Event prizes

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by .FarmerArchie., Sep 25, 2017.

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  1. .FarmerArchie.

    .FarmerArchie. Active Author

    Hi, I would like to give my opinion about the cloud row situation from the point of view of a player who has been around five years now. At first it was was good fun to collect new rows and reap the benefits but now I have 140 rows and it takes ages to harvest and I find it a bit of a drag in the morning to clear it all. I may be the only miserable player but when there's a new event I am tending not to take part as I don't want another row or I just do a little, without finishing, to get a few high EP deco items to replace ones I have with lower EP. Once in a while it would be great to have events which offered something different and, in my opinion, rewards which are more valuable. The rewards I would like to see are Barnyard Bills, power feed, a magic tree, a BB tree (whatever happened to being awarded those as prizes?), farm coins, rare stables and trees, access to growing a new plant or vegetable or, as others have mentioned, NEW recipes..... perhaps we could choose during the event(s) whether to win the cloud row and maybe accompanying givers OR to win some things that I have mentioned or those suggested by others. Thanks for considering some changes.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Arielh and Jazac like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Good thoughts .FarmerArchie.:) Indeed harvesting all these cloud rows is so boring! Sometimes I only harvest the ones on the favorite tab which give something more than EP and TEP, like CAC, breeding animals and other valuable rewards.
    This game becomes harder and harder to be played without the harvester helpers...
    Jazac and josstreater like this.
  3. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    Not to mention back to back events and we need as many crops as time is for them events.... that's just way to much clicking.. I agree with the ideals for the prizes... i think us getting a small amount like 5 super grow/powerfeed for breeding as a prize is way out dated with all these farms and crops we need to plant for event.... when can we use some for our normal crop growing?? oh that's right we have none.... we get like 20 supergrow as reward for each event and we can use up to like 100's to grow the event crops...

    this last event though i have to say i liked the idea we get to pick our prizes... and the things that is offered for the coins we earned is great... it could've had more powerfeed in it though and maybe not add to much more to the cost for next time?