'm about half way to enough Farm Coins for the more expensive farm coin event, I should get that, which will just leave me with the quest part. It can wait.

    Sewinglady's farm finished the quest and got the whole shebang opened up just before this airplane event started. Turns out I had a dozen bikini workshops thanks to wonder stables, so that made quick work of that last section.

    What I am liking about having Crystal Falls open (even part way) is that I can pack it full of stables and make manure to defray the amount I have to buy during events. I've moved my manufactories and menageries over to it and then put out the higher manure giving stables. Turns out pink monkey stables give 3 when you harvest. Who knew?
    tlcmom, Brookeham and sanddollar15 like this.
  19. nicorette

    nicorette Forum Connoisseur

    Happy dance! :D I'm done with the quest and now have all of Crystal Falls open! :D

    A big thanks to all who has helped calculate the best way to complete the tasks :)
  20. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    With a big chart and Hubby away, I was able to complete the last part of the falls today on all five farms (hence the chart). Why does Hubby seem to appear just as I am concentrating! No worries this time, just me and the cats and they don't interupt!!!
    nicorette, Arielh, tlcmom and 4 others like this.
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