EP Strategies (Compiled Version)

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by penguilnz, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    I got this from a moderator reply on this issue, and I remember reading somewhere about it in the old forum, anyhow, I tried to find a reference before I posted, but couldn't find any here in the new forum, except for some players threads in general questions and moderator answers, for you information, I m using premium membership for three years now and I am not improvising, and the things you have said about that there is no time to eat buffs is not the case, there is long buffs that last for 12 hours and there is buffs that last for 2 days like the ones you get when you purchase BB packages, and what you see is the animation only when you log in, so it is about timing, if you know the time for trees when they are ready to harvest, you can turn the auto harvest function off before that, so why going and turn it on, and then go back and turn it off, if you need the EP bonuses just keep it off and harvest manually, for me I am not in a rush any more to level up, I am satisfied with my progress, so I sacrifice the bonuses of trees and just keep it on all time

    This is just an example from what I found about the issue (by woody)


    Edit: Sadly there is no FAQs about premium memberships and auto harvester for trees here in the new forum, I have searched again and couldn't find any, but if you don't like what I said, please ignore it, even better, if any one can prove that what I said is wrong, then I apologize, I am still able to learn, and I can apologies if I made a mistake, I am not trying to debate for the sake of debate, it is just I shared what I believe I have seen and read.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    KaiCat33 and BlackCaviar like this.
  2. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    @Mir you don't lose the fruit but it doesn't build up your drops. You are right though about it being a boring way to farm. I mainly do that trick (?) for happy tree day or if I'm going away for a weekend mini-vacation.... but I am able to fill my fields with trees (one benefit of playing 4+ years)

    @abubadi66 I just read the post you referred to and the Mod said that the auto-harvester worked with buffs
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
  3. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thanks AnnT :)

    abubadi, from the thread you quoted (edit: just saw AnnT also noted that, but anyway, here it is):
    Cassie101, KaiCat33 and penguilnz like this.
  4. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I am curious about the auto harvester. (I don't have a premium account.) Does it activate upon login or upon entering the main farm field? I ask because while I know some people go directly to the main field upon login, I go to the farm map. If it activates only upon entering the main field, one could login to the map, go to the Artisan Village and activate buffs from there before going to the main field and having trees auto harvested. If it activates upon login, this wouldn't work.

    (For those that don't know where to change your game to enter to the map, see image below.)

  5. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi BlackCaviar :) This came up during the comic 7, where we had to collect EP from trees: pepsishot confirmed that even though you "go directly to the map" the trees will be auto harvested immediately when you log in :(

    KaiCat33, BlackCaviar and penguilnz like this.
  6. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I am not a premium member either and never used auto harvester but this does sound like a really great workaround BC!

    Edit: sorry I was typing at the same time as Mir and did not see her post.
    KaiCat33, -Mir85- and penguilnz like this.
  7. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Thanks for that info. I probably didn't remember it because auto harvest is not in my toolbox! :p
    KaiCat33, penguilnz and -Mir85- like this.
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I go back and forth. Right now, I am using pineapple cake to boost my harvests in Baharama, to fill some quests, so I have the autoharvester turned off. Many times, though, its just too inconvenient to worry about the extra EP. I figure I get an extra harvest every few days by using the auto-harvest and that makes up for the loss of EP buffs, for daily use. Besides, most of the best EP boosters cost a lot of CC, so that figures into my calculations as well.
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi abubadi, just saw your edit :) If you really want to know, it is very easy for you to check ;)
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  10. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am embarassed, partly by not remembering this. However, I also distinctly remember other mods saying, particularly in reference to that last quest where we had to collect EP, in the event thread, the buffs would not work with the auto-harvester. I will try to look it up and find the specific reference. I might well be wrong.
    KaiCat33 and abubadi66 like this.
  11. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Old Hand

    yes, I checked, and I know, and that's why I edited because what I saw before does not exist now, it seems you miss read what I wrote, and for the post above I quoted to show that woody have the same idea, and the moderator answer I mentioned was not this one by sugersweet, and I believe he was not accurate here, that was another moderator in other post a long time ago, also woody confirmed this in the previous page in this same thread, and brookham proved this by turning off the auto harvester and getting more EP, so why debating here, practically it is proved to me by experience, since I am using the auto harvester for three years now, and I used to turned it off when I needed, if the issue here is the phrase I used by saying it is officially stated, I explained that up, so it is on you if you want to prove me wrong, you check and show me, and I will apologize and change my mind about the hole issue.
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  12. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This is confusing to enough people, I think a clarification in the FAQs is really needed.
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  13. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    To clarify: The only reason I turn off auto harvest is to receive the benefit of pets and cloud rows...this is how I boost the EP from the trees. I believe, if I have say an EP boost buff running like Easter Marmalade(EM) the EP on my trees will be boosted anyway....what I'm after is the increase of pets : Nightmare, Dragons, owls & crows....which adds up to a significant boost in the morning harvest. I can't always get that same result at night...because of the timing of 12 hours...but I try.:p
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I stand by everything I said in my post, it is based on what I have learned from many experienced players, both here and in the German forum. I will however not pay for premium to check this -.-

    All that is left for me to do, is to encourage interested players, with premium accounts, to check for them selves to see how it works :)
  15. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Mir and abu both -- I definitely appreciate your points. Above all else, I think what we really need is a truly official and accurate clarification, because its obvious that there are different ideas on this. I do have the auto-harvest, but since no trees are going to be ready for several hours, I won't be able to do any checking soon.

    As of now, though, it looks as if some boosters work on the auto-harvest and some do not, with the corrections you made. (that is, that both have to be active BEFORE you log on/before harvest starts).
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  16. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    woody - Not if auto harvest is off already.
    Where is Aluntino when we need him????:music:
  17. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I am One of Those Farmers Where Premium Account Benefits, has no usefulness to me for the subscription you have to pay to get additional Benefits.

    Sorry to Hear Some of Have Auto Tree Harvester issues that it prevents you getting the Most of your Your hard Earned Pets and Buffs to Help Boost EP.

    I have Always have to Manage and Click my pets and Buffs Manually as I do not trust the auto features at all. As I can Plan and layout and Play my farm to get as many EP and Drops as Possible.

    I Hope My Additional Info Helps, It a shame we lost alot of additional Info in old Forum.

    It Actually Been Ages when we last Had a Happy Tree Day Event Come on Big Point !!!o_O
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  18. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    I'm new at premium account and I confess I have been lazy to understand exactly how auto-harvester works in terms of EP and drops.
    Everything I read so far, got more confused and confused...o_O
    So, I've done a little test of my own.;)

    Copied the BEP left until leveling about 4 hours ago: 444,331 BEP left.
    That was three hours before the following trees were ready to harvest:
    XXL Banana - 5
    XXL Mango - 4
    XXL Persimmon - 1
    XXL Coconut - 5
    XXL Kiwi - 1
    XXL Cocoa - 2
    Maté - 2 (they're XL but the EP is the same)
    Moringa - 1
    Seagrape - 1
    Lychee - 2

    I've done calculations and all these trees sum up to : 2402 BEP

    4 hours later, (all trees would be done one hour before) cleared cache before login. Clearing cache was done two or three times: Before going to baha field and after I went to baha field. (All the time I had to login and logout.)
    Went straight to shipwreck bay: Still 444,331 BEP left.
    Activated CR 25%. Gave me 5645 BEP in the process. So, 438,456 BEP left. (Logout, clear cache, login)
    Again into shipwreck bay: 438,456 BEP.
    Activated 5 owl pets, 1 nightmare pet, 1 dragon pet and Sweet-rose jam (CR was already activated). Total of 135% (B)EP increasing.
    Again into shipwreck bay. Still, 438,456 BEP left.
    Harvested shipwreck bay: 431,978 BEP left
    Finally into bahamarama field. EP hats started to fly into EP pool.
    It said: "2754,20 BEP". However when I saw the BEP left it said: 426,333 left!!!
    Did calculations and 2402 BEP + 135% = 5644.7 BEP
    431,978-426,333 = 5645 BEP. (Clear cache again)
    After trees are harvested with auto-harvester and hats start to fly to the EP pool, the value it depicts is always wrong!!!! It's a bug!!! I've noticed that before. More than one time. I never really made any calculation to know if pets, recipes, cloud rows were right. But this time, I did.

    So, everyone can safely activate every pet, put any recipe, go to the cloud row because it works with the auto-harvester on long after the trees are done.:D
    There is only one exception: the main field!!! Even if you have the settings activated to go to the map, there's a glimpse of the main field before going to the map that makes EP from the harvested trees (by auto-harvest) be "harvested" before you can activate any EP increasing stuff. (unless you already have any recipes or CR running). It's sad but that's how it works.

    This test I made can't tell if harvester drops are affected nor if EP buffs accumulate from sucessive auto-harvester from the same group of trees. That is if EP buffs will work for every harvest 48 hours between logins (or going to a specific field).
    If it does, then Mir is right about the EP accumulation and it can be a great thing before a happy tree day. Especially in baha field.

    But now that I'm curious, I'll try it in the magical glade field about accumulating drops and EP.8)

    Hope this helped clarify some stuff.:)

    EDIT: I don't know if using the Pineapple cake (+1 for tree production) would take effect on every accumulated harvests. That is also something to test about. If it does... well, how nice would that be?:D
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
    KaiCat33, SillyGuy, Arielh and 6 others like this.
  19. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Arq, you truly are a treasure :inlove:

    But it is very bad that the wrong value is shown, no wonder people are confused :oops:
  20. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Thanks so much Arq!!! :inlove:This was a great help!!!:D
    KaiCat33, penguilnz and -Mir85- like this.