Deluxe Pheromones

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm561, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    When I harvest my fields manually the pens require you to click on Feed or PF. I click on Feed but sometimes it changes by itself to PF. There is a delay in the game so in order to get the fields harvested and replanted the clicking is done rapidly. Sometimes it is not noticed that it changed to PF until after several regular pens are fed PF.

    I previously suggested that the PF option be removed or a locking mechanism be added to prevent this but apparently this suggestion was denied because it is still there.

    To limit the amount of PF I lost because of this I started filling the Breeding House as soon as the PF was available and waiting to harvest when events occur. This has been working fine because the forum grapevine lets us know which breeding events are coming up so we know which animals to place in the Love Shack.

    Now we have Deluxe Pheromones -- can you please change it so that we can add the deluxe pheromones anytime before harvesting?