Feedback Edelweiss Valley

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by shooger.sweet, Dec 6, 2022.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the new content release of "Edelweiss Valley" in this Feedback thread. We are looking forward to capturing your initial reaction to the event, as well as the final opinion after playing the new content.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future content updates.

    The FAQ of the release can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    We are looking forward to your feedback!

    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 31, 2023
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Wow, this looks so exciting - I have glanced at the FAQs (not able to take in big chunks of info at one time - I'll get there eventually!) and there are so many new things to do. Thank you to all those involved in creating all these new additions to our wonderful game! Kudos! :inlove:
    ç.çiftçi, sanddollar15 and 12ss12 like this.
  3. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I am excited too with the new feature. Happy that something new is happenning.

    Although I cannot figure it out just now. I think I will try the guideliness along with trial and error method once the new feature is launched.
  4. asta.neiti

    asta.neiti Forum Pro

    OMG, my english is so bad that i didn't understand any of the instructions.... :cry::oops:
  5. Tarsis63

    Tarsis63 Forum Apprentice

    Same here.
  6. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    Completely own game, clearly.
    Too small to be published separately, so they buried it in the farmer's land.;)

    At least I still haven't warmed up to this at all. 8)
    BellaMary69, Titi-tyy, Sue46 and 5 others like this.
  7. upa70

    upa70 Forum Expert

    2500 stars to unlock the edelweiss valley>:(
    how long is it going to take a player to amass that many stars?????
    ive been using my stars to upgrade my manure pile. now all of a sudden there is a new feature that needs 2500 stars...have no idea how long thats going to take to get that many stars....ive completed most of the fsq's so no t many stars left there to obtain. 2 or 4 stars from the farmwheel .....omg!
    my initial excitement at a new area to the game has very swiftly deflated:(
  8. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    Well, the good news is that all the kinks should be worked out by the time I get to open this! 2500 stars is a lot. . . .

    I hope adding something this complicated to the game isn't going to cause more glitches
    AniE, Sue46, elimeno and 2 others like this.
  9. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I am not so thrilled about new area. Game is already very laborious and new area will make it even more laborious. More effective old farm with features like storage houses would be nicer.

    I will try this new area, stars are no problem. Finally something where to use them. After I upgraded my pile of manure, it is like getting stars everywhere. Events, crates, farm wheel, FSQ, pets etc.

    Ladybug lodge and Flying reindeer are the pets, which give stars.
    BlackCaviar, elimeno, RebaFC and 2 others like this.
  10. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Forum Great Master

    The new area did not excite me and I think 2500 stars is too much, but it's nice that the game is innovated, of course, except for the crazy requests.
    Sue46, elimeno and upa70 like this.
  11. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    8195 stars, not problem that 2500... at least SOME use to stars... and yes 12 years of playing and everything opened at Wisdom tree.
  12. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    Nice to see a new area coming. I am hoping that we don't have too many things going on at once since I tend to forget that I didn't finish something when there are 2 or 3 different things going on at the same time.
    Sue46 likes this.
  13. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I am a little concerned that we will have to pay for services (equivalent to harvester) but so far we only have info about Tree services. I have the feeling that when animals and crops are introduced, we are going to have to pay individually for each section. I hope I'm wrong though what a Sawyer would have to do with animals and crops makes me feel that my guess is correct. :(

    I know a lot of work has gone into this new release but I don't want to pay any more than I do already for daily activities. Let's hope I'm wrong! -.-
  14. RowSie

    RowSie Regular

    Update: So as many other players, I decided to give this another try since access to the new land will be contingent to increasing levels in EV.
    I am not a happy customer.

    I just made to level 5, but I am stuck because not fully clear on how things work, I have more green fuel than I can get rid of. I still can't recycle it and because storage is full, I can't harvest trees.

    The amount of things consumed for anything is insane... but that is a matter of choice, I guess.

    Overall, don't appreciate that we are able to produce things that we can't use because of level limitations. Or that we can buy things that don't even fit in our storage due to the limitations. It looks to me BP rushed EV out without thinking it through or not really bothering with this kind of detail.

    Despite finding EV very pretty, I also find it boring due to all this producing and inventory non-sense, which really turns the game into a chore for me. EV right now, for me, has become a chore that I do to open the new land. Not sure if I can do this for long enough, new land or no new land.

    Good luck, everyone!

    === The idea is lovely! I couldn't wait to see it. For the investment in creating a new environment, my heartfelt thanks!

    Now that I got a feel for it, however, it is feeling a bit resource intense and more about doing chores than actually having fun. I do not want to have more work and mindless clicking to do, nor to pay for extra harvesting tools. When I saw the lift and alps, I thought of vacation, Biergarten, hot cocoa, skis, and ice skating. I was expecting a few challenges for high-payoff prizes.

    I also did not expect to have to use farm hard work produce (animals, plants, and fruit) being requested to make things go. Spending those resources to create trees that will be only harvested three times and be chopped and gone is a no-no. I would feel much better about it if this was a self-sustainable situation. The trees may still have to be harvested a few times and chopped, but the fruit given from the first tree should suffice to plant a new one. See where I am going with this?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    spotsbox, BlackCaviar and sunshineaz like this.
  15. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Not happening for me in this lifetime either. Only have 181 stars. Used them to get the museum, and also the manure pile increased. At least I wont be tempted to purchase any of the Alpine stuff .
    Sue46, elimeno and upa70 like this.
  16. dnisis

    dnisis Forum Apprentice

    Not happy with all the costs involved in trying to do anything there. Turning in resources or costing BB to do anything.
    Lada1408, Sue46 and elimeno like this.
  17. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    2500 stars:sleepy:
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I must admit, I really like the look of it but I can't make head nor tail on how to start. I am sure it is fairly straight forward once you know the clues but for the moment I am just trying to do the event (on three farms!) and will take my time with it. I thought we could swap farm stock for alpine items - have I missed something?:p

    Wonderful graphics - and I really thought it would be dreadfully slow starting a new event, adding new FSQs plus a whole new game within a game but it is not bad at all. Well done! :inlove:
    RowSie, spotsbox and elimeno like this.
  19. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    While I would rather have seen better development of existing features, I do find this new area interesting. My concerns are the same as those above - while, with over 9000 stars, the cost is no issue for me, it is VERY steep compared to all other areas of the game. Then, once in there, it seems fairly complicated. While I love that I can turn in some of my 100 yellow beaver pens to make green fuel, I then have to turn in crops or animals that I have stockpiled, to make the other things needed. And there are a LOT of steps to each thing. As illy1996 said, it also appears that we will have to pay additional for any harvester benefits - like a lot of us who play regularly, I do not want to do endless clicking or tapping and if it were not for harvester functions, I would not continue to play this game - but I, too, am not going to pay extra for specific area harvester, if it not included in either the harvester subscription or coupons. My Valley will sit fallow, if that is the case. It is very early, and there is still a lot to figure out - but I think we will all agree, that MORE WORK is not something we want from this game (but the graphics are, as always, really good, and the concept is intriguing).
    spotsbox, BlackCaviar, Sue46 and 6 others like this.
  20. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    I opened it and I've still got over 20 000 stars left. But I don't understand what I can do there :p I watched the video twice and I've seen the faq and I don't know if I can be bothered to figure it out.
    If the regular harvester doesn't work without paying extra I probably can't be bothered.

    I did not need new plants or animals or new processes to learn. I did not need new time-consuming features. It's a game not a job.
    It already takes a lot of time to harvest everything and I forget to check some features half the time... Neighbor gifts? When did I send them last? I don't even remember. The pirate cove? Hardly ever even visit. The cinema? Usually no point trying. ´The marketplace? If I need something but usually can't be bothered. The seed shop? It's nice if you remember. I've got some plants in the refinery I've forgotten to check on for several days now. The customers? Seasons? Forget about them, I ain't got the time.

    What I want is, better ways to sort the pantry and barn. Let me favorite pinkie pies so they show up on top, or something. I wouldn't mind if there are no new animals or trees ever.... there are too many as it is. Give me some reason to plant the 200 XXL pine trees I've got. Give me somewhere to put all the decorative items that are sitting idle in the barn.

    Sorry, it looks nice but awfully complicated to get started.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022