Event Stickers and 2nd Chances

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm56, Apr 10, 2017.

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  1. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    I have read numerous comments in various "Event Feedback" posts where players complain about having to give crops, etc. to obtain the "Event Sticker".

    I think that it would be better to change the events so that the "Event Sticker" is the last item you get (along with another prize) indicating that you have finished the event. The other prize would be something good so that there would be an incentive to finish for all players.

    Also, if BP ever decides to give "2nd Chances" as suggested elsewhere the "Event Sticker" could serve as an indication that the event was completed and therefore the event should not be placed in the Farmers' Society with the timed 2nd Chance Events.

    The reason I keep pushing for this is because I started playing in 2010 and because I had limited access to a computer I was unable to finish events until around the Gone Fishin' event in July 2015. I missed out on both the Party Spin and event for the BB trees. Needless to say this has affected my ability to obtain trees/pens when offered. This last event one of my farms finished with only 13 minutes left in the event. I know that there are others in the same situation along with the newer players. It would be nice to be able to get these rewards plus all those GB's that everyone talked about the Monkey Queen throwing at them.
    Cassie101, joanc123 and Moraine like this.