Diamond And Gold Mine

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by sudhir, Sep 16, 2014.

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  1. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    Hi all ........ My idea is to create a new land for mining of precious metals. This can be unlocked as usual with stars and we can sell the Gold or Diamonds at market, to complete new quests . But this discovery of Metals or Diamonds should not be fixed per level neither should it depend on how rich a farmer is BUT instead it should a combination of Mining and LUCK. Just to strengthen Democracy and to give a chance to create an equal level playing field among rich and poor farmers :D
    Arielh likes this.
  2. Voldemort

    Voldemort Junior Expert

    Hello sudhir

    Could you please remove your personal photo as Avatar..

    We do not encourage this on the forum, since it's a game played by many children as well and their safety is extremely important. The rules need to be the same for everyone - thank you for your understanding on this matter.
  3. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    Oh Is that so...... ASAP......
  4. Voldemort

    Voldemort Junior Expert

    Thank you for removing your photo.