Fall Festival IV

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nala777, Nov 20, 2024.

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  1. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    I keep looking at the FAQ but still keep missing it. At what point can we get the CR? I'm not donating to be in the top, I just want the CR.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    The cloud row is awarded to players in the Top 1000 finish. It is not available for players just doing the main sections of the event.
    Jarrow, Nordais, Nala777 and 5 others like this.
  3. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Thanks for your question GG and your response Pups. I totally missed that about the CR. My old eyes are tired and I was thinking we would get the CR if we were in the top 4k. I can't count how many times I 'read' the FAQ and missed important details each time! xD

    Now, I really shall stop the event and shuffle off happy with the rewards received for completing the three booths! :D
    Jarrow, Nordais, gardengal and 3 others like this.
  4. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    That's why sewinglady's farm is trying for the top 1000 this year - I want that CR for that farm.

    This farm had fallen off the list this morning. Just donated 87 lattes...hoping that gets me back up above the cut-off.

    I do not know if my two participating farms will stay on the list. Competition is fierce this year. I've held back some donations, waiting for the end. I think I'm going to have empty barns.
  5. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    Thank you! As soon as I hit exactly 1000, will it be available?
  6. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Why to stop there? Harvest event area when you do normal farming. Mill them to get more value, but it is not necessary. You can donate just event plants and drops to get nice rewards. I mill mine before donating for the value. When you have under five event plants, you'll get new ones. I always donate all of them, which do not go to mill first. You do not need to chase top 1000 or top 4000 and empty your barn. Just continue growing event plants on event area.
  7. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Thank you! Just donated 14 milled lattes and won many crates! Once again, I mis-understood the FAQ.
    So, I shall continue to plant, harvest, mill, and donate! No rest for the weary! I may not even make the top 4k, but all those little bits and bobs are helpful :)

    update: After reading all comments, I'm only donating event items. I still do not understand the amounts showing for 'next step' at the top of the bar, but as long as I get crates when donating lattes, I'm fine. Agree with everyone that not having a scroll bar is frustrating.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024
  8. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Only the players who will stay in the top 1000 at the end of the event will receive the cloud row, it's not for everyone! -.-
  9. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    CR - Bull....s eye ! total waist of time to do this in night also, just now local time 02.27 am... THANKS, many thanks!
  10. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    Oh I see. Well, I'm out.
  11. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Now try to scroll through that donation list when there IS NOT even a SCROLL BAR on the right side, I have to scroll with the mouse wheel at least, I managed to scroll to position 392 when position 4000 was interesting.

    It's not given in a bucket, unfortunately, but the implementation is here, AGAIN.

    I made dozens of deliveries, first about 180,000 and then 1600,000 and then suddenly after delivering 1.6 million points, 39 million, well, that's where the enthusiasm to deliver ended...
  12. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    Interesting prizes have come to my donating farms. Really nice large EP/TEP givers. Keep donating, even if it's just the pumpkin lattes!

    I just got an "epic sword dance" - that really high EP 1x1 giver - for this farm. Woot!
  13. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Connoisseur

    Additionally available:
    Well-read Horror Oak and Not A Morning Monster
  14. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    Two days to go and the pace is sedate
    A babbling brook over stones;- I would rate.
    I shall dispose of some things that I hate...
    as there are some options about which to donate...
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  15. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Advanced

    I finished the first part of the event yesterday, have kept growing and now just trying to take inventory on whether or not I'll go for the Top 1000. I know my second farm (WillowsPlace) should be able to manage it OK but not yet sure about this farm or my third (Middy63) and I'm not really prepared to totally burn my barns unless I can make it to the Top 1000. I'll probably wait until closer to the end of the event to donate so I can judge how things are tracking.

    Well done David, you're smashing it at the moment and good luck PrairieMaide/Sewinglady, I'm cheering you on to reach your goal.

    Good luck everyone else, I hope you all reach the goals you want to achieve.

    TB :inlove::music::p

    UPDATE: So in the end I decided neither this farm or Middy's had enough resources to make it into the top 1000 so just delivered event items for a good number of crates. Willowsplace is currently sitting at 434 (just behind David) so hoping that should ensure a finish in the top group. There's still 8hrs left for the event but I'm off to bed now so hopefully I wake up before it's all and I can check again.

    Funny, I'm in Australia and thought my farm would appear in the English list but apparently not.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2024
    hatzeva, Nala777, Jarrow and 6 others like this.
  16. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I have finished the booths and am continuing to throw all the remaining crops from the Nighthogs and also milling Pumpkin Spice Lattes to donate. Loved the first avalanche of Crates and prizes, wish that had continued but still enjoying the extra goodies even though the event itself (for me) has finished.:inlove:
    I just wish I had the courage to go all out but I don't think I would make it even if I emptied my whole barn! :wuerg:
  17. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Wow My Chickadee Broke is very dark horse :D;):wuerg:xD, He gone quiet in English Forum for some months BUT placed at 223 with donations of 16,169,596.000 four of my Neighbours are going for it :D:D:D Broke and David in Top 1000 the other two are in 1000-2500 Bracket

    Number 1 is exceeds 1 Trillion EP of Barn Stock how on Earth can they hoard so much barn stock ;):p:wuerg:

    I have been too busy selling stuff in market to Make CC, There is no alot of Good buys in the market with my splurge spending most of the time Especially in Breeding markets these days due to lack of Good breeding skips :wuerg:

    For me I do not find Rewards for Full Event really that rewarding , also I have huge stock of Supergrow, Suzy Super and Super Mulch, Power Feeds as always leave out my super, Suzy and Jumbo Trees out as I reward myself with these :D:D:D

    Also I got lovely prizes of two Piccolo Boxes, I am buffled i get better drops of Cinnamon Rolls harvesting Trees than using Long time Crops consist of 12 hour Tree Fruits :wuerg::wuerg: Now all fields is full of trees take advantage of Tree Fruit buffs ;);)

    My evaluation of Fall Event , There are up to 4000 Places this year previously it was 3000 2000 1000 TOP 500

    CR is not really rewarding or impressive compared to last year which gives you 1000% on givers for 6 hours plus +1 tree fruits and +1 Stables for 13 hours :oops: Which can be taken advantage of every 40 hours

    Good hear from Tommyburns :D:D:D
    hatzeva, Nala777, Jarrow and 4 others like this.
  18. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Pro

    FarmerBroke is still with us? That warms my heart. Seriously!

    I don't think this farm is going to stay in the running much longer. Running out of things to donate.

    And I've given up trying to get SL's farm above the 1000 mark. I'll be happy if I can just finish in the top 4000 with that farm.

    I'm changing up my strategy for next year...I thought I was prepared. Pffft. Not even close.

    PS: I see that the game team added a scroll bar on the right side of the list. Hooray!
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2024
  19. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Aha - thanks to the language barrier - now I understand how this calculation works!

    You have to look in TWO places and use the CALCULATOR. (color coded calculation under...)

    The "next step" section tells you how many points you need to have CUMULATIVELY for the next BOX. (red)
    When you click on the PRIZE TROPHY PICTURE, you can see how many you HAVE ALREADY DELIVERED! (blue)

    Calculation needed to understand English is...
    (red) minus the amount found under the YOUR RANK trophy (blue) = NEXT STEP, like in REALITY!

    That next step DOES NOT TELL you how much you need to deliver to the next box!

    Well, it's good that you figured it out.
    NOW I FINALLY think I've had a few similar events here, blaming the system... and
    I've missed out on HUNDREDS of crates just because I didn't understand that the next delivery is always quite small and not tens of millions of points!
    Jarrow, Tarsis63 and Nordais like this.
  20. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Sometimes de gap between 2 boxes can be big and after that it gets closer together. The boxes might offer good prizes, but once you stop and calculate how much they cost, you realize that they are quite expensive in the end!
    Jarrow and Nuubi-Joonas2210 like this.
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