EP Givers

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nlm24, Jul 3, 2019.

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  1. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Under the decorations tab in our inventory we have our an inventory of the names of our givers with the quantity in inventory, the EP/TEP given and the time.

    I recently redid my EP fields and was surprised to find that I still had EP Givers with temporary charges, some that gave crates and other items besides EP/TEP. When the giver gives both EPs and another item (We Love Mom) it shows in inventory as giving EPs with no mention of the crate. I would like to see this changed as most of us expect an EP/TEP Giver to give experience points. It would be more beneficial if these types of EP Givers were listed in the inventory section as providing Crates, CCs, Manure, SG, etc. and then when you clicked on the item you would find out how many EPs/TEPs it gave.

    I also think temporary charges should be listed the same way -- I found numerous Dandelion Powers still in inventory. With the back-to-back events we can't always place them in our fields right away and apparently we sometimes forget about them.
    Jazac, Arielh, sebe96 and 3 others like this.
  2. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Excellent suggestion, nlm24!! This is a real difficulty - and you have a good solution!! Thank you!!
    Jazac and sebe96 like this.
  3. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I agree, this is an excellent idea!!!!!! :inlove:
    Jazac and sebe96 like this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I also agree it is a very good idea nlm24!
    Jazac likes this.