FAQ Coloured Production Pen Upgrades

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Nov 5, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    * What are the "Coloured Production-pen Upgrades" ?
    For the animals listed below, there are 4 main types of coloured production-pen upgrades:
    1. Yellow upgrade
    2. Orange upgrade
    3. Red upgrade
    4. Pink upgrade
    * What is the advantage of the coloured upgrades?
    Upgraded production-pens give higher EPs and have a shorter growing time to produce products like wool, eggs, truffles, etc..
    Some of these upgrades even produce 2 or 3 products per cycle!
    * Where can I get some Coloured Upgrades for my production-pens?
    Coloured Upgrades for production-pens can be made in the City Workshop from level 21+
    1. Select the animal of your choice,
    2. then scroll (with the green slider) to see the different stables and production pens that you can build (if you have the required items)
    3. finally, click on the large green checkmark.
    4. You'll find the freshly built Coloured Upgrade in your Animal Inventory Tab.
    * I need some coloured animals to make the Coloured Upgrades, where can I get some?
    This FAQ will be most helpful: {FAQ} Coloured Animals: How to make them
    * Will a coloured production-pen upgrade produce coloured products (i.e. Pink angora wool, red sheep's wool, etc)?
    Even if the upgrades are 'coloured' they only produce normal products of that type.
    * Are these coloured upgrades stackable? Can I place an orange upgrade on a yellow one?
    No! These are NOT upgrades to each other.
    Each one can be built when you want and placed straight onto a normal production pen of the same species
    * How do I get the upgraded production pens "started"?
    As for all production pens, Coloured Upgraded Production Pens require 1, 2, or 3 animals, animal feed (and optionally water, power-feed)
    * What do the new stables give?
    Most coloured upgraded Production Pens will give the following (however some variations can exist depending on each animal: see the posts below for each type of animal)
    • Yellow Production pen gives 1 normal product
    • Orange Production pen gives 1 normal product
    • Red Production pen gives 1 normal product
    • Pink Production pen gives 2 normal products
    * Which animals are concerned by the coloured production-pen upgrades?
    Click on the animal to see the graphics of the upgrades, what is required to make them, and what they produce.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2017
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