Daily Gifts and Timing of Daily Gifts

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm56, Sep 11, 2017.

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  1. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    Suggest using coupons for daily gifts/farm wheel and/or coordinating them with the events in progress:

    Elephant Breeding Event starts 9/13/17 so why do I receive the 2 hr. Breed-O-Mat before I can use it. Since the event is coming I won't be using it to breed animals before the event starts because: I'm waiting to breed elephants and because there is usually a Baby Boom whenever there is a breeding event running.

    I can't hold off on opening it until the 13th because I will lose it.

    This is not the first time something similar to this has happened. On a similar note the Farm Wheel always seems to give me +1 Vegetable when I am growing event crops for an event.

    I think that the daily gifts should be in line with whatever events are currently running. If not; at least issue coupons instead of items that are activated as soon as they are received so that they can be used.

    It is more of a disappointment to receive these types of rewards and not be able to use them than to not receive them at all.
    BlackCaviar, phoenixboy12 and Jazac like this.
  2. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    Yes I agree I too had to collect a useless gift... not that it matters. Not like we get a surprise or some bonus for logging in 1,000 days in a row.... you get same gifts as logging in 30 days in a row... whats the point??

    They don't make a coupon for the breeder... so i'm with you on why they had it on that day for us and not on a breeding day... But instead of the 2 hr breeder o mat we should've gotten a 2 hour coupon , and then use that coupon for the breeder and the farm... I would've loved this better.. Not to mention we would be able to choose when to use it...
    phoenixboy12 likes this.
  3. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I have the harvester subscription so when I collected it just got tacked on the end, so I will also probably not get to use it. I have never found instant prizes helpful and don't see why coupons can't be issued instead. The timing of this one was particularly short sighted considering the breeding event starts a few day later.
    Sweet_Cassiopeia and Jazac like this.
  4. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    am I the only one thinking someone got the wrong day at BP? But coupons over insta any time any day
    Arielh and Jazac like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I prefer coupons than any instant prize too.