Dutch fansite Draadje

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by miekje9, Jul 30, 2024.

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  1. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Someday Author

    Who already put his/hers shoe neer the chimny?
  2. LadyMyst

    LadyMyst Forum Greenhorn

    Too early for me. Don't forget the carrots and or sugar cubes for His horse!
    Butsmuts likes this.
  3. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Someday Author

    I have to wait as well, my youngest nephew is only 3 monthsxD And the the first one above him in age is 19. For now I stick to the gevulde speculaas, heaps of it.

    ( Mods: gevulde speculaas is the name of a specific kind of candy, so do not alter it in some broken English one to one translation, it is not gingerbread)
    popje4 and LadyMyst like this.
  4. enk52

    enk52 Active Author

    You have to give the horse some hay too. My grandchildren did.
    I don't like that speculaas. It is to sweet. I prefer a pure chocolate letter
    popje4 and Butsmuts like this.
  5. LadyMyst

    LadyMyst Forum Greenhorn

    I'm not a fan of "gevulde speculaas" either.... normal speculaas with a cup of tea, yeah... Marzipan piglets are my favourites!! And Enk, never thought of hay although that must be a lot healthier for the horse's teeth than sugar cubes but definitely not as tasty :) :)
    popje4 and Butsmuts like this.
  6. enk52

    enk52 Active Author

    You don't want he has to go to the dentist. Marzipan is also too sweet for me.

    popje4, Butsmuts and LadyMyst like this.