Events and Quest for All

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by WorkingHard, Mar 20, 2015.

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  1. WorkingHard

    WorkingHard Forum Apprentice

    I don't post in the forum but the time has come that I feel I need to express myself.
    I appreciate all the work that has been done to improve the Events...But, I am level 94 and can clearly remember how wonderful it was to get to a level where I could "complete" an event. It is very frustrating to never be able to "complete" an event. You constantly see all the goodies knowing you can not have them. Now I am level 94 and once again I can not "complete" an event or even a quest because I do not have the income to buy all the PF needed to breed animals. It is getting very frustrating to once again find myself being able to participate but not "compete" anything.
    Solution suggestion: since the events are coming at us like freight trains in a great race it should be possible to have events created specifically so players can "complete" events at all levels.
    Such as: Events for
    Lvl 2 thru 40,
    Lvl 40 thru 60,
    Lvl 60 thru 90 and so on.
    Players crying for harder events can play or ignore the events and quest created for lower level players but the lower level players can get the "Rush" or "Satisfaction" from completing something.
    I (at lvl 94)do not consider myself a lower level player but when the event and quest always need breeding animals to complete I can't help but feel the game is ignoring the needs of the low income or low level players.
    I also realize that your goal is to make money and I think you are overlooking a vital part of succeeding in this goal. Although low income people do not spend as much as you would like us to, that is no reason to shut us out. I know I have brought in 6 players and 4 of them spend quite a bit of money on this game. We are a vital tool in your goal to make money so please don't make us feel unimportant. Low income and low level players also need to feel the satisfaction and thrill of "completing" and event or quest.
    CandyAcres and d5aisy like this.