FAQ Supergivers

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Nov 26, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    The Supergivers are items that were sold in Shop in June-September 2013.
    They give a lot of EP, special rewards, and they can also be used on
    the Supergivers Clouds Row.


    * How can I get this row?
    The Supergivers magical beanstalk row was automatically given to all the players.
    * What bonus does the row offer?
    The Supergivers row gives a 3h helpers coupon. The cooldown time is one week.
    * How can I get these Supergivers?
    You cannot purchase the Supergivers at the moment. If they will return in Shop, we will let you know.
    * What can I do with the Supergivers besides using them on the clouds?
    The Music Boxes can be placed anywhere on the main farm lands, but not on Bahamarama.

    By clicking on the Music box and holding the mouse button, the music box is wound up. Releasing the mouse button will start the music box, starting the animation and playing a melody. This special effect can be enjoyed at any time, not only when the Music Boxes are ready for harvesting.
    Unicorn Music Box
    Size: 1 x 1
    Gives: 1 Langos + 1400 EP
    Cooldown: 40 hours

    Carousel Music Box
    Size: 2 x 2
    Gives: 1 Tiki Timer + 5600 EP
    Cooldown: 40 hours

    Ballerina Music Box
    Size: 1 x 1
    Gives: 1 White Innocence + 1400 EP
    Cooldown: 40 hours

    * What is the Langos?
    The Langos is a Bakery - level 1 product, which gives 750 Bahamarama EP when eaten.
    * What is the White Innocence?
    The White Innocence is a Florist - level 4 product, which has as effect -10% time on super grow, for 12 hours.
    * What is the Tiki Timer?
    The Tiki Timer is a special bonus effect you collect when harvesting the Carousel Music Box. The Tiki Time reduces the growing time of Bahamarama vegetables with 20% for 6 hours. You can activate it from the Pantry, by clicking on the Tiki Timer icon and then on the 'eating' button (the hand icon).

    The Tiki Timer does not require any slot, this buff is activated in the top row of the buff window.


    Tiki Timer does not work on event crops, since the event crops do not belong to any crop category.

    * Can I eat more Tiki Timers at the same time? What will be the result?
    Yes, you can use more than one Tiki Timer. As a result, the time will be extended. For example, if you eat 3 Tiki Timers, you will have -20% growing time on Bahamarama vegetables for 18 hours.​

    * Can the buff be extended with the Pinkie Pie pie?
    No, this buff cannot be extended using Pinkie Pie pie.

    Turn on your music and sounds to enjoy the Music Boxes even more!​
    penguilnz likes this.
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