DailyLoginSeries shows now day 2 to Me, it chould be over 1200 !

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by anki74, Dec 31, 2023.

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  1. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    Why is my Log-in series broken and showing a number for 1 day?

    This happened on the date 29.12.2023 (Yes, it has happened, when there was that 10x Wheel of Fortune spin!), I was definitely inside the game (isn't it exactly Login?)

    Maybe I didn't remember to spin the 10 regular Wheel of Fortune spins (missed 100% sure of that!) that were a daily gift, but it's not logging in, it's just being in the game, isn't that right?

    I also redeemed 12 Order of Books from the event (29.12.2023) and played the 6 games I got with them, minigame from the right side! Yesterday, December 30, 2023, I noticed that my streak seems to be broken even though I played the game. There's no reason to make a fool of myself by lying about this! 30.12.2023 I also get those 12 Order Books.

    Other players in the same house, same PC, also went inside the game and did the same as me, got 12 order books and played the games, same PC, same browser, same everything. But they have sets of more than 1200 pieces, just like I do. Or it should be.

    Now what's the problem, it doesn't topple or destroy the world, but it does make me sad.

    Just before I wrote this (using translator FIN to ENG) I took the day number 30 gift (595K CC) and now series is showing 2 day to me!
  2. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    I'm the real life spouse of the player "anki74" who wrote above and we share a PC, we ALWAYS collect Farms in a row, one before and one after. (yes, just now also about 17 minutes after her)

    I really have that series showing a reading of 1214. Why should they be the same?

    Well, since due to a joint vacation trip, we couldn't log into the game at that time 1215 days ago, neither of us without smart devices from a foreign country, that's why the readings have "walked hand in hand like us".

    My number 1214 is right to her also. Don´t know if this help or not, but so it is, her number is wrong, but why?
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello anki74,

    Your Daily Login Streak does not go on the amount of days you just log in to the Game. It goes by the number of times you have collected the Daily Login Gift. If you missed a day collecting a gift, your Daily Login counter starts again.
    As your calendar shows you have collected 30 days only, you must have missed picking up one gift this month.

    Can I assist you further?
  4. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    OK, funny that login = collect gift :)

    No need to continue, You can close this, thanks!
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    You are welcome.

    ~closing as requested~
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