Feedback Farmerama - Game and Features

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    It is always possible to read the forum via this link, even when you can't log into the game or forum:

    I suggest to bookmark it for next time :wuerg:
  2. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    Thank you for the updated and additional compensation packages. Much more in line and appropriate compensation for what was lost. :)
    swCactus1 and phoenixboy12 like this.
  3. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    No need for me to waste too much time on complaining, but although I'm usually very tolerant, this time I feel very annoyed. After all these in-game issues, well spelled out by many, which I graciously tolerated without a single negative comment, learning that management doesn't even bother to post anouncement that buffs reducing stable timing do not work, feels like the last drop to a cup already full. :) Time to relax and play less. It is a sad day to see a game which I held in very high esteem to turn into a poorly managed cash-cow, like many other games before.
  4. Peanut1492

    Peanut1492 Active Author

    Thank you for the 3rd compensation package. This will certainly help get me back on track.:D
  5. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    Is it possible that I lost a whole breeding pen harvest of bears even after the problems were "fixed"? It seems like that happened but now I'm so turned around I'm not exactly sure. And five starting seeds definitely not correct either, as one of the lame perks of premium farming is extra event seeds.

    Even with the third compensation package, I am not impressed. 48 hours of "Crops only" harvest bonus? Really? You couldn't spare some virtual animals and tree fruit with that? After all, I couldn't harvest ANYTHING for 48 hours or so. Stingy BP acts as though these are real chickens and cows and not just ones and zeroes for Pete's sake.
  6. Okkkay

    Okkkay Active Author

    Is it intentional that Friut zone, DeloreVan and Beam me up are not tradeable???? I completed those parts of the event because I was hopingbto get a good trade here. Both Delore and Beam me up belong to a hard-to-get cloudrow and that cr was gainable without getting these two decors. I really wanted to get something good for them!
    phoenixboy12 likes this.
  7. Pennyshot

    Pennyshot Someday Author

    The first "premium" package, after this bug to be available for all players, that glitch was solved... Smart solution: "we're saying it's for everyone" LOL.
    What kind the ppl working there, I can't imagine....
    And after all this adventure and the precious 400 Deluxe Pheromones for this event you're welcome with positive feedback.
    Go ahead!
    stacymaya and phoenixboy12 like this.
  8. swCactus1

    swCactus1 Padavan

    I'm sorry the Premium Players weren't more heavily compensated. Although I don't "pay to play" month after month, I *do* spend quite a bit on sale stuff like PF, SG, SSG and so forth. It's ironic to me that right about the time I was thinking of signing up to be a Premium member that all this happened. Now, I think I shall wait several months to see how Bug Point's {yes that IS intentional} software holds up. It also puzzles me that when I posted something about being compensated in the Player Suggestion thread, that only 1 other farmer "liked" my idea.

    Anyway, I've read comments all the way from Page 34 & I heartily agree with the opinions expressed, especially in regard to the lack of communication AND the cheapness of the compensation for Premium members. The only concerning thing to me is the anger directed at "non paying"? players such as myself as well as those who never spend a penny on anything. From what I read, the affected folks aren't really hostile toward towards me but it feels that way. That's why it's taken me 3 days to post here.

    Lastly, I've pretty much stopped doing events, pretty much only participating every 5th or 6th event. When I realized that I could probably never complete an event without buying tons of stuff, I had a decision to make. And it's not just the fact that events are back to back or even having simultaneous events ~ I have a REAL life with REAL people and REAL responsibilities. Many farmers here are in that "same boat". Therefore, I choose to log in and Farm but I no longer have any illusions about BP's attitude about customer service ~ for them, that phrase is an oxymoron.
  9. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    The login streak issue still needs to be addressed and fixed, and you (BP) still have not dealt with the breeding issues either. Missing power feed love locks and animals.
    Get on the ball. The weekend is over. -.-
  10. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Deluxe Pheromones:
    I did a test on the Deluxe Pheromones to see if they have improved yet. The answer is no.

    I did 8 breedings using 4 Deluxe Pheromones each and received only 1 animal for each. 7 were the next level (no skips) and the last one skipped 1 level.
    32 animals in - 7 next level animals received - 1 skipped one level received

    During Baby Boom I only received 1 good skip on my other farm but I did get multiple animals.

    It seems to me Deluxe Pheromones is just a way to take away something (the skips from regular breeding) and charge players to have it returned but so far the skips with the Deluxe Pheromones are not there.

    UPDATE: I did 3 more breedings and the same results - 1 of the next animal and 0 skips.

    UPDATE 2: I did some more breedings during Baby Boom and again the results were better than with Deluxe Pheromones. Baby Boom without the Deluxe Pheromones resulted in some small skips and multiple animals.

    I think if BP wants to keep Deluxe Pheromones in the game they have to adjust the skip mechanism because I don't see why anyone would purchase them when the results are worse then without them. I have been trying them out every time they are available to use but have not seen any improvement at all.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  11. Pennyshot

    Pennyshot Someday Author

    For me, I don't need any more compensation packages, don't give "generously" what you want, give it back what we've had and you took from us. It's about respect and honor and not something from your wallet. We bought subscriptions, BBs, PFs, and we were off days to waiting for this horrible solution, to be reset and lose all we got after 14.00 CEST.
  12. littletinybit

    littletinybit Forum Connoisseur

    I appreciate the compensation package - but it des not recover the annoyance of not being able to login to the game. Please invest in a QA testing team or incorporate more rigorous change control procedures. A set of test cases that test the basics after every change - not just the change. These bugs will lose revenue ............

    Analyze your strategy for this game.
    Is back to back events creating more revenue or is it turning off your long term customers who may or may not be premium players. Several players spend money on things like PF and Super grow. You have the data - I suggest collecting some metrics.
    I like this game in general and that is why I have played for over a year. But I am getting discouraged - events are tougher, they feel like they are set to make you spend more money.

    One gripe - Lost a day of daily gifts - so I will be penalized on the monthly giver because I couldn't login and the site came back while I was at work and couldn't claim it before the clock ticked over. Sad - Since I have a set time to claim daily and had at one time almost a year streak.
    joanc123, Okkkay and phoenixboy12 like this.
  13. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    One of the silly rules that Big Point has made is that we can only have one owl tree or crow tree or other EP multipliers per page, and they probably thought this was a good way to restrict how many each of us can have.
    In reality, though, that means every time I log in, I scoot around five or six fields, loading each one and onto the next, and IMHO, putting strain on the system - I can see at times ,each page is struggling to load.
    So the consequence of a poor rule is that loading up is harder. And with owl trees, I may be doing this every thirty minutes !
    Come on, BP, think this through.
  14. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    When BP needs to take the servers offline - please do so on an eventless day. To have an event end, one ongoing in it's final stages and another one to start at the same day as a planned maintenance... not very well thought through. BP - leave gaps in the increasingly busy schedule for stuff like this. It is annoying, frustrating and completely unnecessary.

    I'm actually angry at you guys (BP), not for the off time having to be prolonged, but the poor timing of it. Pure stupidity.
  15. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Moraine took the words out of my mouth - maintainance during an event is beyond daft. This proves you need to listen to your pkayers and STOP doing back to back events.
  16. nortonc

    nortonc Forum Pro

    My satisfaction from the game has been steadily decreasing recently. I could not pinoint one specific thing as it is a complex interplay of issues that makes me feel this way. One thought seems to summrise it though. There seems to be increasing pressure from the game maker to get as much money as quick as possible, which creates unnecessary stress for some, poorly balanced events, less friendly environment etc.

    I understand that it is about money for game maker, and it is about fun for me. More pressure = less fun. So I look at it in a simple way. You don't give me fun, I keep my money to spend on something better. :) If less money from me and others like me makes you increase the pressure ...... well, your way to go down by limiting this game to a few addicted players who spend fortune no matter how you treat them. :)
  17. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    What Moraine said. I love this game, have played for years, spend some money at it, and in the last year, it has become less and less fun, more and more stressful. Scheduling maintenance during the time when ANY event is happening is just plain dumb. If we had a whole 24 hours between the end of one event, and the start of the next, THAT would be the time to do maintenance. But looking ahead at June, yet another month with not only NO days with no event, there are two or three things happening most days. Enough already!!!

    With regards to what davidb1ythe007 said, I never thought about that - but I know there are a lot of us, skipping around the farm, reloading page after page, making the system labor. Maybe limit the number of, for example, owls we can have to 1 per field we have opened, but make it possible to put them all on the same field...
    m_adele12, joanc123 and phoenixboy12 like this.
  18. LillypadWanderer

    LillypadWanderer Forum Greenhorn

    This game is running way too slowly.
    joanc123 likes this.
  19. RowSie

    RowSie Regular

    I know this is old news for some but I was under the illusion once you save layouts during a premium period, you would be able to at least SEE the layouts you saved. I get you do not get to saved additional layouts, update existing ones, or restore your farm without premium service, but please at least let us see what is saved... -.-
  20. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    The football/soccer event: Where is the Canadian Flag! Plenty of countries not taking part, but got their flag there. We've asked for a Canadian one for many years - Where is it ??
    Nellie_Noodles and Arielh like this.