Current Events - Countdown Timers

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Shokena, Sep 9, 2014.

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  1. Shokena

    Shokena Forum Apprentice

    Howdy Farmers,

    Having hoped that we could have a 'server time' clock in the Forum (as on the old forum), but not having yet got any favorable reply yet (we're still waiting)...

    In the meantime, we know how difficult it is for the whole English Community to adapt to CET/CEST times, also when DST (Daylight Saving Time?) changes at different times all over the planet, that adds to the confusion.

    Therefore, we have all been testing various methods to show, in a first attempt, a post with the CET/CEST times on an exterior link like this:

    However, this still means that every player outside of the Central Europe timezone still needs calculate how much time is left until the next event starts, or ends.

    Sooo, not being able to find a direct way to include a coundown timer in an iframe as was previously used on the 'old' forum, due to html coding restrictions here, we're working on a way to show countdown timers in this thread, that will be updated with each new current and upcoming event.

    an example:
    In the same line of thought, we're thinking of introducing this method for countdown timers for start times and end times.

    A bit like this:

    Happy Harvest Day
    Starts: Wednesday, 10th of September at 10:00 CEST -> countdown timer
    Ends: Thursday, 11th of September at 11:00 CEST -> countdown timer

    Hopefully, this type of countdown timer will help players around the world to see the remaining time for events.

    Your Farmerama Team
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