Extension of Events, Quests, etc.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by nm56, Jan 29, 2018.

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  1. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    The Farm Nostalgia Timed Quest was just recently extended. I am at 92% completion rate. It would have been nice to know that the quest was going to be extended before I removed all of my trees because I didn't have enough time to finish.

    This not only took away time from growing event crops but I it meant that my tree buffs were used unnecessarily (fruit went to inventory instead of quest) and now I don't have time to replant the necessary trees without ripping up all my event crops and using buffs on all the trees.

    No thanks, this is not the first time that this has happened. I think events, quests, etc. that are going to be extended should give ample time to the players and it would also be nice if they ended at the same time as the companion event.

    I think a better solution would be to determine that those that reached a certain percentage of completion should be credited with finishing whatever level they were on. This would allow the player to keep their PF, SG, etc.l

    My other farms also did not finish the quest because I could not harvest them in time. This was not due to log in problems so it has nothing to do with whether the event was extended or not. Mine were caused by harassers who apparently deleted the items I needed to complete the event. Nothing you can do about it unless they work for BP or if BP permitted them access (no I will not contact BP Support as it is a waste of time). I can't do anything about it because I didn't give out my password and if a computer operator, internet service provider or government authority decides to get access to your computer then they can because America is not the home of the free its just an illusion.

    ~edit~ if you feel your account has been compromised, please contact Support for further investigation. It might also help to change your passwords.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 29, 2018
    Beccalass likes this.
  2. BillyJoeBimmBob

    BillyJoeBimmBob Forum Apprentice

    Completely agree and I did the same too.... I was really PO'd when I saw this.... There is no point in completing farm nostalgia event.. I could've completed it if I knew the time was going to be extended... All I needed was the trees in step 5, the last 2 and I had everything set up, even harvested the trees but didn't bother popping the clock because I was shy of a few amounts for completion.. BUT!! I could've completed it today if I knew time was going to be extended.... BP, that was a BS move on your part...