Either move, shrink, or have labels disappear after a few seconds

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Doc425, Nov 25, 2015.

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  1. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    Please change the way the labels work for the inventory, Multi-tool, and shopping overview. The way it is now, especially the inventory and Multi-tool, when you open them the label totally covers them up making it very hard to see what you want to select.

    For example; If I want to open my decorations to move my trophies I have to look at the top border of the selections and select the last one to get to my decorations. It would be so much nicer if the label was there for a short time, maybe 5 seconds, and then disappeared. The same is true for the Multi-tool. When I'm ready to delete my trophies to move to the next field I can't see the selections, I have to go by experience to click the delete icon.

    Overall this is not a big deal, but if you are moving your trophies constantly, because you haven't opened the Living Legend rune, it gets very irritating. This should be an easy, simple fix that would remove an irritant which becomes greater and greater the more you use it.

    I'm open to other suggestions, or opinions from anyone with a better idea. Thank you.
    007Farming likes this.
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I don't really understand what you mean Doc :oops: I don't think I have had any problems that sound like what you describe. Which labels do you mean, what do they say?
    Sweet_Cassiopeia likes this.
  3. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    The inventory list says, "Click here to go to your inventory", and the Multi-tool label says, "Multi-tool". The problem is they completely cover your options.
  4. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I see :) But for me the label disappears as soon as I move the pointer to the right towards the buttons, so it causes no problem. Does it stay there for you even if you move the mouse pointer? o_O
  5. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    Yes. It doesn't go away until I click on my choice.
  6. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hm, I don't think it is supposed to be like that...
    Doc425 likes this.
  7. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    It has always been that way for me. I'm using a touchscreen, IPAD type computer. Maybe that has something to do with it, or maybe BP just doesn't believe my 1 watt brain can remember what they are if they remove the label. Now I'm really starting to get an idiot complex!xD:p:cry:;)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
    007Farming likes this.
  8. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    My mom uses a touch screen and experiences the same thing Doc does. The label stays open and you cannot see the options. As a newbie, there is no experience to let her know what to click as she cannot see what her choices are. It has been frustrating for her too.
    Doc425 and BlackCaviar like this.
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Yes if you use a touch screen this is what happens and it is very annoying. Doc maybe if you use a touch pen for the screen the label won't stay. I think I have tried it and worked. I can't remember for sure because there has been time since I last logged in from a tablet.
    Doc425 and BlackCaviar like this.
  10. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    Sounds like it could be touchscreen related. This game was designed before touchscreens were the norm.

    Edit: Arielh, we were typing at the same time. I agree, that could be a solution. ;)
    Arielh, Doc425 and BlackCaviar like this.