Dreadful Dinner Strategy

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Sheriziya, Apr 30, 2015.

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  1. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Hey everyone,

    I didn't see a strategy topic about this event yet, so here goes :)

    Link to FAQ

    Event requirements:
    Spooky Sushi's: 100:
    • Step 1: 10
    • Step 2: 20 (adding up to 30)
    • Step 3: 30 (adding up to 60)
    • Step 4: 40 (adding up to 100)'
    And here's the picture with the progress bar from the FAQ:

    For this you need:
    Octopus stinkhorn: 1500 (Time: 4 h 30 min) You get 10 of each to start with.
    Doll's eyes: 1000 (Time: 1 h 30 min) You get 10 of each to start with.
    Remember to keep a nice stock if possible by the end of the event to have enough for replant for the next MM! Or you'll start with 5 seeds again (replenish by the system upon next MM when you have nothing left)

    Total milling time:
    a little less than 17 hours without subscription/Rune (10 minutes per Sushi)

    The Rewards:
    • Step 1: 1 Slime Punch + random Rewards from the Chests
    • Step 2: 1 Booo! + random rewards from the Chests
    • Step 3: 1 Preying Mantis + random Rewards from the chests
    • Step 4: 1 Monster Bed + random rewards from the chests
    You need 1 Spooky Sushi for each Bat that pops up.

    Useful strategy threads for this event:
    General event strategies

    With thanks to SillyGuy for the set up of the Hoppy Easter event strategy thread. That came in handy as a template :)

    Have fun everyone!
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  2. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Thanks Sheriziya I haven't had time to even look at the requirements yet. It looks like fun though :inlove:.
    Hope we get a Mill subscription sale. :music:
    IVANCICA30, SillyGuy, d5aisy and 3 others like this.
  3. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Thanks so much Sheriziya for setting up the requirements. So helpful to have that info all laid out and easy to read. :D
    IVANCICA30 and d5aisy like this.
  4. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst


    I have been waiting for this, thank-you for starting this thread.
    What would anyone suggest to get this done? I have never been in the other field, what is the best way to set up for this?
    I am trying to find where I read it, but I seen where it said a rune, but I didn't see the name if you have.. it will help, I am heading up the tree just need to know what way to go, will find where I read it....
    Any tips will be devoured!!!!!!
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
    IVANCICA30 and d5aisy like this.
  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi Keltic :) My first priority would be the dreadful dinner event, the rewards from the bats are just great for a low level player :D So start growing octopus stinkhorns and doll's eyes :eek: of course overnight and if you are gone for a while, you can grow some of the longer MM crops. Then after a while you can decide if you want to grow something else or stick with the bats :)

    The rewards from the bats are almost the same as in the easter event (but now there are harvester coupons :)), but if we compare the requirements, the bunnies wanted much more, a bouquet took
    150 x Easter Lily, 6 x Bouquet Holders, 30 x Orchid, 30 x Tulip​
    which is much more than for the sushi.

    So I am wondering if the probabilities for the best rewards are the same in this event. If they are, I think I will stick to making sushi for the whole MM. I was very happy with the rewards from the bunnies, but this could be even better :D

    PS. I realize that during the easter event we could grow the lilies on all the fields, so that it makes sense that the requirements were higher. But, now we can grow normal crops on the other fields with less event requirements for the same (?) rewards, for me that is win win :D

    I actually wish we had more events using only one or two fields :)
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
  6. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Hey all,

    You're welcome :) Happy to help out!

    As for the mill reduction time, check on the Stem, on the left side, close to the first branch. There you'll find the rune Super Mill. It's for 10% less mill time.

    100keltic I start with growing enough crops so that I can plant a full field. Now, this is Moonlight Mania, so you can only use your main farm field (remember to first click the moon! Otherwise you can't plant. :) )
    Start with 2x2 plots, as they will only cost you 1 seed and give you 5 seeds in return. If you've got Suzy's Super Grow, use them on these plots. It will give another 2 extra seed. Once they're grown, you'll have 50/70 seeds (if I'm correct you'll get 10 seeds to start with, please correct me if I'm wrong!) Plant either one those 50/70 seeds in 2x2 plots again. It will again give you 5 seeds per plot. Once their grown, convert your field to 1x1 and plant the crop again. Plant the shortest crop during the day (you can do that multiple times) and the longest crop overnight.

    Also, it's good to use a Terror Bouquet before planting. That will the time of your crops will be reduced.

    Once you've got enough seeds to mill the first batch AND replant, replant first and only then mill.

    ETA: Once you've got a full field of 1x1's with the seeds, make sure to use CAC before harvesting! That will give you 4 seeds instead of 2 and thus giving you (after replant) 600 seeds to mill.

    At least this is how I will do it.

    Good luck!
  7. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    As much as I would love to just mill sushi, thanks to that lovely little thing called work I will be hard pushed to complete this one, so might just do what I can or continue with one of the quests - haven't decided yet.
  8. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst

    Thank-you sooo much for laying it out, I will plant that way. Thanks for doing the mind work, as you always do:inlove: my mind takes wrong turns....a lot it seems.


    Ohh, I got that rune!! thanks for the name, I am reading so many threads I would have been hours finding the thread.
    I got suzy stuff, will do.
    CAC before and terror before, CAC does that?! must go get... thanks

    Thank you both, your knowledge is sooo much felt.
    getting ready... I want this so bad!
  9. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    My head is spinning! I was so opening to get crows or bats unlocked during MM. Guess I'd better save a couple CACs for this event. Good thing we can use all three fields for the Swiss Event.
  10. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Sewinglady your talking about bat breeding right? Cause you can raise bats if you have a roost for them I think you just need to unlock the breeding. That is what I was going to shoot for myself but I'm thinking I'll go for all the goodies. I got so many BEP in the very small amount of Easter eggs I was able to get. Maybe I'll finally get the third room unlocked to get that blasted coconut tree. xD

    This is probably obvious but just thought I would mention it. I made the mistake of thinking that I clicked on the moon on the main field and got a whole other field to plant. So I planted my main field then clicked the moon and realized that was a mistake. It's just the one field so make sure you have it all empty of everything to take full advantage of the space.
    IVANCICA30, steph2014, d5aisy and 2 others like this.
  11. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst


    Oh, I am taking all tips, bring them on, and thank-you.

    No it's not obvious trust me, I am, ahh to be nice, easy distracted by shinny things. I am moving all the wonderful trees I was gifted, I planted them on the main farm and left the green meadow open as it look bigger to me for midnight M.
    Thank the farm Sheriziya mentioned in passing what field will be used :oops:
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi Keltic :) The green meadow and the main filed are exactly the same size, the magical glade is a bit smaller. Only the main field can be used for MM though :p
    100keltic and IVANCICA30 like this.
  13. porkchop2

    porkchop2 Padavan

    I can't wait for this so I can finally fill out some of my empty cloud rows. YEA!!
    IVANCICA30 and d5aisy like this.
  14. Carberot23

    Carberot23 Forum Apprentice

    The stinkhorn's growing time: 4:30 hr and the doll's eyes 1:30 hr
    IVANCICA30 and d5aisy like this.
  15. d5aisy

    d5aisy Forum Inhabitant

    This event only offers 1 2x1... other sizes 1x1, 2x2's are available for cc's in the decoration section :)
    IVANCICA30 and BlackCaviar like this.
  16. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Well... I'm going to be busy those three days too... but... I will have more flexibilty with my time.

    I will use 2x2s w/ water, manure and SG and suzy's magic dust for starter seeds as usual. Plus CAC, no need for PPP. And terror bouquet. And MM cloud rows if I can remember not to activate them before the event starts. After I have enough starter seeds... I'm thinking about switching to CFs planted octopus stinkhorms w/ water and, maybe, manure during the day since I need to not be at the computer all day. Back to 1x1s in the evening for the doll's eyes. Not sure what I'll do overnight. I'm going to need to use some builder coupons for this event.

    I do like all those goodies, so I will try to make as much Spooky Sushi, is there any other kind, as possible. I think these are fun events esp for lower level players. If I were a lower level player I would only do this event during these three days for all the goodies. Good opportunity to get the farm leveled up and get some goods. But there are all those other things to do too...
    SillyGuy, IVANCICA30 and Sheriziya like this.
  17. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    While you are propagating the two new plants, you can grow other MM crops to make your own 1x2 deco items. You will have to wait for MM to see which ones as the Event FAQs list them but not their sizes.

    EDIT: The sizes are now listed in the MM Event FAQs! There are several 1x2s to choose from. :)
    Last edited: May 1, 2015
    Cassie101, SillyGuy and IVANCICA30 like this.
  18. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    I'm not going to have a huge amount of time during this event so I might use some of Suzee's suggestions for during the day. I've only recently had access to the comfort fields and I haven't tried them yet. I haven't really looked at fully yet, just to much other stuff going on in game the last few days. I think I might actually have to sit down and write out a game plan or I might not be able to get much done.
    grllvs2hnt and IVANCICA30 like this.
  19. trishap58

    trishap58 Forum Master

    so as I see it we will need 200 Spooky Sushi . Am I correct? or am I reading this wrong?
    Last edited by moderator: May 6, 2015
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  20. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    I'm hoping someone will workout the numbers and post them for me. LOL I don't really have much time to do it myself. Going to bed early tonight. Yield is fairly easy to calculate. Time is different for a lot of us. My guesstimate, since I don't have it written down anywhere, is 4.5h * 4 = 18h. But with all the buffs I have might be more like 12h.
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
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