Feedback Farmerama - Game and Features

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. trichamd

    trichamd Forum Apprentice

    Is there a way to find a list of wonder trees
  2. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    You find them here for the farmtrees and here for bahamarama trees
  3. trichamd

    trichamd Forum Apprentice

    Thank you
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  4. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    You're welcome
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  5. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    I also agree with several of the posts. The Farm wheel has lost its appeal to me as well as some other features of the game. I feel like the premium farm wheel spins should give better items and should not include the basic drop items from the regular wheel. I also find it extremely discouraging that you cannot obtain farm wheel items that were previously missed to complete cloud rows. I spend too much time waiting and looking for those missed items to come up for sale. It would even be nice if we could gift/trade those items, but they are not available in gift n trade.

    I am over the piccolo boxes as well.. I have opened an exorbitant amount of them and the same old prizes keep popping up. This item has lost every bit of its appeal with me.

    I think one improvement to the game could be a store that you can spend stars or bananas, or even excess items to buy/exchange for missing items. We have worked hard to earn these items and should be able to do something with them.

    A second improvement - it would be nice to be able to "stack" giver items so they don't take up so much space. I have a gazillion giver items that sit in my inventory because I dont have room to put them out. Doesn't seem quite right as I worked hard for each of those items. I know the stacking can be done because we already do that with other special givers.. upgrades are available.

    Even though I have some issues, I do like my farm and the game for the most part.

    Hi! I do like the game, Ive played this game for over 10 years and Im sure will continue to play for many more. I dont think the game would go down the drain if BB's were more easily earned. There is quite the plethora of Items for sale in the store.. everything from super grow to deluxe pheramones to the upcoming "sticker" sales. Every time we log in there is something new to purchase. The game would survive quite nicely. The benefit to gaining BB's a little easier (perhaps with better odds at gaining a bb tree in the piccolo box) is that people that cant afford to spend much real currency in the game can still have a change to get some of the harder to get items.

    Have a great day all & Happy farming!
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 27, 2024
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    I'd like to thank the devs' team for finally fixing the thermometer! Such a useful feature to manage neighbours!

    I don't really get why Pirate Cove has to be taken down. Yes, it wasn't offering great items, but it was the only place to get the carrot apple chutney recipe on sale as well as the golf 1x2 giver at a reduced price.

    Will the new sticker section be a miracle worker and revive interests of players? Not so much I fear. In the last year we were introduced "Panda Coins" which were only used with one event on the event playfield. Sunflower Hill was introduced linked with Eidelweiss Valley with such high requisites that it's almost unattainable for the majority of players. We're also collecting neon light bulbs in the hopes of crafting neon workshops in the future. Now the stickers will require glue, new set of coins and some kine of upgrade to get bonus EP/TEP for a few hours on trivial things? The more BP adds the less I want to play and pay for this game. I used to get the BB packages that had also the harvest offered with it. Now all packages have party wheel tickets (yuck to stay polite) or some sort of bonus crates that never turn out into good things like the 100%/200% diamond slot products but instead into 100% TEP baha used in the silver slot. I'm not paying a single dime for neither of those things.
  7. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    You can also buy the receipe when it is super shop sale for 50% of the price
    Borkie likes this.
  8. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    The link you provided is broken, it just takes you to the main forum page.
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  9. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    This is written 10 years ago by the start of the new forum. Before there was another.
    May be it was linked to the old forum
    BellaMary69 and Borkie like this.
  10. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The super shop sell excludes certain items, mainly the most costly recipe usually. It's rare to see everything included in the sell.
  11. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    I know carrot apple chutney receipe is available then for the reduced price
  12. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    I decided to put out my wonder trees & stables on both worlds, I hade about 50 baha & main wonder stables and 80 wonders trees. A nice thing happened: not XXL Maple tree! This time around I got 21 XXL Sorb and 15 XXL Apricot! :eek:o_O-.- The main wonder stables just gave me yet again orange tortoise, beaver and a bunch of yellow workshops :wuerg: Seriously, something has to be donw with the drop chancewith the main wonder stuff, baha never had that problem. I just feel like opening main land wonder things only creates online server pollution...
  13. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I gave the new sticker thing a try. I don't think I will continue with it. Just too complicated for the reward. I've never been a fan of the stickers and this isn't helping.

    I can't believe I missed the Cloud row item sale over the last weekend. I certainly hope it will be repeated at some time in the future. I really want the Veggie Slide to complete my CR. :cry:
  14. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I have extra Veggie slides just sitting in my crate.:cry: I only wish BP would let me send you one!:music:
  15. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    I am also totally confused by the sticker series. No idea what I'm doing and can't make any sense out of the process.

    Update: I checked my timer clock and discovered I have two sticker buffs running:

    480% T/EP stable buff and a 360% T/EP plant buff each for 1,322hrs!

    I guess I did something right, but it's still not 'clicking' in my brain. From what others say, I need more glue to paste more stickers in each category, and will need orange and red tokens as well.

    I won't buy any and no idea if I will do upcoming events, so will just see how it goes.

    I do miss Pirate's Cove and the daily sales.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
  16. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    I'm a bit confused as well. I don't find it fun and I think the fact that it has its own "land" is a bit of a waste. There are so many things we could utilize more land for instead of sticker albums.
  17. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    Unlike so many people evidently feel, I do NOT want more lands to harvest! There is plenty to do. I enjoy the features that are there for you when you want something to do, but do not require several-times-daily interaction if you do not wish to do so. Seasons, the Valley, now these Sticker things, are all in that category and I, for one, appreciate them, even if sometimes things seem tedious or confusing, in the end, they are there to be played if you want, and ignored if you prefer. I much prefer that to new features like land that then play a significant role in the game and require use. Thanks, BP!

    Edit to add: A few other general observations: I really, really love that the sunfish and firefish pens are so similar, I can arrange them in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing and makes me smile when I open a field. There are many, many beautiful features of this game; sometimes we lose sight of them in the hubbub of trying to keep up.

    I have always really enjoyed the "mystery" items, and opening up surprises is always filled with anticipation. Yes, I've had my share of disappointments, but they are well balanced by the "oh!" moments, such as two BB trees from Piccolo boxes, and the odd really wonderful win in a tree or stable. Since I remember when we didn't ever win ANYTHING, BBs were hard to come by, and everything was only available if we spent real money, I consider all of it to be an enormous plus. That said: the amount of yellow upgrades on the wheel is absurd, and the tendency for mystery stables or trees to turn into the SAME orange upgrade or XXL of a basic tree is a bit tedious. Certainly, some of that should be in the mix, but it just seems, if I set out 44 mystery stables and ten of them become Beaver Dam: Orange, something is off in the algorithm!

    Lastly, one of the features that I love so much about Farmerama, and the reason I am still playing it more than ten years later, when many other games have been tried, loved, and ultimately discarded, is that there is no "quantity limit" in the barn. We can store as much as we want, of as many things as we want, which means no juggling, no deciding which things to keep around, and no angry moments when, right after discarding item A which has not had any use for twelve months, there is suddenly a need for 100 of them... Which is why the Alpine Village, which I really enjoy, tends to make my blood boil. Why do we have limits in EVERY category there? I understand that we had to learn to grow certain things to make the badges to open more space... that is not any different from opening new lands, but at some point, there should be an end to that, or at least such a big quantity that it is not usually an issue. I am approaching level 35, into which I have put an enormous amount of work, and it seems that if we want to play it on any regular basis, thus collecting things often, we are penalized by losing drop items that we will then need... see the top of the paragraph.

    Overall, however, Farmerama is still my fave!!!
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
  18. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    In the current Pick-A-Stable event, there are no stables I need.:eek: Very disappointing. What I was excited about was the possibility of getting another Seagull nest.:inlove: I have searched throughout the game....and cannot find where to get another? :mad:
  19. KittyLover

    KittyLover S-Moderator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Brookeham

    The Seagull you could win once in these event
    Nordais likes this.
  20. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Okay....thanks. Hopefully BP will allow us more Seagull nests soon! :music:
    sanddollar15 and Nordais like this.