Farm Machinery

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by sebe96, Feb 14, 2019.

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  1. sebe96

    sebe96 Forum Demigod

    This is my suggestion, Please. I am an everyday user and I spend a lot of real money on this game. I have multiple farms. My main farm that I spend most of money has 7900 worth of hours of machinery built up with 1400 active on my lowest machinery. I buy the BB packs and they almost always seem to come with more machinery hours on this farm, hardly ever get the other stuff like SG, SSG, PF etc. So when I win the machinery coupons from events, the wheel etc. they are useless. But they are priceless on my other farms, and to other users. Please make it so we can trade them in gift and trade, or either gift them to our neighbors. I mean 1 month subscription costs alot, so why cant we trade these "big" wins into something that those of us that have them coming out our ears into something useful that we can use. If Im not wrong, I think a one month subscription, when its on sale is $10 and I have 11 months worth just sitting in my barn that is useless to me. Thats $110 worth of product. I mean I could do so much on my farm with other products worth this much. Even if it was a loss, if we could trade them in for half the price of PF or SSG something?? We should be able to use our winnings. Like so many that dont make artisan items, they are sitting on stock piles of sugar, salt etc. I use them so I dont have stock piles of them, but have seen others complain they have so much of this stuff that its just crazy. My smallest farm I am forced to either buy machinery or go without, when I have all this extra on another farm.

    BP please find a balance with this.