Elephant Breeding please!

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Brookeham, May 17, 2017.

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  1. phoenixboy12

    phoenixboy12 Forum Duke

    Maybe we can have a Dumbo elephant as one of the breeds with really huge ears
  2. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I love dumbo!

    And maybe a jungle/forest elephant too?... I sooo luv elephants!

    Pleeeease give us elephant breeding! (and indeed a renewed pen, cuz that is just...Ugly.)

  3. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    Add a dancing elephant to the breeding que! Tights and all! :D:D
    007Farming, phoenixboy12 and MARLYMAR like this.
  4. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I am in total agreement phoenixboy!!!!;) I would love to see a dumbo elephant!!!:D
    farmingfreebird - I loved your 1st post video of the baby elephants getting in the baby-pool:inlove: ....and now how cute is little dumbo getting a bath by Mom!!!
    Teagle - A dancing elephant with tights would be adorable!!!:)

    Pretty please BP.....may we have breeding and a pen re-design for elephants??? :music:
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 8, 2017
  5. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    If we get elephant breeding, I will have to get a bigger Laptop !!:DxDxD

    (Just kidding!! Wot a great idea, Brookey !

    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  6. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    Would love elephant breeding.:D:inlove:
  7. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    davidb - o_OOH I just adore the dancing elephant!!!! :D Thanks!!!!;)

    Chookie - Thanks for adding your vote!:)
  8. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    How many elephants have we thought of so far....? lol. Pleees give us elephant breeding!! I think we've been hoping for it for a year or two now....
    Brookeham and phoenixboy12 like this.
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Brookeham, it is great to see that your idea happened after all:D:D:D
    Brookeham likes this.
  10. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I know....I was over the moon when it was announced!!!
    Thanks BP!!!!:D
    farmingfreebird, farmerumf and Arielh like this.