Cuckoo breeding

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Samwise1420, Sep 27, 2014.

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  1. Samwise1420

    Samwise1420 Forum Greenhorn

    Your cuckoos look, well...cuckoo and I don't mean like the birds. Why do they have an egg shape? I know North America has at least two types of cuckoo and Europe has at least one - why the goofball egg cuckoos when there are real birds you could try to copy/ expand on, have fun with? Sorry but, the fun, the creativity in this I fail to see at all. Samwise
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I can understand you...
    I have the same problem but not with the cuckoos personally I don't have a problem about them.
    I just don't like how Bigpoint changes the animals like how it is now the chickens, the turkeys, the bees and every other animal that they have changed. I liked them a lot more in their previous apperance.