FAQ Edelweiss Valley - Alpine Gardens

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by WildCat, Jun 11, 2023.

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  1. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Edelweiss Valley - Alpine Gardens


    Alpine Gardens comes available from Edelweiss Valley level 8.​

    Plant playfield.png
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
  2. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

  3. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
    Lada1408 likes this.
  4. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Crafting Station

    Here you make your Alpine crop seeds.

    Crafting Station Help Comic 1.png

    Crafting Station Help Comic 2.png

    Crafting Station Help Comic 3.png

    Crafting Station Help Comic 4.png

    Now after reading the instructions, let's see what exactly to do.​

    Crafting Station
    1a: Alpine Trees - craft trees for Northern Woods
    1b: Alpine Crops Seeds - craft seeds for Alpine Gardens
    2: Blueprints - choose which tree/plant you want to craft
    at first you will have Alpine Apricot available
    3: Sort you blueprints
    4: Available blueprints (chosen one gets a glow around the card)
    5: Unlock new trees by playing
    6: Production time of the tree crafting
    7: Requirements to crafting
    8: Start crafting
    (choose up to 10 at one slot for multiple item production)
    9: Started crafting will be shown here
    10-11: queue plots for crafts
    12: Collect finished craft - single slot collection
    13: Collect all tree or plant craftings ready for collection
    (won't collect when warehouse limit would go over)
    14: Improve trees/plants via skillpoints

    black square: Forwards to Skillpoint node layer
    Blue square: advanced recipes opened via skillpoints will be found here
    Red square: Choose max 10 items to be produced at one slot
    Green circle: Time the slot is still available will be shown here

    In the upper right corner (3) you can find drop down search menu:
    Crop Classes.png

    Crafting a Crop
    Crafting a Crop 1.png

    Choose a blueprint which you wish to craft.

    If you don't have yet all the ingredients for that,
    you need to use Converter to get the missing ones.

    Start crafting, the crafting slot looks like this, when production is in progress:
    Crafting a Crop 2.png

    After production is ready, collect the seeds.
    Please keep in mind to have enough room for the crop seeds you collect.
    Crafting a Crop 3.png

    Crafting a Crop 4.png

    Extra free slot for production
    With Alpine Gardens release we also get one extra free slot for production
    Extra Production slot (Free).png

    Extra Production slot (Free) 2.png

    What are these weird items in some of the recipes?

    They are drop items. These mainly drop by chance from the related Category of Playfield items (for Alpine crops these will be specific crop-related items dropping from crops on harvests).

    Alpine Crop Drop Items

    Garden Spade
    Garden Spade.png

    Harvest Alpine Crops to collect these drop items.
    Needed for crafting for example.

    Garden Rake
    Garden Rake.png

    Harvest Alpine Crops to collect these drop items.
    Needed for crafting for example.​
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
  5. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2023
  6. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN


    Hire Assistant.png



    Gardener Assistant: 12 BB for 48 hours - crop assistant - daily bonus not included
    Gardener Assistant, single purchase: 3,49 € for 30 days, no automatic renewal and daily bonus included
    Gardener Subscription: 2,49 € for 30 days, with automatic renewal and daily bonus included

    Hire Assistant 2.png
    Harvest HandCrop Planter
    Weed supervisor
    Harvest Hand
    - collects all ready for harvest crops at once

    Crop Planter
    - Plant all free plots with crops

    Hire Assistant 3.png
    A: Compact layout, plants to every row
    B: Optimized layout, plants to every second row to maximize plant buffs
    C: Apply your chosen way and seed
    D: Favorite-bar

    Fertilizer specialist
    Hire Assistant 4.png
    Sprout-A-CropSync-A-CropPower Sprawl
    -20% of the growth timer of the plantsyncs all the plants into the lowest timer
    (ready-to-harvest is the lowest possible)
    Plants one more alpine crop if there is enough empty plots in the line.
    Cannot be used, if no more crops can be planted.


    Cannot be bought via ingame shop.
    You might get some via payment packages though.

    Power Sprawl

    Weed supervisor

    Hire Assistant 5.png
    You can either remove all plants at once
    choose a type of crops to be removed.

    NOTE!!! If you remove unfinished plants you won't get anything at all, those plants will be lost.
    If fields have ready-for-harvest status, you will get as many plants from the harvest as there is free capacity in your inventory.

    * Daily bonus Consumable Gift

    During a running Gardener Assistant subscription (bought via payment), you can collect one special gift per day.
    That is a random set of crop-related fertilizers. The gift can be collected in the helper via button.
    There will be a highlight on the assistants on the playfield, showing you the availability of this special gift until you collect it.
    The collectible gift is refreshed every 24 h (at 00:00:00 CET) and gifts don't stack in care they were not collected in time.

    Possible daily bonus gift options
    * 3 Sprout-A-Crop
    * 4 Sprout-A-Crop
    * 5 Sprout-A-Crop
    * 1 Sync-A-Crop
    * 2 Sync-A-Crop
    * 3 Sync-A-Crop
    * 2 Power Sprawl
    * 3 Power Sprawl
    * 4 Power Sprawl
    * 2 Speed Boosters
    * 1 Sweet Swap​
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
  7. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    When you begin with Alpine Gardens you have small area open where to plant your crops.


    More space can be opened by playing.
    AreaFrom levelPlots availableUnlocking costs
    211411 Horticulturist Badge Level 1
    317552 Horticulturist Badge Level 1
    423672 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    529802 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    635913 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    3 Horticulturist Badge Level 1
    7411042 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    2 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    8471153 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    9531263 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    2 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    10591384 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    2 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    11651405 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    3 Horticulturist Badge Level 2
    12711501 Horticulturist Badge Level 4
    1 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    13771643 Horticulturist Badge Level 3
    3 Horticulturist Badge Level 3

    How to plant an Alpine crop?

    Seed menu (opens when you click on an empty plot to plant seeds)

    Seed menu.png

    Seed menu 2.png

    Consider Chicory as an example:

    Seed menu 3.png

    The seed menu provides information regarding category (Sunflowers), growth duration (each bed increases in grow time), and a number of beds needed for sprawling (4), and buffs that have been unlocked via the Path of Wisdom runes.

    Clicking on a plant bed shows harvest yield, time remaining to harvest and active buffs.

    Chicory Bed 1.png

    Chicory Bed 4.png

  8. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Alpine Gardens Crops

    When planting seeds, crops will instantly expand (sprawl) to multiple plots. Sprawling occurs in the same row from left to right. Each seed has a predetermined amount of plots it will take up to create a plant bed. If there are not enough empty plots, the seed will take what is available. Applying any fertilizer impacts the entire bed.

    Each plot will have its own shifted growth time meaning they will be ready at different times. This growth shift is a multiple of the crop's base time.

    For example: Alpenrose has a base time of 22 minutes 30 seconds and sprawls 4 plots. The first plot would be ready in 22 minutes 30 seconds with the 2nd plot ready to harvest in an additional 22 minutes 30 seconds (45 minutes from planting) and so on. Final (fourth) plot would be ready 1 hour and 30 minutes from planting.

    Both seeds and crops can be used in Recycling.

    Alpenrose Seeds.png

    Alpenrose Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 8
    Time to craft: 5 minutes
    1 Basic Lumber, 1 Basic Humus, 1 Fuel
    Seed Value: 347
    Crop Value: 12
    Growth Time: 22 minutes 20 seconds
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Heathers

    Alpine Edelweiss.png

    Alpine Edelweiss Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 11
    Time to craft: 60 minutes
    1 Basic Lumber, 3 Basic Humus, 5 Fuel
    Seed Value: 516
    Crop Value: 84
    Growth Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Sunflowers

    Boletus Seeds.png

    Boletus Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 14
    Time to craft: 30 minutes
    1 Common Lumber, 1 Quality Humus, 2 Fuel
    Seed Value: 1990
    Crop Value: 33
    Growth Time: 1 Hour
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Fungi

    Alpine Bluegrass Seeds.png

    Alpine Bluegrass Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 17
    Time to craft: 20 minutes
    1 Basic Lumber, 1 Quality Humus, 2 Fuel
    Seed Value: 580
    Crop Value: 54
    Growth Time: 1 Hour 30 minutes
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Grasses

    Lady's Slipper Seeds.png

    Lady's Slipper Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 21
    Time to craft: 30 minutes
    1 Common Lumber, 2 Deluxe Humus, 2 Fuel, 1 Garden Spade
    Seed Value: 3480
    Crop Value: 90
    Growth Time: 2 Hours 15 minutes
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Orchids

    Mountain Cowslip Seeds.png

    Mountain Cowslip Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 25
    Time to craft: 5 minutes
    1 Basic Lumber, 1 Basic Humus, 1 Fuel
    Seed Value: 347
    Crop Value: 16
    Growth Time: 30 minutes
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Primroses

    Chicory Seeds.png

    Chicory Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 29
    Time to craft: 50 minutes
    1 Common Lumber, 3 Basic Humus, 4 Fuel
    Seed Value: 501
    Crop Value: 61
    Growth Time: 1 Hour 52 minutes 30 seconds
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Sunflowers

    Girolle Seeds.png

    Girolle Seeds
    Crafting - base recipe
    From level: 33
    Time to craft: 25 minutes
    1 Common Lumber, 2 Quality Humus, 2 Fuel, 1 Garden Rake
    Seed Value: 2655
    Crop Value: 71
    Growth Time: 1 Hour 45 minutes
    Plant Bed Fields: 4
    Plant type: Fungi​
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 12, 2023
  9. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Crop Properties

    Plants will sprawl their predetermined number of plots unless they are blocked by another plant or the end of the row.

    The sprawling range can be increased by opening runes on the Path of Wisdom, buffs of other plants adjacent, or Power Sprawl.

    Plant Buffs

    Plants can have buffs that improve adjacent neighboring plants. Most buffs will be unlocked via Path of Wisdom runes. The benefits only apply to neighboring plants that are different than the one giving the buff. Consider planting the same plant on different rows in order to maximze the benefits. Only 2 buffs per plant bed are in effect at one time (does not apply to weather buffs)

    Reduce grow time
    Additional use of fertilizers
    Increased harvest yields
    Increased sprawling range
    Weather buffs (coming soon)

    Plant Buff Slots

    The first tile of the plant bed (the one the player clicked upon for placement) determines the order in which buffs are applied:

     this tile would check for neighboring plant beds first
     it checks the tile above first, the tile below second
     if there is no or only one neighboring plant beds with buffs, the next tile (to the right) of the
    placed plant bed checks for adjacent plant beds and so on until the last tile is reached or all slots
    are full
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 12, 2023
  10. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    How to get the advanced recipes open? What is Skillpoint?

    The Base node of each skilltree always unlocks the related Base recipe.

    The node-system pretty much resembles the Tree of Wisdom, having interconnections that branch from the base node.

    To be unlocked each node requires, that previous point has been unlocked and defined type and amount of Horticulturist Badges to be paid in.

    Nodes can have these effects when being unlocked
    * playfield traits such as
    • reduced growth timer
    • additional uses of the Sprout-A-Crop
    • increased yield amount
    • reduced crafting timer
    • field buffs for neighbor plants
    * Yield traits such as
    • increased yield equivalency value

    Where do I find this skillpoint-thing?
    Open Crafting Station-building and there you find button to Path of Wisdom.

    Path of Wisdom Runes
    Path of Wisdom Heathers.png
    * Alpenrose

    NodeNode requirements
    1Alpenrose8recipeunlocked from lvl 8
    2Alpenrose8Weather bonus: Rainy - reduced growth time1 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    3Alpenrose8Adds weather bonus to neighboring crops2 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    4Alpenrose8Weather bonus: Windy - 1 additional plant bed fields2 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    5Alpenrose8Increases the exchange value by 10%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    Path of Wisdom Sunflowers.png
    * Alpine Edelweiss
    * Chicory

    #CropLevel req.NodeNode Requirements
    1Alpine Edelweiss11Unlock base recipe1 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    2Alpine Edelweiss11Weather bonus: Sunny - increased harvest per field by 12 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    3Alpine Edelweiss11Reduces growth time of neighboring crops by 10%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    4Alpine Edelweiss11Reduces growth time by 10%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    5Alpine Edelweiss11Reduces production time for this crop by 50%4 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    6Chicory29Unlock advanced recipe3 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    7Chicory29Weather bonus: Sunny - increased harvest per field by 13 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    8Chicory29Increases harvest of neighboring crops by 12 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    9Chicory29Reduces production time for this crop by 50%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    10Chicory29Increases the exchange value by 10%4 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    Path of Wisdom Fungi.png
    * Boletus
    * Girolle

    #CropLevel req.NodeNode requirements
    1Boletus14Unlocks base recipe2 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    2Boletus14Increases harvest of neighboring crops by 13 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    3Boletus14Weather Bonus: Rainy - reduced growth time3 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    4Boletus14Reduces production time for this crop by 50%4 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    5Boletus14Increases the exchange value by 10%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    6Girolle33Unlocks advanced recipe2 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    7Girolle33Weather Bonus: Cloudy - 1 extra use of Sprout-A-Crop3 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    8Girolle33Reduces growth time by 10%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    9Girolle33Applies 1 extra Sprout-A-Crop4 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    10Girolle33Reduces growth time of neighboring crops by 10%4 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    Path of Wisdom Grasses.png
    * Alpine Bluegrass

    #CropLevel req.NodeNode requirements
    1Alpine Bluegrass17Unlocks base recipe2 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    2Alpine Bluegrass17Weather Bonus: Sunny - Increased harvest per field by 13 Horticulturist badge lvl 1
    3Alpine Bluegrass17Applies 1 extra Sprout-A-Crop2 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    4Alpine Bluegrass17Increases harvest per field by 13 Hoticulturist badge lvl 2
    5Alpine Bluegrass17Adds weather bonus to neighboring crops4 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    Path of Wisdom Orchids.png
    * Lady's Slipper

    #CropLevel req.NodeNode requirements
    1Lady's Slipper21Unlocks base recipe2 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    2Lady's Slipper21Weather Bonus: Cloudy - 1 extra use of Sprout-A-Crop3 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    3Lady's Slipper21Reduces growth time by 10%3 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    4Lady's Slipper21Applies 1 extra Sprout-A-Crop4 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    5Lady's Slipper21Adds weather bonus to neighboring crops4 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    Path of Wisdom Primroses.png
    * Mountain Cowslip

    #CropLevel req.NodeNode requirements
    1Mountain Cowslip25Unlocks base recipe3 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    2Mountain Cowslip25Weather Bonus: Cloudy - 1 extra use of Sprout-A-Crop4 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    3Mountain Cowslip25Applies 1 extra Sprout-A-Crop4 Horticulturist badge lvl 2
    4Mountain Cowslip25Applies 1 extra Sprout-A-Crop to neighboring crops3 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
    5Mountain Cowslip25Increases the exchange value by 10%4 Horticulturist badge lvl 3
  11. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    How do I get Horticulturist Badges?

    By doing them in the Path of Wisdom
    Path of Wisdome Craft Badges.png
    Choose tab "Craft Badges"

    Path of Wisdome Craft Badges Crops.png
    Choose from dropdown menu "Crops"

    Path of Wisdom Horticulturist Badge Selection.png
    Now you can choose which one you want to craft.
    Naturally at first you will be able to craft only
    Horticulturist Badge Lvl 1.

    Path of Wisdom Horticulturist Badge Selection 2.png
    Click green + and choose what you want to pay in.

    Path of Wisdom Horticulturist Badge Selection 3.png
    When you have enough Alpine Crop yields (seeds cannot be used), you can convert them into badge.

    Horticulturist badge Lvl 1
    Horticulturist Badge 1.png
    Level req: 8
    Requirement: 9 500 CC worth of heathers and primroses

    Horticulturist badge Lvl 2
    Horticulturist Badge 2.png
    Level req: 18
    * 10 500 CC worth of fungi and orchids
    * 1 Horticulturist badge Lvl 1

    Horticulturist badge Lvl 3
    Horticulturist Badge 3.png
    Level req: 28
    * 3000 CC worth of orchids and primroses
    * 2 Horticulturist badge Lvl 2

    Horticulturist badge Lvl 4
    Horticulturist Badge 4.png
    Level req: 55
    * 13 500 CC worth of fungi and heathers
    * 3 Horticulturist Badge Lvl 3​
    Last edited by moderator: May 13, 2024
  12. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Assistant slot

    There are assistant slots in both Crafting Station and Converter (lumbermill).

    By hiring Sawyer you will unlock those slots.

    Productions can be filled for as long as the related assistant is active.

    Production will not be cancelled when the subscription for the current slot ends.

    A subscription adds an assistant slot to all available Crafting Categories at once.

    Unlock Slot

    To unlock another extra slot in the queue, you need 10 Master Keys.
    For that you get 72 hours on unlock slot.

    Master Keys
    can be obtained via purchase,
    as a drop item or
    as a customer reward

    Like with assistant slot, the production will not be cancelled when the temporary unlocking for the current slot ends.

    Each Crafting Categories possesses a separate Slot and each of these Queue Slots is unlocked separately.​
  13. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    The Alps Plants Weather System

    The weather will be a global state on all Alpine Gardens playfields that CAN give bonuses to certain plants on the playfield while weather state being active.

    This means that every single player will have the very same weather at any given time.
    Weather Comic.png

    The Weather Station and Horizon
    Weather Station.png
    The Weather Station can be found from the Alpine Gardens. Current weather is also visible on the horizon.​

    Weather Station shows current weather and forecast for upcoming weather
    Weather Station 2.png
    How weather buff is shown on the plant beds?

    Effected Plants show icon on plant bed fence
    Weather Effect on Plants.png
    Weather States and Effects

    There are multiple changing weather states with one of them being active at a time. Weather can have the following effects on plants. Each weather has always the same effect on eligible plants:

    upload_2023-7-3_19-23-55.png Cloudy:
    Additional uses of Sprout-A-Crops: +2 times
    upload_2023-7-3_19-28-23.png Rainy:
    Reduced growth timer: -20%
    upload_2023-7-3_19-29-15.png Sunny:
    Increased yield amount: +1
    weather-cat_wind_big.png Stormy:
    Increased sprawling range: +1
    upload_2023-7-3_19-32-45.png Snowy:
    Will be related somehow with Events, more information follows when it's time.
    Plant Affinity

    Plant can have one or more affinities for weather states. This means that a plant gets a buff while suitable weather state is active.
    How buffs are applied?

    Once applied buff will stay active no matter if the weather is still active.

    As soon as player is online and a plant with the related weather affinity is on the playfield (harvest ready or still growing) while that weather state is active, the plant will get the connected effect.
    There is weather on but my crops don't show that, what is wrong?

    Also weather buffs needs to be unlocked via skill points. Maybe that is still locked or then that particular plant has no affinity for the weather state currently on.

    Please remember to plant different crops next to each others. That way you can maximize buffs as plant bed cannot give buff for neighboring plant bed which is the exact same crop.​
    12ss12 likes this.
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