difficult times

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by pferdepferdefarm, Mar 23, 2020.

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  1. pferdepferdefarm

    pferdepferdefarm Active Author

    In these difficult times for everyone, how about making the harvester functions free so that everyone gets much more enjoyment from the game while forced to stay indoors
  2. Not a bad idea (respect to BP for giving away a small pack before any talks of introducing the stay in & safe lockdown were announced in the UK anyway or they just had been & another small pack after via code) Too much £,$,Etc is made renting out the Harvester/Seeder/Etc so that's unlikely to happen as people have to be paid, Still a good Idea they may do a 24hr one or a cheaper package but some money just has to be made by the games makers, Also lockdown will end or loosen for different countries at different times so all may not be entitled.
    007Farming likes this.
  3. 1Kay58

    1Kay58 Advanced

    I think it would be great if they had a harvester subscription with the harvester only. I dont mind planting but harvesting is just to much! (As is trying to use the fertilizer.) It should cost less for a monthly harvester subscription than it would be for the harvester, seeder, farm droid and builder. That way people could choose which one they want to use. Also, money is very tight right now for some. Not everyone has been able to go back to work yet.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
    RowSie, 007Farming and nwTrout1 like this.
  4. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    I agree with all the above comments. But I also think it should be included in the Premium pkg., perhaps adding $1.00 to the pkg., no more.
    Or - as it already should be - just part of the structure of the game.

    The Harvester is so essential to playing this game that it should already be a permanent, free, part of it.
    I have created a few new farms and played without purchasing the harvester just to see if I could make it work and still have it be fun to play.

    The results lie in the abandoned farm pile!! After several levels it became too painful and - frankly - just plain too exhausting to continue - and NO WAY was an Event any fun AT ALL, trying to grow all those crops!!!
    To advertise this game as Free is only true if you are a masochist!!

    Which begs the question: How many players, AND all the money they would have spent, has BP lost just for lack of an included Harvester??!!!
    Ask yourself how much you have spent in the years of playing this game! Now multiply it by the thousands who have left because it is too difficult to play without it.......

    Just a thought or three..
    Anyone else agree?
    (tee hee!)

    (Sorry - I can't help it! lol8))
    Where is David when you need a poem-response?!
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
    RowSie and 007Farming like this.