EP Strategies (Compiled Version)

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by penguilnz, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Thank you.
  2. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    2nd Test:
    Green Meadow with 27 apple trees (and pens that don't matter for the test).
    3 XL apple
    24 apple (regular)

    Planted yesterday about 22 hours ago. Forgot to count how many apples I had before logout. Sorry! However, don't think it would matter anyway as you'll see:
    (Consider a regular clear cache before, during and after the tests.)

    Counted apples after login (20 hours after the last logout): 8534
    I had apple trees also in the main field (25). Because some of them were XXL and the rest were XL, I knew that a 2nd auto-harvest was not ready in the Green meadow.
    Harvested farm regularly without entering green meadow.
    Counted apples before logout: 8534 still.
    Waited 1h30 or so.
    Login again:
    All Apple trees from main field (including the XXL) were automatically harvested. Apples counted: 8634.
    Activated all owl pets around farm, except green meadow. 5 owl pets = 50% increasing EP.
    EP left in the bar to next level: 45,531,634 EP
    Enter green meadow:
    After auto-harvest, the results were:
    Apples - 8754. That is 120 apples more. I forgot that all apple trees were regular except 3 that were XL. That means that only the 3 XL trees had two harvests. Hence, 120 apples instead of 108 apples.

    EP left in the bar: 45,531,184 EP. That is an increase of 450 EP. (By the way, the below informative bar said that it was 165.5 EP. That is not only false but also impossible.)
    Because I was away from the farm for nearly 1h30, there was no way that owl pets would still be active the first time.
    Every apple tree gives 10 EP.
    50% increase is 15 points per apple tree.
    15 * 27 trees = 405 EP
    The 45 EP difference between this value and the value that appeared in the EP bar left can only be explained because pets counted the 1st harvest of the 3 XL apple (some 12 hours before) as if it were that instant.

    1) All fruits from multiple tree harvests with auto-harvest will accumulate in a "secret chamber" until you're ready to login or enter a specific field and collect those fruits. Without login or entering the specific field(s), the barn will stay the same and doesn't recognize those fruits.

    2) In the same way, all EP from multiple auto-harvests accumulate in a "secret chamber" until you collect it. If we activate any increasing EP buff, before going to a specific field, the buff will increase all multiple harvests at once, no matter when each one was ready. (the day before or an year ago)

    Of course, I may have done something wrong. I'm hoping sincerely that I did every step accurately and these conclusions are what it should happen for any similar case, regardless the kind of buffs, fields or trees.:oops:
    With the particular exception of the main field because of the reasons I said in the first test, few posts above.

    Next tests: drops from multiple harvests, pineapple cake result from multiple harvests and (why not) SSG in a single tree.

    Hope this helps!:)

    EDIT: Because of step 2, you'll see now that it's possible to accumulate endlessly for a happy tree day. Of course, as Mir stated it would be boring for many of us who love to login into the farm everyday. Once, twice, thrice...:p
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    KaiCat33, Banjoman, Avienne_1 and 3 others like this.
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    KaiCat33, abubadi66 and penguilnz like this.
  4. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    Some interesting strategies that you probably already knowxD

    1. Lettuce, roses and some event crops (not all event crops) gives the most ep/min. Thus, planting them might give you more ep.
    2. (Caution: Try this only if you are a rich farmer) Buy all the Anniversary Boutonniere, Autumn Arrangement, Bread Roll, Cherry Cheesecake, Christmas Cookie, Honey-infused banana jam, Marzipan, Puff Cake, Quiche, Rhubarb Jam, Royal Wreath, Strawberry Muffin, Summer Pot, Tomato Chutney and Yellow Pear Jam in the market. After that, consume all of them and you will get many ep.:eek::eek::eek:
    KaiCat33, abubadi66 and -Mir85- like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    If you go on a trip or you can't login in for several days you can place comfort fields and plant a long hour crop so it can be ready when you come back. In this way you will earn EP.
  6. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    Thanks Arielh for your contribution.:)
    I always do that but I forgot to add the strategy here:oops:

    ps If you notice I added 'escape weeds' to the strategy...
    KaiCat33 and Arielh like this.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Have we gotten an official answer on how buffers and pets operate with the auto-harvest for trees on?

    I know someone already mentioned the "doubling" trick (with auto-harvester only) in another thread (not one of the "biggies", an event specific thread.. that is, to let your trees go for almost 2 cycles (note more!). Enter your fields just before the second round is "ripe". Wait until the second set is "ripe", then go to the fields again to harvest (if needed, log on and off again). This works ONLY with auto-harvest. It works because the auto-harvester doesn't actually harvest when you are not in the game, BUT it harvests when you enter and then "backs" the clock up, so that the effect is the same as if you stayed up (stayed home from work, etc) to harvest. However, my understanding is that it only "back" harvests one time.

    Anyway, last I knew, we were still awaiting an answer on how buffs and such work.. do they apply to the back harvested items or not? The last response I know of was in the above link (copied below for convenience), to which Teddy could just say that the question had been forwarded to the design team. (if anyone has a more recent answer that I missed or forgot, please DO point it out!)

    KaiCat33 likes this.
  8. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi woody, I don't think you'll get an official answer...

    But fact is that buffs and bonuses for pets do apply, but there might be a display issue so that it seems like they don't. Of course the bonuses/pets have to be activated before the trees auto harvest, to achieve this you might have to have auto harvest turned off, turn it on again after activating pets/buffs, visit the fields to harvest then turn it off until next time, so it is a bit of a hassle...
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  9. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Hmmm... but if you turn off the auto-harvester, then I think you lose the extra time?
    Thank you for the answer, though. I suspect you are correct about not getting a more definite answer. They seem to want to leave some things as proprietary or such.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 16, 2015
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  10. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    No, the good thing is that the time is still saved :)

    There is a long and detailed post in the German forum about the auto harvest, by an experienced user.
    KaiCat33, meba091 and Brookeham like this.
  11. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    I've just read this whole thread for the first time.

    I've been a heavy and constant user of the auto-harvest function, for years.

    It's difficult for me to understand how actual users of the function can be confused about the EP/B-EP yield from trees when using it on. There's no need of any clarification from mods because one can very easily test what happens.

    So, to help anyone still in doubt, let me summarize what actually happens (I know some have already stated these same things above in one way or the other) when auto-harvest is on:

    * EPs/B-EPs are increased by whatever EP/B-EP-increasing buffs/pets/CRs you may have active at the moment you visit a field with trees;

    * when many tree maturation cycles are accumulated at harvest with auto-harvest on, you get:
    - EPs/B-EPs accumulated in all cycles, all of them increased by all EP/B-EP-increasing buffs/pets/CRs you may have active at the moment you visit a field with trees, combined,
    - fruits accumulated in all cycles,
    - drops corresponding to just the last harvest,
    - if trees had been Suzy-sprayed, +2 fruits and +50% more EPs/B-EPs from each tree, once -not 50% more multiplied by the number of cycles being harvested-,

    * there's a well know displaying problem: in bar, EPs/B-EPs shown as obtained are sometimes those of 1 tree of a kind -even if you have 10 of them being harvested at the same time-, sometimes with buffing effects shaved, sometimes..., etc. (it varies); however, EPs/B-EPs are always correctly logged, increased by the number of cycles and all the EP/B-EP-increasing buffs/pets/CRs you may have active at the moment you visit a field with trees, combined; so, in short, don't pay attention to bar and auto-harvest with confidence: you get everything.

    Just to be sure that I don't forget to activate auto-harvest when needed (I keep it off and activate it just when needed), I keep configuration of game to land at Main field when I log in, and I keep Main field always 100% dedicated to crops. Remember that trees are harvested by auto-harvest only when you visit each field with auto-harvest on (thus, sometimes, I activate it just to visit some fields -those with trees or some of those with trees: for example, I tend to harvest with auto-harvest the field where I have the jumbo trees if they're ripe because it's more important for me their produce-, then turn it off, change the buffs and harvest the rest).
  12. frmrlife

    frmrlife Active Author

    I know my task is next to impossible but I just rolled to level 69.
    Upcoming breeding event rumor to be beavers.
    I can not get beavers until level 73.
    Any suggestions for low level farmer to get to this level in 30 days?xD
    Not a lot of cc's to purchase craft items from market and no pets, no clouds - notta - zip
    Only have water that I can purchase and manual harvest everything.
    I am able to login "most days"" twice maybe three if I stay up late:sleepy:
    Currently 12 bunnies and 6 goat pens preparing for this month breeding event.
    Rest of field growing 1x1 of roses and event plant with 1 cac per day - I ration it since it is gifted to me by a nice neighbor so I save them for events.
    Looks like I need the other items mentioned at start of thread to boost ep since the cac only boosts numbers.
    No shipwreck bay but on the park I have accumulated items that give me 5800/2800ep per harvest then water tanks to give 85 water per harvest twice a day if lucky. Some take 20 hrs.
    Almost a year into the game, two farms and still confused.:oops:
    Farm name austg1
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Hi frmrlife - From level 69 to 73, you will need 1,188,350 EP to accomplish your goal of opening beavers.

    For CC's, check out farmer_broke's How to make CC's thread.

    Good list of strategies on page 1 of this thread.

    I would recommend prioritizing your goals-- do you want to level up more than participate in events? Or do you want to gain event prizes more than leveling up?

    Let me caution you, even if you got to level 73, it takes time to grow beavers (they are a long pen) and by that time they will be expensive in the market as the price is already increasing. Typically, breeding events take a couple hundred animals.

    If you are going to skip this month's breeding event, you will make some good CC by selling rabbits, goats and chickens. Right now chickens are over 300 in my market. If you are able to harvest a full field of them (44), you can make more than 11k CC per hour and half. (300*44*.9=11,880 CC) Sell rabbits and goats if you can't be at the computer that often to harvest. Manure in my market is still making reasonable money (it was 48 this morning-- I know this is down from event prices but it is still much better than the 2 and 3 CC we saw a few weeks ago).

    For the current event, the Nubons, tree fruits and roses are selling at increased prices.

    You could raise the CC necessary to purchase EP crafted items in the market.

    One of the cheapest ways to increase EP when growing crops is to use carrot bread. It provides 20% EP for 4 hours so would be most helpful when you harvest your long overnight crops in the mornings.

    Do you have any of the FSQ you can do? Some of them are fairly cheap to do and will give you some EP and stars. Additionally, check out the FHOs and see which ones are worth completing. I don't usually do the ones asking for products and animals but some of the crops and tree fruits are worth doing.

    It can be done...these are only a couple of suggestions as there are many. If you will send me an IGM, I will send you something at gift reset time.:)

    Best wishes to you:)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi austg :) Like pnp I also think it can be done :D

    If you get 50k EP per day it will take 24 days to reach level 73.

    You mentioned EP givers, if your park isn't full, you can ask your neighbors to send Hi-Bear-Nation items, that'll help a little. Do you have any cloud rows? In case you haven't opened the magical stalk yet: Have you won any cloud rows from events lately (complete with all the EP givers)? If so, try to open the magical stalk, you can buy the breeding animals needed in the market. Even if it seems expensive it is worth it. Some of the latest cloud rows give a lot of EP and will help you level up much faster!

    Then there is the farmhouse orders. You should make it a priority to fill all orders from Naomi Camel (she only requires fruits) every day. It is really worth growing/buying the tree fruit needed because this is may be the cheapest way to earn EP in the game. With Naomi Camel at level 5, I get more than 25k EP per day from filling those orders!

    Let us know what you think so maybe we can help you further :) Good luck!
    tlcmom, KaiCat33 and 100keltic like this.
  15. 100keltic

    100keltic Board Analyst

    Yes, best wishes on your goal austg, The battle is worth it!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
    Aetheria14 likes this.
  16. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    A strategy added that no one has mentioned in this thread:

    Try to finish more events that have cloud rows, so that you will have more and more cloud rows to collect ep from.
    Of course, opening the magical stalk will become the priority...8)
    Arielh and KaiCat33 like this.
  17. Ruthums

    Ruthums Forum Apprentice

    I'm going nuts trying to earn bananas faster and didn't think about using 1x1 plots instead of 2x2 so I'll be changing those up at my next harvest. Are there any other suggestions for speeding up the level-ups in Bahamarama? I really need to open up more fields!
    Arielh likes this.
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ruthums when you use 1x1 plots don't forget to "eat" a CAC first or a Pineapple cake. A pineapple cake also works on Baha trees and gives more trees, but this cake is only for bahamarama.
    tlcmom likes this.
  19. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    cac and pinapple cake doesn't affect EP, but here are buff that affects EP
  20. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    My baby farm started to gain more bananas after it opened shipwreck bay and filled it with givers. I found that I used 2x2 with plants and then animals helped but it was slow at the start. Red punch and Pineapple Mango smoothie give Baha ep to help you level up. You can buy these in the market if you don't have the spa open in the artisans village. Stock up on bromeliad and grapes to make the red punch.
    Brookeham, julie1013 and tlcmom like this.