Czech Roots Strategies

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by SillyGuy, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    DBAYES - You lucky girl :music:...getting the 100% on the wheel!!!! I only saw it come up twice during event...but of course didn't land on it!:p
    VickyB71 - I hope you feel better very soon!:wuerg:

    Congrats to all that have finished!!!!:D And good luck to those nearing the finish line!;)
    DBAYES and -Mir85- like this.
  2. mud_pie_man

    mud_pie_man Junior Expert

    :cry: :cry: Brookeham :cry: :cry: you are a good mentor and these best a young farmer can dream of :cry::cry:

    Brookeham :cry: I did something stupid and ..... and I have to tell you :cry::cry:

    This was my first event. :cry::cry: farmer_broke, my paaaaaaaa, won't let me grow junks :cry: but I tried to do the event :)

    All the chickens and pigs I produced and did nothing in advance for the event. :cry::cry:

    I had all of one event crop. I only wanted to grow everything and did want even want the cloud row.
    I donated one of the event crops before I had them all. :cry::cry: I only wanted to grow all the event crops. I don't even want the cloud row. :cry::cry:

    I'm sorry to be a donkey's tail. :cry::cry:

    I'll try not to do it again .... :cry:

    I can just hear my paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, farmer_broke, saying: I told you not to grow all those junks anyway! >:(

    Maybe my maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, tlcmom, luvs me. :cry::cry:

    I hope I can make you proud of me someday. :cry:

    And now everybody is laughing at me........:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
    bygo_cris, pepsishot and DBAYES like this.
  3. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi all! I just finished the event!! :)xD

    I have missed you all! :inlove: Things have been busy here, but with the help of my neighbors, I was able to get going on the event a day (or 2??) late. (One morning, I harvested my fields of trees and saw "red thingies" flying around and figured an event had started lol!)
    :p ;)

    I so appreciate this strategy thread - and others like it!- as there is nothing worse than starting an event clueless and making big mistakes early on! {{blush}}

    Hi pepsi!! ((big hugs)) Hi neighbor!! I can so relate to what you said about being busy - although I have to admit that I actually am aware if I don't log in...! It's just that some days I have to say "no" to farming in order to put more important things first. (Like sleep lol!) :music:;)

    Do share your app info as our family has finally joined the "modern age." (We now have cell phones... area codes set to the part of Illinois we will be moving to of course lol!) I even looked for a Farmerama app... might have to suggest it and changes to the game to make it work - when I have so extra free time that is! Although, based on how full my life has been lately, that will most likely be in.. oh about a year (or so)... lol!

    I don't want to hijack this thread with all the changes in my life lately... pnp shared an update on some of the changes here, so if you want to comment on things about me, please do it there. ;) I am seriously considering eventually starting an into/blog thread of my own on the forum... But for now, the ILP (Infamous LastPost) will have to do!

    {{patts mud_pie_man on the back and hands him a kleenex}} There, there... we all make mistakes in life... the game will give you more seeds if you are patient. The best advise I can give you is to have fun with the game and play however makes you happy! ;) Please tell your mommie and daddy hi from me and give them some hugs too!
    SillyGuy, bygo_cris, Arielh and 8 others like this.
  4. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Oh mud_pie_man(aka broke) I am so so so proud of you!!!! ;)No need to fret about finishing an event! I won't tell.:wuerg: LOLxD
    Thanks for your compliments .....and it was a delight to be your mentor!:inlove:

    CJAT - Congrats!!! With all that you have going on, I'm impressed you were able to farm and also complete this event! :music:Kudos Oh yeah...a new blog...I will look forward to it!!! We've all missed you on ILP !!!! Glad to see you posting again!!!:D
    SillyGuy, bygo_cris, DBAYES and 3 others like this.
  5. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    I was able to get all the items I wanted out of this event so I'm happy about that. :)

    I do just want to mention one thing and that is I've read several posts about how giving away the wolf dens will drive down the overall price of wolves for those that already have them. Perhaps that will in fact be true, however you do have to be at least level 72 before you can grow all the items needed to make wolf feed. It only follows that all the players, like myself, that are well below that level will only have two options. One being not to put out the stables and the second is to buy food.

    So either the price of wolves will remain high simply due to the fact that even though they have the stables players will chose not to raise the wolves or the price of the feed will sky rocket. Seems to me it's a win/win for those that already have established wolf dens since they will still be able to sell the wolves and now can sell the feed at inflated prices as well.
  6. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Brookeham I finished the entire event. And for certain completion was effortless.

    Thanks for always being so kind to mud_pie_man too. Without you, mud_pie_man would definitely have not received the attention it has been given.
  7. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    Sleep!!! Oh how I miss having enough sleep. :sleepy:

    The app I use is Photon. It does cost money to buy but I figured I stressed about events less so it was worth the $5 or so. 8)
    BlackCaviar likes this.
  8. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    my first event over and im pleased. i didnt prepare as i was not intending to participate. actually sold what goats and pigs i had for the profits. didnt use the glade for crops till 4th day. i planned on getting the deco items and only missed jakob sugar cube. i did get all the pens offered but only one tilia tree. could have completed a lot more if i had used artisan products but decided to hold onto them for another time. almost 550 garnets left over.

    overall a good learning experience and pleased to see that this was considered a hard event.
  9. dnisis

    dnisis Forum Apprentice

    I did my last harvest and turned in what I could. I had all the animals and all the crops, but those stinky little garnets did me in. I was 106 garnets away from the amount that I needed. I know I should work on getting my trophies up as they are level 26. I finished all but the last step of the 6th part so missed the last tree. I am not concerned about the cloud row because I haven't opened the clouds yet. I am only inches away from making level 80 though.
  10. farhana

    farhana Forum Mogul

    So sorry to hear that you fall short of garnets:( When the event started I thought I won't be able to make it because of garnets, but guess what? I ended up collecting 983+ garnets! I am happy that I got enough to complete the whole event but I wish I could send the remaining amount to the players like you! Anyways good luck for the up coming events:)
    -Mir85- likes this.
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